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natane Senior Cadet
Joined: 26 Aug 2005 Posts: 29
Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:37 am Voyager The Movie : What storyline do you prefer? |
Was the any topic like this before?
I think it's time to make voyager the movie.... Maybe they can bring back the vidiians as vilain, collaborate with evil group of species 8472..... But what I want to know the most is what happened with the all senior officers, and Janeway off course, after their home coming. All I know is Janeway has become an admiral (ST TNG movie: Nemesis)
lionhead Rear Admiral

Joined: 26 May 2004 Posts: 4020 Location: The Delta Quadrant (or not...)
Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:49 am |
try engineering, "Future of Star Trek" Section.
But anyways, "End Game" Part 1 and 2 kinda gives away what happens too the crew, only not chakotay, Seven of Nine and Tuvok since they are saved in the new timeline.
Never explain comedy or satire or the ironic comment. Those who get it, get it. Those who don't, never will. -Michael Moore
magenta Commander

Joined: 24 May 2005 Posts: 404 Location: AUSTRALIA
Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:11 am |
:-?It would not work,the show is too goody goody to be made a movie for the big screen.The characters personalities are too weak,and there was not enough action in the show.They killed the borg,turned them into a bunch of wimps,spoiling it for any future borg appearances in series.NO they shouldnt make a voyager movie,DS9 maybe. 
natane Senior Cadet
Joined: 26 Aug 2005 Posts: 29
Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:36 am |
lionhead wrote: | try engineering, "Future of Star Trek" Section.
But anyways, "End Game" Part 1 and 2 kinda gives away what happens too the crew, only not chakotay, Seven of Nine and Tuvok since they are saved in the new timeline. |
But, it's still possible that other crew's future also changed in the new timeline, isn't it?
magenta wrote: | :-?It would not work,the show is too goody goody to be made a movie for the big screen.The characters personalities are too weak,and there was not enough action in the show.They killed the borg,turned them into a bunch of wimps,spoiling it for any future borg appearances in series.NO they shouldnt make a voyager movie,DS9 maybe.  |
I like STV and I think it's worth for a movie. About the Borg, they maybe once an ultimate enemy, but eventually starfleet must find someway to defeat them....besides if Picard can overcome Borg attack, why Janeway can't.. It's just a matter of an instinct to survive
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:59 am |
natane wrote: | besides if Picard can overcome Borg attack, why Janeway can't |
Because Picard was fully assimulated into the collective as a speaker for the borg on behalf of the federation and the emotional impact is incomparable to Janeways encounters with the borg.
A voyager movie would never work for so many reasons. Mainly because the primary plot for voyager is concluded (to get home to the federation). Anything involving another movie with yet another boring nemesis which threatens the survival of the human race time and time again would just get too cheesy and distract from what star trek is really about.
Voyager is over, and the chance of a movie, especially before a possible DS9 movie, is zero.
lionhead Rear Admiral

Joined: 26 May 2004 Posts: 4020 Location: The Delta Quadrant (or not...)
Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:46 am |
The borg weren't killed, they never will. But i don't encourage a star Trek movie that involve the borg, again. FC was good, now its over for the borg. They need too think really hard before implanting the borg into anything again, or else they will be executed by the fans.
Voyager's story was truly Series material, thats why it was good. Can't make it into a movie. At least, i don't know what it should be about except maybe war, again.
Never explain comedy or satire or the ironic comment. Those who get it, get it. Those who don't, never will. -Michael Moore
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:48 pm |
And like TNG didn't have their enemies that wanted to defeat mankind over and over again...Please.
I agree. No more Borg movies. FC cannot be topped...well, maybe with Voyager, but I don't think that it's worth a shot with more Borg.
Voyager's main plot of "getting home" is completed...yes. But there's alot of the Gamma Quadrant yet to be explored...Duh...I hate it when people say..."Voyager shouldn't get a movie b/c their main plot is over..." Whatever... Starfleet's primary goal is to SEEK out LIFE. There's tons of galaxy left. While Voyager's primary goal has been achieved, it doesn't mean that they don't have the right to explore some of that vast space we call our Galaxy. I hate that crappy argument.
natane Senior Cadet
Joined: 26 Aug 2005 Posts: 29
Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:29 am |
I don't really mean to start an argument about whether there should be a Voyager movie or not. I just want to make an assumption if there is a movie about voyager, what kind of story they should make.
In my opinion, they must bring character/enemy from delta quadrant. That way, the crew of voyager can be put into an action. What about the alien from episode demon, a form of liquid that can replicate biological creatures....What if they become evil and somehow able to reach alpha quadrant...They kind of creapy too you know
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:52 am |
Voyager2004 wrote: | Starfleet's primary goal is to SEEK out LIFE. |
I think you first have to ask yourself the question what star trek is really about. People have different views. I consider the primary vision Gene Roddenberry wanted is not to explore space, but to explore possibilities of the future, and what it might be like to live hundreds of years in the future. Exploration of space could be considered a sub category of that, just like interstellar wars.
