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PostFri Mar 28, 2003 7:25 pm    

Maquis74656 wrote:
On the immoral part, you'd get no argument from me. And the US has admitted mistakes more so than others. But once you start getting attacked constantly, wouldn't your back go up? If we sit at home, and let the world go at it, we're isolationists. If we help, even when the country asks, we're interfering.

Who asked? I am all for ousting Saddam Hussein. I am against the US Imperialism and testosterone-driven quest for power that led us to take matters into our own hands and conquer Iraq (because that really is what we're doing). I really believe that we could have removed Hussein from power by backing up his people against him (which we promised to but did NOT do during the first Gulf War: small wonder they don't trust us or the son of the man who originally screwed them over, as much of the Middle East believes in "like Father like son"), not taking power from them.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostFri Mar 28, 2003 7:27 pm    

12 years ago, the UN commanded SH to get rid of his long range weapons, and all chemical weapons. He refused. The wimps at the UN decided to just "let him". The US didn't. A law is enforced, or it's meaningless.


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PostFri Mar 28, 2003 7:29 pm    

Maquis74656 wrote:
12 years ago, the UN commanded SH to get rid of his long range weapons, and all chemical weapons. He refused. The wimps at the UN decided to just "let him". The US didn't. A law is enforced, or it's meaningless.

Yes, but, the inspectors could have had more time, and I find it very difficult to believe that we couldn't locate his armaments with satellites.

(btw I have thoroughly enjoyed this debate but I have to go now. Thank you: you've been a great person to talk to.)


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostFri Mar 28, 2003 7:32 pm    

12 years isn't enough time?!

((Fun talking to you, too, ))


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PostFri Mar 28, 2003 7:53 pm    

Los wrote:
blah blah blah blah kill Saddam blah blah blah blah blah not about blah oil blah blah blah blah blah blah blah nuke blah blah blah Baghdad blah blah blah blah by Saddam blah blah blah blah.


thats about what i think in a nut shell hehehe lol


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PostSat Mar 29, 2003 9:32 am    

Maquis74656 wrote:
12 years isn't enough time?!

((Fun talking to you, too, ))

((lol I'M BACK!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!))

The inspectors were in there more recently with a real threat to back them up: we needed a bit longer. And I know that Hussein is an extremely clever (if devious) man: he knew that the resistance from those in his country would have to be strong, so that the US looks like idiots. And he's making it work.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSat Mar 29, 2003 6:49 pm    

^Actually, by uncovering all of the chemical gear, and that crap, we're making the rest of the world look like idiots.


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PostSat Mar 29, 2003 6:50 pm    

I don't believe the rest of the world has any doubt about the WMD. I was merely refering to Hussein's very clever (and very devious) way of putting civilians in harms way, so that he can use the press attention to his advantage. I have no doubt that he is extremely clever and devious: it's merely a question of our motives, which I do not believe to be entirely pure.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSat Mar 29, 2003 7:01 pm    

He's arming ten year olds, and forcing them to fight. He's a MONSTER. Plain and simple. He cut out someones tongue for speaking against him. Clever guy.


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PostSat Mar 29, 2003 7:13 pm    

Maquis74656 wrote:
He's arming ten year olds, and forcing them to fight. He's a MONSTER. Plain and simple. He cut out someones tongue for speaking against him. Clever guy.

I am not disputing any of that. I AM disputing our motives in ousting him. You and I may want to oust him for purely philanthropic reasons, but if the US worked purely for philanthropy then the world would be a far nicer place.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSat Mar 29, 2003 10:24 pm    

I think that the US is one of the biggest philanthropists on the planet. Scaled, we've given more than anyone. Please, Brits, don't argue, I said scaled.
Of course we look out for our own, what kind of country would we be if we did not? The answer to that is simple. We'd be Iraq, under SH.


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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 12:28 am    

Maquis74656 wrote:
I think that the US is one of the biggest philanthropists on the planet. Scaled, we've given more than anyone. Please, Brits, don't argue, I said scaled.
Of course we look out for our own, what kind of country would we be if we did not? The answer to that is simple. We'd be Iraq, under SH.

