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Question about the final battle
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Rear Admiral

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PostMon Aug 08, 2005 12:40 am    Question about the final battle

Sorry if ive missed the answer to this one before ,but...

Was trying out the freeware game Star trek Ds9 : Invasion of cardassia alongside some friends last night (each of us in sp though,unfortunately it has no MP but still,a GREAT game,thanks again to borgslayer for the link ) and we had the iniviteble discussion about "What you cant leave behind",more specifically,the final space battle.

Correct me if im wrong but that seemed to be like,the biggest battle since Wolf 359 So our question is...or rather we were wondering...seeing as its such a massive collection of (on the federation alliance side) romulan,klingon ,and federation vessels,like the best of the best....

Where was the Enterprise ?

I mean you had admiral Ross etc and i know its a different series but wouldnt some little crossover have been nice ? Iirc the Enterprise is supposed to be the federation flagship..shouldnt she have been there ? Yes i know she`s not the only ship in the federation and the others can handle any situation just as capably, know,imho it would have been nice to see her or just,you know,have someone mention her.

I know they were probably constrained with the budget already,with all the effects and the massive amount of cast for the ep,so a guest appearance by Patrick stewart or Brent spiner would have been out of the question. (the actors might have been just really busy with something else anyway) But would have been nice...i know Picard is really anti-war and such,and yeah,war is not pleasant irl but...i still guess maybe they should have at least had a mention of being there ?

What do you think,or was the final battle crowded enough as it is ?

Well,back to improving joystick skills for this,after all,you havent lived till you`ve "thumped" a dominion battle cruiser or keldon (think of it as playing chicken,with actual touching involved...counting coup without blowing up )

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PostMon Aug 08, 2005 3:14 am    

Do you want the real reason or the show reason?

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Rear Admiral

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PostMon Aug 08, 2005 3:59 am    

Both please

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PostMon Aug 08, 2005 4:13 am    

Well out of the show reason, its simple. They didn't want to confuse people by adding both shows. Also it would have taken away from the DS9 finale. It would have been a really nice cameo though.

In show reason is harder to explain though. It was never confirmed, unless you count books, that the USS Enterprise-E was not at that battle. Although if you go by the show, you never see a Soveriegn class ship there. Ever. Not even when teh fleet is mobilizing. So no definitive answer is given as to where it is. Only speculation. The ENT-E mission is to patrol the Neutral Zone. Which I believe had Dominion activity. I wouldn't be surprised if Starfleet coudln't afford to call them off from the Neutral Zone during the initial attack.

Personally? I wouldn't have minded a cameo of the ship, but since it was the LAST episode, I think having TNG crew there would have taken away from the DS9 crew. It was DS9 and THEIR finale, not TNG.

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Rear Admiral

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PostMon Aug 08, 2005 4:30 am    

Thanks for clearing that up,Founder

Yeah,i mean,i wasnt asking for the entire cast to be there,just a glimpse of the ship would have been fine.Like you said,it was DS9`s finale,its "going out with a bang".

Somehow seeing such a massive fleet and not seeing the Enterprise or at least a sovereign or such class feels a bit weird,imho.Maybe its just personal,growing up with Ds9 and TNG,i had one half of what i love the most there (the station) ,but the other half (the enterprise) was missing.

But like you said,a cameo would have been really nice.That we didnt get it didnt take away anything from the awesomeness of the ep,though,at all. ;/

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PostMon Nov 07, 2005 7:27 pm    

Founder is mostly right....

The Enterprise (excluding books) should have been at that battle. The sovereign class at the time was few and far between. (2 I think) That is why you didn't see them, plus the fact that a sovereign class is a command class ship, therefore commanding another fleet, therefore not in the fleet with Ross and Sisko, therefore you woundn't see them in the show!

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PostTue Nov 22, 2005 12:45 am    

If you look at every shot of a Federation fleet from the season 5 finale, Call to Arms up through the series finale there is no use of the Sovereign class in even the long shots. The fleets are always comprised of the Federation fighters, Akira, Excelsior, Galaxy, Miranda and Defiant classes. This was something that always irked me back in 98-99 when the shows were coming out new. I think, technically speaking, it would have been impossible to get Stewart and company to come on the show, and plot wise it didn't really have a place on the show, but at some point I think a shot of the Federation flagship in a battle that would decide the very existence of that Federation would have made sense.

And another note, the actual final battle on the show in the finale featured almost in its entireity a bunch of effects shots that had already been seen. Very dissapointing.

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The Angel of Avalon

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PostTue Nov 22, 2005 8:31 pm    

Wish I were as familiar with the final battle as Founder is!

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PostWed Nov 23, 2005 12:27 am    

Cathexis wrote:
Wish I were as familiar with the final battle as Founder is!

Its ok. Take into comfert that I am a loser for DS9.

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PostFri Jan 06, 2006 3:30 pm    

As far as I know, the Enterprise-E and Sovereign-Class design was reserved exclusively for the TNG movies. They didn't care about the other classes used, like the newer-designed Akira, Steamrunner and Saber classes which we saw in First Contact, so they were recycled into DS9 and VOY: Message in a Bottle. They never really used the Norway-class in DS9, but they did come up some kitbashes or their own, including the Yeager-Type and Centaur-Type.

I agree with the notion that guest starring the Enteprise and cast in "What You Leave Behind" would have taken away from the DS9 finale, much like how Riker and Troi took away from the Enterprise cast in "These are the Voyages"

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