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The Final Poll George W. Bush or John Kerry or Ralph Nader
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Next President
George W. Bush
 53%  [ 22 ]
John Kerry
 43%  [ 18 ]
Ralph Nader
 2%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 41

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Chief of Security

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 8:13 pm    

CaptianCircuitGod wrote:


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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 8:15 pm    

BUSH is the smarter of the two and not a freakin hippy

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 8:43 pm    

CaptianCircuitGod wrote:
BUSH is the smarter of the two and not a freakin hippy

Agreed. Plus he went to Yale AND HARVARD. But Kerry is smart. He went to Yale.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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Chief of Security

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 9:03 pm    

Yeah, but he still doesn't know why he's running for president.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 9:06 pm    

Lt.CmdrWorf wrote:
Yeah, but he still doesn't know why he's running for president.

I'm sure he does, and then he doesn't, and then he does, and then he doesn't--I'm just so confused by all these flip-flops!

No, seriously, he just doesn't have any real opinions aside from truly being anti-defense/intelligence and raising taxesm.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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Rear Admiral

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 10:05 pm    

New allegations are coming up about Bush doing cocaine when he was young man in the military.

Bush is clearly denying it because its true. He even said he was young and irressponsible back then.

Bush is also being accused of being AWOL since he has no people to prove he did not go AWOL.

Now a former military officer who served along side with Bush claims bush miss his military drills on purpose.

Since this is true because of many proofs being shown on TV proves it is. Bush did go AWOL and Republicans cannot deny it.

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 10:08 pm    


"Bush is clearly denying it because it's true"? How incredibly funny! Not to mention ludicrous, Are you one of those psychics that works for the FBI?
I mean, God forbid someone deny doing something because they didn't do it, the absurdity...


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Rear Admiral

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 10:09 pm    

A former Texas democrat also says that he made sure Bush when too the Air National Guard so he did not have to go to Vietnam.

Kerry is Heroic and brave enough to serve in Vietnam.

Bush on the other hand asked a politician too make sure he does have to serve in Vietnam. - Truth Be Told.

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The Quiet One

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 10:14 pm    

borgslayer wrote:
A former Texas democrat also says that he made sure Bush when too the Air National Guard so he did not have to go to Vietnam.

Kerry is Heroic and brave enough to serve in Vietnam.

Bush on the other hand asked a politician too make sure he does have to serve in Vietnam. - Truth Be Told.

This whole argument over what people did during 'Nam? Idiotic. Look at "Texans For Truth" that is combatting "Swift Boat Vets For Truth." It's funny.

Bush logged a good deal of air time, they've shown that. Bush was not as *into* Vietnam as Kerry was. There's no sin in that.

And Kerry? He riled up people making sweeping allogations during a very touchy time in history. He's professed himself to've committed atrocities as an officer. THAT sound especially encouraging in a president? And it would be foolish to try and deny that he did these things. He admitted to them freely.

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 10:19 pm    

borgslayer wrote:
A former Texas democrat also says that he made sure Bush when too the Air National Guard so he did not have to go to Vietnam.

Kerry is Heroic and brave enough to serve in Vietnam.

Bush on the other hand asked a politician too make sure he does have to serve in Vietnam. - Truth Be Told.

You clearly haven't read the records that were released regarding Bush's service in the ANG. He volunteered to go fly in Vietnam, but was turned down because the plane he'd been trained on was being discontinued in combat use.


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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 11:21 pm    

borgslayer wrote:
New allegations are coming up about Bush doing cocaine when he was young man in the military.

Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

Bush is clearly denying it because its true. He even said he was young and irressponsible back then.

Okay, well he was being honest in his opinion, and that's the best way to go. "Denying it because it's true." BAH!

Bush is also being accused of being AWOL since he has no people to prove he did not go AWOL.

WRONG! There is MORE proof that he WASN'T AWOL than there is that the was! He was NOT AWOL!

