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Achea - The Fifth Age
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Captain Dappet
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Joined: 06 Feb 2002
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PostWed Jan 27, 2010 2:33 pm    Achea - The Fifth Age

Here's the prologue of a fantasy story I started working on recently, based on one I was working on years ago. If there's any interest, I'll convert it to an RPG here on the site. If you're interested, post here or send me a PM. Either way is fine.

The Fifth Age

�In the beginning of time the Creator came from The Beyond and created the world in its entire splendor by sacrificing His own seven children � so profound was the love the Creator held for His creation. And so it was that the blood of the Creators� children ran through the world and passed on to the people therein, and the Creator�s family was multiplied a thousand fold. Blessed is he who lives and dies in the sight of the Creator�
� The Book of Joachim, Chapter I.

Achea is a land of great diversity, with harsh and snowy mountains to the North, lush, green and forested lands to the South and vast and unforgiving plains, all but void of life, to the West.

It is an ancient land, rich with different cultures and races of people.
It is a land of commerce, of spirituality and beauty, but it is also a land of war, cruelty and betrayal. As dark as it is beautiful, Achea and its people have endured the most trying of times.

Some four hundred fifty years ago, the Templar Calendar began, as the Holy Church of the Creator came into being with the teachings and death of the Prophet Joachim at the hands of the Khalg�nic Lords that occupied all of the Human lands. Each hundredth year, a new Age begins, as it always has been, and with the new Age, come the Prophecies.

The Prophecies speak of the greatest event of the new Age, and each Prophecy comes in two � both foretelling of the same event, but different sides of the same story.
Even since before the Templar Calendar, the Minotaurs of Rhagos have dedicated themselves to be the keepers and guardians of the Prophecies, seeking out the Prophets with the dawn of each new age.

The year is now 47:5, the 47th year of the 5th Age, and the Prophecies have yet to be found.

Turmoil is brewing in the Achean nations. Groups of men in Elenya and the young nation of Vercingia become increasingly convinced that their Creator has abandoned them, and that the end of all things is drawing near, while their heretical neighbors of Khalg�n in the North secretly mobilize their armies to exploit the demoralization of their ancient rivals. Meanwhile, dark clouds are rising in the horizon to the West�

War is coming - at long last.

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