We conduct large scale spy opperations to place friendly leaders in power simply because we want the economic gain (Iran). We put weapons into the hands of so called "freedom fighters" who are just as oppressive as the regimes they are fighting, because we do not like the fact that the old regimes do not cooperate with us (Iraq and Afghanistan). We instruct other countries to ignore declarations of independence from nations we don't like (Palestine). I don't see any philanthropy in these so called acts of kindness. In every case, the US justified its actions by saying it was helping an oppressed people. And now we wonder at the fact that they hate us.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 8:12 am    

Again you name things, which at that time were the best options. I notice you don't post all relevant information, only that which supports your theory. That's the difference between you and me, I theorize on facts given, not my personal spin on them. I felt that Clinton was the biggest dumbass and worst president this country has ever seen. Do you? Does it matter? You can only take the facts presented to make your case. Anything else is immaterial.


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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 8:20 am    

PicardsTrueLove wrote:

We conduct large scale spy opperations to place friendly leaders in power simply because we want the economic gain (Iran). We put weapons into the hands of so called "freedom fighters" who are just as oppressive as the regimes they are fighting, because we do not like the fact that the old regimes do not cooperate with us (Iraq and Afghanistan). We instruct other countries to ignore declarations of independence from nations we don't like (Palestine). I don't see any philanthropy in these so called acts of kindness. In every case, the US justified its actions by saying it was helping an oppressed people. And now we wonder at the fact that they hate us.

Palestine: Israel is an ally, we are obligated to help them. BTW, what is Palestine doing? Homicide bombers are the norm, but Israel counterattacks w/ the military, targeting military facilities. Sound a bit familiar?
Iraq and Afghanistan: We've already discussed Iraq. Just let me know what time reference you are talking about regarding Afghanistan, then we can discuss that.


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Squeak Attack

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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 10:59 am    

Interesting discussions here.

Fact is, none of us know the facts. None of us know the motives. So who are we to judge?


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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 11:03 am    

I talking about the time when Israel was not quite even established yet. The US ignored the Palestinian Declaration of Independence and instructed others to do the same. The UN declared Palestine (in its entirety) a state even before the British and Americans went in there and carved up their land, but both countries ignored it because they wanted Israel.

Oh and despite what the Bible says, there is actually no historical or archeological precedent for a Jewish homeland in Israel. No evidence of a great city in Jerusalem or a large territory from that time period has been unearthed. This is from a book I read: when I find it I will give you the title. It is written by a man who has spent his life studying Biblical archaeology. He says that since the 70s, archeologists have had doubts about the historical accuracy of the Bible, and that by the 80s there was almost no question that the Bible was simply a metaphorical tale about "a humanity that had lost its way." Therefore, the US and England's claim that this was a Jewish homeland was flawed because in actuality the Jewish people had never established a great kingdom there as the Torah and Old Testament claim. The UN Partition plan made a complete mockery of the Palestinians who had been settled in the area for centuries: this map shows how. The caption reads: A look at some numbers will help one understand why the Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan. The Jews, who constituted only 31% of the population and owned or were settled upon only 6% of the land were awarded 52% of the land, while the Palestinians, who constituted 69% of the population and owned or were settled upon 94% of the land were given only 48%. Before 1881, the year of the first wave of European Jews migrating into Palestine, Arabs constituted 95% of the population and owned 98% of the land. This information was taken from the Northfield Mount Hermon School History of the Middle East Database, compiled by Ted Thornton in their Religious Studies Department. The database is very useful and "user friendly":

As for Palestinian and Israeli conflicts, the roots of Palestinian terrorism appear far before any recent problems. When the first Arab-Israeli war broke out in 1948, it began with an Israeli slaughter of an entire Arab village called Deir Yasin. Then another faction within Israeli massacred yet another village called Tantura. Israel persecuted and massacred the Arabs until they had little else to do but terrorize. I do not agree with this method but it was the only one they have. During the American civil war General Sherman's march could hardly be called a "proper" method of waging war, but it won for us. It's a classic Machiavellian dilemma: do the ends justify the means? Neither of the sides were "right" in their actions, but the root of the conflict is in the Zionists kicking out the Palestinians for their own gain, and then crushing any opposition, much like Hussein is doing in Iraq. [/url]


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 12:40 pm    

(Thanks Vortex for the reminder but it's still fun to debate wildly anyway )