Now a former military officer who served along side with Bush claims bush miss his military drills on purpose.

His DAUGHTER says that he is lying! His DAUGHTER!!!

Since this is true because of many proofs being shown on TV proves it is. Bush did go AWOL and Republicans cannot deny it.

No he did NOT!!! That is RIDICULOUS and NOT TRUE. The media is spinning some things to make it seem so! Come on!

Theresa wrote:

"Bush is clearly denying it because it's true"? How incredibly funny! Not to mention ludicrous, Are you one of those psychics that works for the FBI?
I mean, God forbid someone deny doing something because they didn't do it, the absurdity...


borgslayer wrote:
A former Texas democrat also says that he made sure Bush when too the Air National Guard so he did not have to go to Vietnam.

Kerry is Heroic and brave enough to serve in Vietnam.

Bush on the other hand asked a politician too make sure he does have to serve in Vietnam. - Truth Be Told.

Yes Kerry served heroicly, bravely, and honorably, but those are FALSE claims that he used a DEMOCRAT to get into the Guard. His DAUGHTER SAID THAT HE WAS LYING!!!

Exalya wrote:
borgslayer wrote:
A former Texas democrat also says that he made sure Bush when too the Air National Guard so he did not have to go to Vietnam.

Kerry is Heroic and brave enough to serve in Vietnam.

Bush on the other hand asked a politician too make sure he does have to serve in Vietnam. - Truth Be Told.

This whole argument over what people did during 'Nam? Idiotic. Look at "Texans For Truth" that is combatting "Swift Boat Vets For Truth." It's funny.

Bush logged a good deal of air time, they've shown that. Bush was not as *into* Vietnam as Kerry was. There's no sin in that.

And Kerry? He riled up people making sweeping allogations during a very touchy time in history. He's professed himself to've committed atrocities as an officer. THAT sound especially encouraging in a president? And it would be foolish to try and deny that he did these things. He admitted to them freely.

And you know what? Why the Hell are they making these attacks on Bush who said that Kerry's service was MORE HONORABLE AND HEROIC THAN HIS! And these are the people that want us to "move on" beyond Vietnam!

Theresa wrote:
borgslayer wrote:
A former Texas democrat also says that he made sure Bush when too the Air National Guard so he did not have to go to Vietnam.

Kerry is Heroic and brave enough to serve in Vietnam.

Bush on the other hand asked a politician too make sure he does have to serve in Vietnam. - Truth Be Told.

You clearly haven't read the records that were released regarding Bush's service in the ANG. He volunteered to go fly in Vietnam, but was turned down because the plane he'd been trained on was being discontinued in combat use.

Hmmm... I didn't know that but perhaps it's true....


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 11:26 pm    

No "perhaps" about it, look it up. It's linked here somewhere, a TIME magazine article with excerpts from his record.


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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 11:27 pm    

Theresa wrote:
No "perhaps" about it, look it up. It's linked here somewhere, a TIME magazine article with excerpts from his record.

Alright then! It's the truth.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 11:30 pm    

Pffft, I was hoping you'd look it up and save me the trouble for when someone else asked,
Tsss, I already posted it here once, if anyone questions it, they can find it themselves.


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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostThu Sep 09, 2004 11:59 pm    

His son and his ex-wife are also saying that Kelly's statements are false. People will do anything to get their fifteen minutes, no?


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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostFri Sep 10, 2004 4:21 pm    

Theresa wrote:
His son and his ex-wife are also saying that Kelly's statements are false. People will do anything to get their fifteen minutes, no?

Oh yes! His son is on Hannity right now, and is saying EVERYTHING that proves that those files WERE FORGED!!! And when he talked to Rather about it, he didn't even put it in his report!!!!


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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Rear Admiral

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PostWed Sep 15, 2004 5:01 pm    

The Reform party florida judge says is not a legitimate party under law so that judge ordered Ralph Nader be off the florida balots.

Too bad for Nader.

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