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:53 am |
^^^B/C Voyager's counterparts that were created from that alien substance was destroyed in the episode "Course: Oblivion"
I think they should bring back the Vaadwaur from "Dragon's Teeth"
That would be awesome!
Prankish Smart wrote: | I think you first have to ask yourself the question what star trek is really about. People have different views. I consider the primary vision Gene Roddenberry wanted is not to explore space, but to explore possibilities of the future, and what it might be like to live hundreds of years in the future. Exploration of space could be considered a sub category of that, just like interstellar wars. |
Hence the fact that I put "Starfleet's" primary goal. Not GENE RODDENBERRY's envisionment of the future. There's a BIG difference from the two.
Last edited by Voyager2004 on Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:55 am; edited 1 time in total
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:54 am |
natane wrote: | I don't really mean to start an argument about whether there should be a Voyager movie or not. I just want to make an assumption if there is a movie about voyager, what kind of story they should make.
In my opinion, they must bring character/enemy from delta quadrant. That way, the crew of voyager can be put into an action. What about the alien from episode demon, a form of liquid that can replicate biological creatures....What if they become evil and somehow able to reach alpha quadrant...They kind of creapy too you know |
All of the replicated crew are dead, and the matter from the planet could not survive away from their home planet.
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:56 am |
Voyager2004 wrote: |
I think they should bring back the Vaadwaur from "Dragon's Teeth"
That would be awesome! |
That would be intresting, but they could never be a threat to the federation because they only had a small handful of ships, and no case to go over war so i'm not sure what their part in a movie would be.
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:57 am |
PrankishSmart wrote: | All of the replicated crew are dead, and the matter from the planet could not survive away from their home planet. |
Actually they COULD survive away from the planet. They started to decompose or disintegrate or whatever because of the "Warp Core" modifications that allowed them to travel so far. They were crossing the Galactic Core when B'Elanna died. So, they were years ahead of the REAL Voyager. But they explained once they realized that they were the clones that they were disintegrating b/c the Warp Core was emitting something that had been slowly killing them since they brought the modifications online.
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:59 am |
PrankishSmart wrote: | That would be intresting, but they could never be a threat to the federation because they only had a small handful of ships, and no case to go over war so i'm not sure what their part in a movie would be. |
Fair enough. But obviously if they brought the Vaadwaur back, they would have strength. Or numbers. I've actually already developed a storyline. It's a decent one, if not an amateur one, but it's decent nonetheless.
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:00 am |
Voyager2004 wrote: | PrankishSmart wrote: | All of the replicated crew are dead, and the matter from the planet could not survive away from their home planet. |
Actually they COULD survive away from the planet. They started to decompose or disintegrate or whatever because of the "Warp Core" modifications that allowed them to travel so far. They were crossing the Galactic Core when B'Elanna died. So, they were years ahead of the REAL Voyager. But they explained once they realized that they were the clones that they were disintegrating b/c the Warp Core was emitting something that had been slowly killing them since they brought the modifications online. |
From my interpretation of the episode, thats what they thought at first, but then realised it was because they were all replicated matter from the planet and need their native environment to survive. Actually I think this is up to interpretation because it wasn't explained in the episode.
Tuvok8917 Dutchie

Joined: 15 May 2004 Posts: 4205 Location: On my way back home
Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:01 am |
I think that we will never see a VOY movie. The serie ended when they returned, and so thier story to. And if they would make one, then i don't think with the same caracters, because the Voyagers has a different Captain now.
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:05 am |
Voyager2004 wrote: | PrankishSmart wrote: | That would be intresting, but they could never be a threat to the federation because they only had a small handful of ships, and no case to go over war so i'm not sure what their part in a movie would be. |
Fair enough. But obviously if they brought the Vaadwaur back, they would have strength. Or numbers. I've actually already developed a storyline. It's a decent one, if not an amateur one, but it's decent nonetheless. |
They would have to have outside help me thinks. Vaadwaur ships were under 100 and troops maybe a couple thousand at the end of the episode. At the same time federation ships were in the thousands and troops probally in the 100,000+ range. I really don't see how they could single handedly catch up and overtake production for an invasion.
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:08 am |
PrankishSmart wrote: | From my interpretation of the episode, thats what they thought at first, but then realised it was because they were all replicated matter from the planet and need their native environment to survive. Actually I think this is up to interpretation because it wasn't explained in the episode. |
You're right and wrong.
They were disintegrating b/c of the warp core modifications. They needed their planet to re-establish their cohesion and such. That's why they headed back for their planet.
