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Delta Lieutenant

Joined: 10 Jul 2001 Posts: 151 Location: NY
Wed Mar 13, 2002 9:57 pm |
I just saw Silent Enemy (great episode), anyway something was bothering me while I was watching. Hoshi mentions the chef. Now the chef was mentioned before, but again he was called just chef. So my question is: Why don't they call the chef by his name? Something like Chef Miller? I thought that was kind of weird that the chef doesn't have a name. Is anyone bother by this? Or is it just me?
There is no point in having peace if one can't hold on to it.
Chinesetrekkie Council Leader

Joined: 18 Sep 2001 Posts: 9719 Location: Windsor, California [Shenyang, China]
Wed Mar 13, 2002 10:56 pm |
I haven't notice it, but i would like to know who the chef is.. if there is a character that plays the chef.
You may call me Shen [The Chinesetrekkie]
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Jeff Miller Fleet Admiral
Joined: 22 Nov 2001 Posts: 23947 Location: Mental Ward for the Mentaly Unstable 6th floor, Saint John's 1615 Delaware Longview Washington 98632
Wed Mar 13, 2002 11:42 pm |
One of the mysteries of the universe lol
~Tony Montana wrote: | You know what you need people like me people for you to snub your nose at and point at saying there is a bad man. Well guess what This bad man is leaving. Say goodnight to the BAD MAN! |
Chinesetrekkie Council Leader

Joined: 18 Sep 2001 Posts: 9719 Location: Windsor, California [Shenyang, China]
Thu Mar 14, 2002 12:09 am |
but a small one...
You may call me Shen [The Chinesetrekkie]
910th User to Register for
DeltaFlyer Vice Admiral
Joined: 11 Nov 2001 Posts: 5564
Thu Mar 14, 2002 4:28 am |
Yes I noticed that....when Archer said...tell chef to prepare something...I thought ok I want to see the chef and what is his real name
Lindley Vice Admiral

Joined: 18 Sep 2001 Posts: 6194 Location: Fairfax, VA
Thu Mar 14, 2002 6:16 am |
They've mentioned Chef in several episodes now.
He has yet to appear even once, or to get a name.
I wouldn't be surprised if Chef turns out to be the Enterprise in-joke, like Morn on DS9. You know, Morn was the guy who supposedly would never shut up, and yet you never once hear him say anything?
What if they never once show who Chef is?
crazystartrekfan Ensign
Joined: 15 Feb 2002 Posts: 67
Thu Mar 14, 2002 8:28 pm |
i was surprised too when i saw that there wasn't a wellknown chef like kneelix on voyager.
ensighnkim Commodore

Joined: 16 Jul 2001 Posts: 1376 Location: Voyager, where else?
Thu Mar 14, 2002 9:54 pm |
Im hungry. lol
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Chinesetrekkie Council Leader

Joined: 18 Sep 2001 Posts: 9719 Location: Windsor, California [Shenyang, China]
Thu Mar 14, 2002 10:54 pm |
well, anyone know who is the chef?
The Story Teller Lieutenant

Joined: 14 Mar 2002 Posts: 190 Location: Bridge
Sat Mar 16, 2002 11:42 pm |
the chef would probably be a lowly crewman and so the captain and the rest of the bridge crew probably hasn't had time or inclination to get to know the chef so there isn't any relationship. On the enterprise we never learn who the waiters are in 10 forward (well except for lahl - thats the exception)...
but i would like to get to know him - i am suprised he doesn't become a recurring character - a nelix type fellow... the counsellor of the ship - but i guess that seems to be the doctors role on most occasions.
Chinesetrekkie Council Leader

Joined: 18 Sep 2001 Posts: 9719 Location: Windsor, California [Shenyang, China]
Sun Mar 17, 2002 3:09 am |
Quote: |
On 2002-03-16 22:42, The Story Teller wrote:
the chef would probably be a lowly crewman and so the captain and the rest of the bridge crew probably hasn't had time or inclination to get to know the chef so there isn't any relationship. On the enterprise we never learn who the waiters are in 10 forward (well except for lahl - thats the exception)...
but i would like to get to know him - i am suprised he doesn't become a recurring character - a nelix type fellow... the counsellor of the ship - but i guess that seems to be the doctors role on most occasions.
true.. that could be why...
You may call me Shen [The Chinesetrekkie]
910th User to Register for
Jadzia Lenara Dax Garbage Queen

