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John Edwards Wife visit Vegas
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PostWed Sep 01, 2004 3:09 am    John Edwards Wife visit Vegas

August 31st, 2004

She's not running for vice president, but her husband is, and Elizabeth Edwards is doing what she can to rally Nevada voters behind the Kerry-Edwards ticket. News 3's Stacey Escalante spoke with Edwards and tells us how Edwards is hoping to sway undecided voters to the Democratic side.

Elizabeth Edwards says this is the time to go after voters who are on the fence. At today's town hall meeting there were some staunch Democrats, but some who could go either way. Edwards doesn't like to preach at people and stays away from speeches. For her it's all about casual conversation.

She picked a cozy pizza place and quickly warmed up the room. Elizabeth Edwards isn't on the Democratic ticket, but she's close enough. "I think wives have influence on husbands, I don't care what office they're in."

"Behind every good man is a strong woman. I feel she's sincerely concerned and if she is, her husband is as well." This is her style, using small discussion groups to talk about big issues. As the daughter of a Navy pilot, she entertained a lot of questions from military members. She also touched on the No Child Left Behind act.

As a mother, her kids are her priority. Ironically that's why she's not with them today, hoping to shape their future through her husband. She says the small sacrifice her children face pales into comparison to what some kids of military families are going through. She has three kids, ages 22, six and four.

Edwards says she came to Nevada because they anticipate a close race in our state. She guesses this won't be the last time someone from the Kerry-Edwards campaign visits Nevada.

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