Tuvok8917 wrote: | I think that we will never see a VOY movie. The serie ended when they returned, and so thier story to. And if they would make one, then i don't think with the same caracters, because the Voyagers has a different Captain now. |
Different Captain of who...? Do you really think that Admiral Janeway would let anybody but Chakotay have command of Voyager? She would fight to have him in command of it and then win. (Read Christie Golden's books...I know they're not canon, but it's as canon as we're probably ever gonna get...)
Which means that he would be more than happy to let her come command a mission or something. That or she could order him to... 
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:10 am |
PrankishSmart wrote: | They would have to have outside help me thinks. Vaadwaur ships were under 100 and troops maybe a couple thousand at the end of the episode. At the same time federation ships were in the thousands and troops probally in the 100,000+ range. I really don't see how they could single handedly catch up and overtake production for an invasion. |
Ya, I understand. But what I had in mind was they moved to another Quadrant and started over there. Granted, it would take a while, but they could befriend some alien cultures and build up their strength. That's more what I was going for. Not them rebuilding just on their own. That wouldn't happen in Voyager's lifetime.
natane Senior Cadet
Joined: 26 Aug 2005 Posts: 29
Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:33 am |
Voyager2004 wrote: |
Different Captain of who...? Do you really think that Admiral Janeway would let anybody but Chakotay have command of Voyager? She would fight to have him in command of it and then win. (Read Christie Golden's books...I know they're not canon, but it's as canon as we're probably ever gonna get...)
Which means that he would be more than happy to let her come command a mission or something. That or she could order him to...  |
Agree! Janeway can be a 'guest' crew...maybe to celebrate an anniversary for their homecoming and go for a mission, a light one, but it turn out to be a life struggle mission..etc. 
dragonfang196 Ensign
Joined: 27 Apr 2006 Posts: 50
Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:00 am |
it doens't even matter, just MAKE A STAR TREK VOYAGER MOVIE!!
Dracojastin Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 13 May 2006 Posts: 102 Location: Holodeck 2 NL
Sat May 13, 2006 3:51 pm |
The movie would go about Voyager but also Enterprise and maybe DS9
Due to captain janeway Rescued voyager and gave them technologie from the future like those new torpedo's and that new hullplating.
So from here on it begins... Well to go directly to the point of it all.
The Borg (with big luck) assimilated a Q (maybe John Delancie or his son).
Wel because of the power that was given to the borg... Maybe this is were DS9 comes in. Sisko is the only one who can stop the borg Q and the rest are just fighting the borg or something... Data from TNG who died in Nemesis will be back and stuff can't wait 
Waverider9.9 Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 22 Aug 2002 Posts: 72
Sat May 13, 2006 4:47 pm |
How about Homecoming as a movie? I'd see it. I have a teaser trailer for it, buzzing around in my head:
After seven years in the Delta Quadrant, Voyager is home [crowds cheering, Voyager crew celebrations]- but from the celebration comes a new threat [Starfleet Doctors standing over a patient "it spread so fast, what is this thing!"] [Admiral Montgomery "I want him arrested now!"] [Seven being pushed around in a crowd of people] [Icheb being punched and kicked] [Chakotay firing a phaser ] [The Doctor "Seven!"] This summer [Janeway "We are not responsible for this, Admiral"] the journey continues!
[Borg sounds]
Dracojastin Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 13 May 2006 Posts: 102 Location: Holodeck 2 NL
Sat May 13, 2006 6:15 pm |
Waverider9.9 wrote: | How about Homecoming as a movie? I'd see it. I have a teaser trailer for it, buzzing around in my head:
After seven years in the Delta Quadrant, Voyager is home [crowds cheering, Voyager crew celebrations]- but from the celebration comes a new threat [Starfleet Doctors standing over a patient "it spread so fast, what is this thing!"] [Admiral Montgomery "I want him arrested now!"] [Seven being pushed around in a crowd of people] [Icheb being punched and kicked] [Chakotay firing a phaser ] [The Doctor "Seven!"] This summer [Janeway "We are not responsible for this, Admiral"] the journey continues!
[Borg sounds] |
Lol.... Sounds good for a bad kinda ending... Could vizualize this totally in my mind... the look on their faces and all... Maybe a good intro in combination with my idea 
Lynx Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 02 Apr 2006 Posts: 277 Location: The Lynx Empire
Sun May 14, 2006 1:24 am |
Just like in the old TOS movies, they should find a way to gather the old crew members for a very important mission.
Maybe a threat from Species 8472 or something else Delta Quadrant related. It should also include a decent comeback for Kes and Neelix. If Species 8472 are involved, then Kes might have a solution for the problem. The same if Suspiria is involved.
The main content of the movie should be: The crew gather for a mission, takes the good, old ship to the Delta Quadrant (or the Gamma Quadrant if necessary), Kes and Neelix joins the crew and there will be an option at the end for more movies and books.