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Modified Cochrane Unit Scale
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PostWed Apr 09, 2003 3:26 pm    Modified Cochrane Unit Scale

Has anyone else noticed how the Modified Cochrane Unit Scale has messed everything up? For instance, take Voyager.

In Caretaker, Voyager was whisked ~70KLY from Earth. Alright. In metric units, c=3.0x10^5mps. On the MCS, Warp 2 is c^2. Therefore, c^2 =(3.0x10^5mps)^2 = 1LY/yr = 9.0x10^10mps = 3.0x10^5 LY/yr. _ Therefore, they could reach home in (3.0x10^5)/(7.0x10^4)yrs. = .23yrs, or about 3 months. If they went up to warp 3, it would be 1/(3.0x10^5) of this, and Voyager can sustain Warp 9.975, or c^9.975. You see where I'm going here.

By the way, don't hound Lt.BirdGod too much, this is his friend.


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What a deliciously puzzling conundrum, in other words, OH S!!T!

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PostWed Apr 09, 2003 10:45 pm    Re: Modified Cochrane Unit Scale

Lt.BirdGod wrote:
You see where I'm going here.


Well, If I think what your saying, voyager does not use the cochrane scale. From about the year 2320, the TNG scale was used, which basically, instead of just raw speed cubed by the speed of light, it is based on the speed of light and the interstellar conditions in the region of space. For example, a ship going warp 9 through an iron storm might only be going warp 3 cochrane scale, etc.

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Hull Breach

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PostThu Apr 10, 2003 1:39 pm    

people say im intelegent. Just having me look at this proves them all wrong


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PostSun Apr 13, 2003 7:50 pm    Re: Modified Cochrane Unit Scale

Lt.BirdGod wrote:
Has anyone else noticed how the Modified Cochrane Unit Scale has messed everything up? For instance, take Voyager.

In Caretaker, Voyager was whisked ~70KLY from Earth. Alright. In metric units, c=3.0x10^5mps. On the MCS, Warp 2 is c^2. Therefore, c^2 =(3.0x10^5mps)^2 = 1LY/yr = 9.0x10^10mps = 3.0x10^5 LY/yr. _ Therefore, they could reach home in (3.0x10^5)/(7.0x10^4)yrs. = .23yrs, or about 3 months. If they went up to warp 3, it would be 1/(3.0x10^5) of this, and Voyager can sustain Warp 9.975, or c^9.975. You see where I'm going here.

By the way, don't hound Lt.BirdGod too much, this is his friend.

Well, for a start c>3*10^5ms^-1. Infact, its 10^3 greater. c� would not be equivalent to 1LY/yr. No. Travelling at c would equate to 1LY/yr otherwise it wouldnt be called a light year!!!!!!!! If you could travel at c� you'd be travelling at a velocity of 3*10^16ms^-1. 1 LY = (31.356*10^6)*(3*10^8ms^-1) = 9.4608*10^15. So time taken to travel 1Ly (Lightyear) at c�=
T needs to be subject of formula
t = (9.4608*10^15)/(3*10^16)
t = 3.1536^-1 seconds
t = 0.31536 seconds

Therefore time required to travel 70*10^3 LY at c� = (70*10^3)*(3.1536*10^-1)
=22075.2 seconds/3600
= 6.132 Hours

So there you have it. It would take Voyager 1/4 of a day to get home if they travelled at the speed of light squared.

Thank you


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Fleet Admiral

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PostSun Jun 01, 2003 3:46 am    Re: Modified Cochrane Unit Scale

Lt.BirdGod wrote:
Has anyone else noticed how the Modified Cochrane Unit Scale has messed everything up? For instance, take Voyager.

In Caretaker, Voyager was whisked ~70KLY from Earth. Alright. In metric units, c=3.0x10^5mps. On the MCS, Warp 2 is c^2. Therefore, c^2 =(3.0x10^5mps)^2 = 1LY/yr = 9.0x10^10mps = 3.0x10^5 LY/yr. _ Therefore, they could reach home in (3.0x10^5)/(7.0x10^4)yrs. = .23yrs, or about 3 months. If they went up to warp 3, it would be 1/(3.0x10^5) of this, and Voyager can sustain Warp 9.975, or c^9.975. You see where I'm going here.

By the way, don't hound Lt.BirdGod too much, this is his friend.

Im confused!

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Dax Orien

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PostTue Jun 03, 2003 9:25 am    

It's not that confusing if you try hard to understand.....::looks to the message and his brain starts to sizzle like bacon:: ..............Okay, you're right. I suppose this can be a little confusing.


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Fleet Admiral

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PostTue Jun 03, 2003 3:41 pm    

Yes...I have to think too much already in my Physics honors class, I dont need to think too much when I am on leisure time!

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PostTue Jun 03, 2003 10:23 pm    


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Dax Orien

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PostWed Jun 04, 2003 9:01 am    

::the bacon goes black and disappears in a puff of smoke:: Oooh ::whines:: I never can get that right.

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Lieutenant Commander

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PostTue Dec 02, 2003 7:41 am    Re: Modified Cochrane Unit Scale

Hyper wrote:
Lt.BirdGod wrote:
Has anyone else noticed how the Modified Cochrane Unit Scale has messed everything up? For instance, take Voyager.

In Caretaker, Voyager was whisked ~70KLY from Earth. Alright. In metric units, c=3.0x10^5mps. On the MCS, Warp 2 is c^2. Therefore, c^2 =(3.0x10^5mps)^2 = 1LY/yr = 9.0x10^10mps = 3.0x10^5 LY/yr. _ Therefore, they could reach home in (3.0x10^5)/(7.0x10^4)yrs. = .23yrs, or about 3 months. If they went up to warp 3, it would be 1/(3.0x10^5) of this, and Voyager can sustain Warp 9.975, or c^9.975. You see where I'm going here.

By the way, don't hound Lt.BirdGod too much, this is his friend.

Well, for a start c>3*10^5ms^-1. Infact, its 10^3 greater. c� would not be equivalent to 1LY/yr. No. Travelling at c would equate to 1LY/yr otherwise it wouldnt be called a light year!!!!!!!! If you could travel at c� you'd be travelling at a velocity of 3*10^16ms^-1. 1 LY = (31.356*10^6)*(3*10^8ms^-1) = 9.4608*10^15. So time taken to travel 1Ly (Lightyear) at c�=
T needs to be subject of formula
t = (9.4608*10^15)/(3*10^16)
t = 3.1536^-1 seconds
t = 0.31536 seconds

Therefore time required to travel 70*10^3 LY at c� = (70*10^3)*(3.1536*10^-1)
=22075.2 seconds/3600
= 6.132 Hours

So there you have it. It would take Voyager 1/4 of a day to get home if they travelled at the speed of light squared.

Thank you

how did you get the little 2 after a number?

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Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 07 Sep 2001
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PostTue Dec 02, 2003 2:48 pm    

The only reason this is hard to understand is that doing normal mathmatical notation on a computer screen is much harder to do than on paper, so people use alternate notation, like c^2, and it becomes much harder to read.

If you just concentrate on one thing at a time and actually determine the equations on the computer screen would translate to on a piece of paper, then it becomes a lot easier to understand.

It's not that complicated really.

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