Joined: 17 Oct 2001 Posts: 5761 Location: Sunnydale, California
Wed Apr 03, 2002 5:57 pm |
There's a chef? Whoah...that's news to me! Personally, I hope he doesn't become like Neelix, if there is a chef--wouldn't it be nice to see the Captain have a hand in mending personal disputes?
"I can't stand someone who can outdepress me." -Shirley Manson, Garbage
Jadzia Lenara Dax Garbage Queen

Joined: 17 Oct 2001 Posts: 5761 Location: Sunnydale, California
Wed Apr 03, 2002 6:00 pm |
Quote: |
On 2002-03-14 05:16, Lindley wrote:
They've mentioned Chef in several episodes now.
He has yet to appear even once, or to get a name.
I wouldn't be surprised if Chef turns out to be the Enterprise in-joke, like Morn on DS9. You know, Morn was the guy who supposedly would never shut up, and yet you never once hear him say anything?
What if they never once show who Chef is?
Hmm...that would be an interesting joke! Kinda like the dude on All My Children who went to summer camp, and disappeared...years later they found a mock skeleton in the kid's attic, with a sign with his name on it. *grins*
"I can't stand someone who can outdepress me." -Shirley Manson, Garbage
Curtis Fleet Admiral

Joined: 29 Sep 2001 Posts: 14903 Location: Wisconsin
Wed Apr 03, 2002 6:42 pm |
Quote: |
On 2002-03-13 20:57, Delta wrote:
I just saw Silent Enemy (great episode), anyway something was bothering me while I was watching. Hoshi mentions the chef. Now the chef was mentioned before, but again he was called just chef. So my question is: Why don't they call the chef by his name? Something like Chef Miller? I thought that was kind of weird that the chef doesn't have a name. Is anyone bother by this? Or is it just me?
I noticed it and it doesn't bother me. They don't call Archer Captain Archer they call him Captain...or in Trip's case Cap'n.
matt818 Lieutenant

Joined: 09 Dec 2001 Posts: 159 Location: Erie, Pa. USA
Sat Apr 06, 2002 4:31 am |
Story teller I am sure the chef is not a lonely crewman because they refer to him as chef and not the cook. Like most gallies it would be all the lowely crewman under him that do all the work. I am sure he not a member of starfleet just a civie assigned to enterprise like the doctor. I like the idea of treating the chef like morn but we never see him. I am just glad they keep mentioning him it is a remider that they still have to eat. It was like the shower that archer was using with water not a sonic shower. Ah the limitations of no technology.
Zeke Zabertini Captain
Joined: 13 Sep 2002 Posts: 4832
Sun Sep 15, 2002 6:46 pm |
who knows? better yet, who cares?
Fleet Admiral Labatt Captain

Joined: 02 Aug 2002 Posts: 719 Location: Captain of the U.S.S. HYDRA
Sun Sep 15, 2002 7:49 pm |
Atleast the Enterprise show's the Bathing area. In the future humans don't bathe
PhionexAlpha FlagShip Captain

Joined: 31 May 2002 Posts: 7560 Location: Anywhere you Look
Sun Sep 15, 2002 7:50 pm |
they use sonic showers fool. 
"Wihtout Darkness, We would not see the Light"
janewaykat Vice Admiral

Joined: 14 May 2002 Posts: 5780 Location: Basketball court and college
Wed Sep 18, 2002 10:22 pm |

5thhouse Rear Admiral

Joined: 05 May 2002 Posts: 3842 Location: Santa Barbara, California
Wed Sep 18, 2002 11:06 pm |
Fleet Admiral Zabertini wrote: | who knows? better yet, who cares? |

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Bugger Boy Commodore

Joined: 31 Aug 2002 Posts: 1402 Location: U.S.S Soveriegn
Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:29 pm |
Showering is better than bathing...
Anyway I was wondering what would it be like if they have an episode where the chef gets injured on his face and he is taken to sickbay but his face is covered up in bandages!
The ultimate annoyance...
well maybe...
I'm just making this up as I go along and I don't have much time to think about what I'm typing bye.