I found the book. "The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel" by Thomas L. Thompson. At the beginning of the book he writes, "Today we no longer have a history of Israel. We can no longer talk about a time of the patriarchs. There never was a 'United Monarchy' in history and it is meaningless to speak of pre-exilic prophets and their writings...We can now say with considerable confidence that the Bible is not a history of anyone's past. The story of the chosen and rejected Israel that it presents is a philosophical metaphor for a mankind that has lost its way." This quotation demonstrates the complete inaccuracy of a Zionist assertion that the state of Israel is the true theological homeland of the Jewish people. In point of fact, the Israel they exalt never existed. It has only been created from the teachings of a book which has little historical meaning. It is like basing a theology on "Anna Karenina:" the book is a wonderful exploration of the psychology of man but it is nothing more than a metaphor: nothing more than a tale. The willingness of colonial powers to conceed to Zionists assertions that the Jews were the only chosen people of that region demonstrates not a philanthropic intent but a selfish one: the colonial powers were anti-Judaism (anti-Semetism is actually a contradiction in terms: both the Jews and the Arabs are descended from Semetic tribes) and wished to rid themselves of the Jews! A despicable and Crusader-like intent to be sure, but they showed even LESS respect for the Arab world when they smacked the European Jews down into the middle of a world which was almost entirely removed from the one they were accustomed to, and booted its native inhabitants out of the land they had farmed and fought for for centuries. Israel was, in short, a continuation of the Crusades. It is a Crusader state, just like those created in the Middle East during the original Crusades.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 3:33 pm    

Concerning the Bible, I am not even going to go there with you, or anyone here. I happen to disagree w/ you, though. See how things are open to interpretation? It depends on what you beleive is true in the Bible, if for you, none of it is, then it's a moot point. Like I said, not even going there.


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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 4:21 pm    

Maquis74656 wrote:
Concerning the Bible, I am not even going to go there with you, or anyone here. I happen to disagree w/ you, though. See how things are open to interpretation? It depends on what you beleive is true in the Bible, if for you, none of it is, then it's a moot point. Like I said, not even going there.

No no I'm not referring to personal beliefs: I'm referring to actual historical and archaeological evidence.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 4:29 pm    

LOL...................... I'm NOT going there. Iraqi's are on the side of the Palestenians, you know that, yes? Forget it, like I said, NO.


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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 4:36 pm    

PicardsTrueLove wrote:

At it's face, yes the war is supposedly about disarming Hussein. At it's heart? OIL. MONEY. And WE GAVE HIM HIS CHEMICAL WEAPONS. We said, "Here Hussein, be a good boy and keep Iran out of our hair while we profit from your oil." It was ok then! Our country has a problem with mood swings.

As for links between Al Quaeda and Iraq, the purpose of the war is unchanged.

^Please stop posting your opinions as fact. I've asked this several times in this forum. That's why I'm a stickler for facts, not your interpretation of them.


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PostSun Mar 30, 2003 5:10 pm    

Sorry about that. I get a bit hot headed. Runs in the family.


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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Seven of Nine
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PostMon Mar 31, 2003 12:14 pm    

OK, so the war my not be about oil, but you know that the USA has to import 60% of it? and Iraq does have a very large supply

Anyway, chances are we'll run out with 10 years, then everything will change



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Squeak Attack

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PostMon Mar 31, 2003 12:49 pm    

Really interesting. What is nice to know, is that most of the oil found in the US is exported.

That is business you know.


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PostMon Mar 31, 2003 2:47 pm    

Vortex wrote:
Really interesting. What is nice to know, is that most of the oil found in the US is exported.

That is business you know.

Reminds me of a great Bushism: "Many of our imports come from other countries." (Robin Williams: "No sh*t Chief!")

Maquis74656 wrote:
^Please stop posting your opinions as fact. I've asked this several times in this forum. That's why I'm a stickler for facts, not your interpretation of them.

Despite my hotheadedness, I find it interesting to note that you do believe in the historical accuracy of the Bible despite the FACT that it has been proven to have almost no basis in FACT. Hmm....just a thought. I know religious convictions are often beyond the realm of fact.

Seven of Nine wrote:
OK, so the war my not be about oil, but you know that the USA has to import 60% of it? and Iraq does have a very large supply

Anyway, chances are we'll run out with 10 years, then everything will change

Thta's why we need hydrogen fuel cells (or the technology to transform almost any waste into usable, clean-burning oil that I mentioned in Chit Chat). In order to fully eliminate the worlds' dependence on oil from countries in distress, we MUST have a viable alternative to fuel propulsion (not to mention that the only exhaust from hydrogen fuel cells is pure H2O).


ABB: When Clinton lied, no one died.

"The truth is not found in science, or on some unseen plane, but by looking into your own heart." -Dana Scully, "Trust No 1"

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