was he? |
yes |
25% |
[ 14 ] |
no |
75% |
[ 42 ] |
Total Votes : 56 |
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Vader's Leg Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 11 Aug 2005 Posts: 77
Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:31 am Was Garret Wang the least popular character? |
With very few episodes even less then Neelix was Kim the least popular?
nadia cookie

Joined: 08 Apr 2005 Posts: 8560 Location: Australia
Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:33 am |
Many people on here will say no, but in my opinion yes, I didn't really like him anyways. I found that in all the epp's I have seen that Harry was in, he was always doing some thing wrong.......but thats just my opinion
Mentalist Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 82 Location: Somewhere being a nut
Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:37 am |
Kim was my favourite character after Tuvok, Janeway, Tom, Naomi Wildman, Kes, Seven, The Doctor, Echeb, Neelix, Bellana, Carrey, Hogan and err.. yeah thats it.
Sorry Chuckles!
Vader's Leg Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 11 Aug 2005 Posts: 77
Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:39 am |
nadia wrote: | Many people on here will say no, but in my opinion yes, I didn't really like him anyways. I found that in all the epp's I have seen that Harry was in, he was always doing some thing wrong.......but thats just my opinion |
I completely agree! He was not very good in his acting
magenta Commander

Joined: 24 May 2005 Posts: 404 Location: AUSTRALIA
Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:15 am |
Yeah he was a bit boring,always felt sorry for him[his character]for some reason.Things never seemed to go right for him,love life,doing his job properly. I think it was the script he was given,in a different role he would have shined. 
Mentalist Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 82 Location: Somewhere being a nut
Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:16 am |
Compared to Chuckles he looked like freaking Marlon Brando.
Vader's Leg Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 11 Aug 2005 Posts: 77
Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:16 am |
Alot of people hate him because he stole the spot from Kes 
Mentalist Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 82 Location: Somewhere being a nut
Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:17 am |
How did he?
Vader's Leg Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 11 Aug 2005 Posts: 77
Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:19 am |
He got in some mag about 50 most beautiful people... i think I'm gonna hurl
zero Rear Admiral

Joined: 03 Apr 2005 Posts: 4566 Location: Texas
Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:50 pm |
Vader's Leg wrote: | He got in some mag about 50 most beautiful people |
Mmmmmm and he deserved that too!
I loved his character and I think he did a very good job on acting. Maybe everyone doesn't understand how actors are supposed to play a certain role... And I thought he played his role very well.
Btw.. he is the voyager hottie! Yummy! 
Mentalist Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 82 Location: Somewhere being a nut
Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:59 pm |
Well I will say it again. Garret Wang looked like Marlon fricking Brando when compared with Beltrans acting ability.
zero Rear Admiral

Joined: 03 Apr 2005 Posts: 4566 Location: Texas
Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:56 pm |
magenta wrote: | Yeah he was a bit boring,always felt sorry for him[his character]for some reason.Things never seemed to go right for him,love life,doing his job properly. I think it was the script he was given,in a different role he would have shined.  |
Are you kidding me? Kim was awesome at doing his job. If he always screwed up on his job do you think he would be A senior officer and work on the bridge?? Love was always a failure for him, but I thought that was cute becuase he was the young ensign trying to get with a girl.... blah blah.
TrekkieMage Office Junkie

Joined: 17 Oct 2004 Posts: 5335 Location: Hiding
Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:11 pm |
Um...did you see the Killing Game? Garrett was great in that, as was Harry Kim.
zero Rear Admiral

Joined: 03 Apr 2005 Posts: 4566 Location: Texas
Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:15 pm |
^Yeah, I did. But I don't remember it!
You'll have to tell me some of the things that happened in that one so I can remember what it was about.
TrekkieMage Office Junkie

Joined: 17 Oct 2004 Posts: 5335 Location: Hiding
Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:31 pm |
zero wrote: | ^Yeah, I did. But I don't remember it!
You'll have to tell me some of the things that happened in that one so I can remember what it was about. |
The Hirogen basically kept Harry and a few others around in order to keep the holodeck running.
Oh, he was also pretty good in the Chute.
Vader's Leg Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 11 Aug 2005 Posts: 77
Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:56 pm |
zero wrote: | Are you kidding me? Kim was awesome at doing his job. If he always screwed up on his job do you think he would be A senior officer and work on the bridge?? Love was always a failure for him, but I thought that was cute becuase he was the young ensign trying to get with a girl.... blah blah. |
Ensign Kim a.k.a. the puppy in heat 
Robby Lieutenant

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Posts: 212
Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:40 am |
Kes was the absolute worse... I really get sick of her, I'm so glad she left. Harry 's probably my 2nd least fave character, but he's okay. Neelix however is the don! What a cool cat! (not in the feline sense)
IntrepidIsMe Pimp Handed

Joined: 14 Jun 2002 Posts: 13057 Location: New York
Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:52 pm |
After chuckles, harry is my least favorite, as well.
"Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being."
-Wuthering Heights
zero Rear Admiral

Joined: 03 Apr 2005 Posts: 4566 Location: Texas
Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:58 pm |
What's this thing with "Chuckles"? You're reffering to Chakotay right?
And how did you guys come up with that name?
I agree with Robby. I could not stand Kess. Her voice annoyed the hell outta me. 2nd worst IMO was Tom Paris.
IntrepidIsMe Pimp Handed

Joined: 14 Jun 2002 Posts: 13057 Location: New York
Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:04 pm |
Yes, "Chuckles" aka Chakotay. You've never heard that nickname for him before? Its been around for a while, 
"Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being."
-Wuthering Heights
zero Rear Admiral

Joined: 03 Apr 2005 Posts: 4566 Location: Texas
Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:09 pm |
No! lol. I haven't. But as you know I don't catch on to things until I think about it for a little while! 
Robby Lieutenant

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Posts: 212
Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:47 am |
Chuckles was the name Q gave Chakotayin "Q and the Grey".
Not a good episode as I hate Q.
Birdy Socialist

Joined: 20 Sep 2004 Posts: 13502 Location: Here.
Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:09 am |
No, I really liked him. Yeah, he maybe didn't get much attention in episodes, but I still think he was a fine addition to the crew. Imagine if he wasn't there? I guess Tom would be pretty boring too. 
Nosce te ipsum
Vader's Leg Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 11 Aug 2005 Posts: 77
Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:00 pm |
They could have used Kim's air time on Chakotay. It would have been a kicker if we had seen more confict between Chakotay and Paris or even better a closer friendship 
~Voyager Fanatic~ Super Genius

Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 1787
Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:54 am |
I don't think he is the least popular member as he plays an important role in voyager and so a lot of people are bound to like him.
Disembodiment is the epitome of perfection...