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DS9-A look back
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What did you think of it?
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Dominion Leader

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PostTue May 30, 2006 5:46 am    DS9-A look back

What did everyone think of DS9? I've seen many mixed reviews on the show. It seemed taboo for many due to it's dark nature in a fluffy version of the future. Also, it was controversial for being on a STATION, rather than a SHIP. The characters were gritty and much more realistic, IMO.

Did you like the show?

Did you have griefs with it?

This topic is more for a personal review of the entire show. The characters, episodes, ships, locations, themes, etc. Anything about it and what you thought of it. A critical review.

It began on a dark note and almost ended on one as well.

A big grief I had with it was the finale. While it was simply brilliant and tied up every loose end, some things did bother me.

One thing I'll mention now is when Sisko said his good-bye to Kassidy. I'm fine with that, but no Jake? That bothered me so much. The show established that he and Jake were really close. Father-son relationships tend to become stronger with the absence of the mother. Sisko was even voted one of the greatest TV dads! What is the deal with him not saying good-bye to his son?

Anywho....I have more griefs, but I'd like to see what others think of the show first.

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La Forge
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PostTue May 30, 2006 2:20 pm    

What do you think I'm gonna say, Founder?

The poll options only go up to Good. Where is Great? Where is Fantastic? Where is the Best Show on Television Ever?

I love the show. While, I may not have seen the show in it's entirety, I still love the show. The characters, the plot, the...other stuff...Everything.

I'll just say that for now. I'll go more in depth about my views on the show at a later date.


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PostTue May 30, 2006 2:59 pm    

Ya, definately above good. But ya, I loved it. Even though I've only seen seasons 5-7. The characters were great, long plot lines, continuity if thats a word. Great action too. A great show.

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PostTue May 30, 2006 3:03 pm    

DS9 was controversial in the sense that it did things no other ST show did...

Took place on a station.
It revolved around a war.
Religion was prevalent in it.
They even showed the darker side of Starfleet by introducing S31 and the Maquis.

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Lord Borg
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PostTue May 30, 2006 3:16 pm    

Yeah, it was a pretty good show. It took manyrisk, and although not accepted at first, its becoming more popular

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PostThu Jun 01, 2006 12:06 am    

Well I like TNG the best but DS9 is a very close second!I liked Kira and Jadzias characters heaps,they could kick butt and look beautiful and feminine as well!
Sisko has got the most sexiest head(after Picard of course)of all time!He is hot!
It had a great story line,and the war building from the start to the climactic end was great!
Loved worf coming to the show,jadzia should of stayed for the final season!
Dr Julian Bashir was an awsome character,loved the show when everyone finds out about his genetic enhancement.Wish I could be genetically enhanced,I would love an I.Q. of 200plus.And ultra human strength would be a bonus too!LOL!!!!!!
Gul Dukat was a very dark guy,very convincing as a cold blooded Cardassian.WICKED SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!

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PostSun Jun 04, 2006 6:01 pm    

I love DS9 it was quite different from the other Star Treks and that was a good and bad thing. Seemed to level out quite well...

The problems with DS9 is that it doesnt really give me what i need when i want it. Which again is a good and bad thing. Its like DS9 didnt have random space battles. When it had space battles it was a BIG thing which can get a bit annoying at times.

I also didnt like how i never got enough of the characters i liked! Like Keiko was actually asked to become a main character on the show but turned it down to spend time with her family. Kai Opaka was killed off in the first season (i understand why she had to go tho) and vedek berile was killed off too!

But all in all. A great show and i never get tired of watching it. A Timeless classic


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PostWed Jun 14, 2006 10:21 pm    

Of course I voted for good, DS9 is my favorite Entertainment Entity of all time, even surpassing Star Wars, Law and Order and all other shows/films.

As time passes I grow more fond of the show, I hope someday when Trek is revitalized they tip the cap to this program, easily the best Trek has ever had to offer.

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PostSun Jul 02, 2006 3:05 pm    

Again poll says everything but I must say again that I grew up with that series so it was love at first site!!! I mean Dax...HOT, than we have Ezri.........CUTE and HOT, then Kira....NOT BAD, Sisko......I'M NOT GAY no, no he is a great starbase captain and I always loved his authority check ups, Bashir.........Geneticly enhanced human........pretty cool, Miles a engineer of all times, Worf..... I think I don't have to say anything about him he is well known by now. Did I forget anybody.......oh yes Odo security officer my arm is tired I can't go on.......... can you believe it I bored myself That's first

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PostFri Jul 28, 2006 4:14 pm    

I liked DS9 but it was hard for me to get into it at the beginning. I found the first few seasons to be kind of slow at times and a little boring. Although, now that I watch them when I'm older, they seem easier to watch. I started watching the show when Worf came on. But I still think it was a very good show. I liked how it showed a darker side of Star Trek that people weren't used to. I know some people don't consider any of the series beyond the original and TNG to be "true" Star Trek, but I always argue with them. I remember a friend saying that DS9 wasn't "true" Star Trek and I got pretty pissed off, because it's just a different side of Star Trek. That same person also doesn't like the new Battlestar: Galactica which is also a very dark show.

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Lieutenant, Junior Grade

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PostWed Aug 02, 2006 6:01 am    

A great show that showed us a different part of life in the Star Trek universe. Definately one of my 2 favourite shows. It had the best supporting cast and recurring characters of ANY Star Trek show.

Gul Dukat
Kai Winn
The Founder Leader

etc. etc.

In my oppinion TNG & D.S.9 are equally amazing.

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Lieutenant, Junior Grade

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PostWed Feb 06, 2008 8:53 pm    

DS9 is one of the most brilliant series ever produced.

I always find it funny when Trek fans say it wasn't real trek, I mean what is real trek anyway.

I thought through Spock and Data trek fans had learnt that diversity and change were positive things that should be encouraged.

Anyone who doesn't like DS9 in my opinion is not a real trek fan.

Great stories, some of the best characters performed by some of the best actors to grace televisio and some innovative and creative situations (adding an almost sentient hologram like Vic Fonatiane was a genius move).

I yhave said in the past that Garak is one of the most mysterious and well performed characters on television, and Ihave nothing but praise actors like Armin Shimmerman and Rene Auberjonois for what they did with thier characters.

All in all DS9 had what we have all come to expect from a trek series.

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Sophomore Cadet

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PostMon Jul 07, 2008 11:24 am    

Ds9 was much more like a soap in a way, it was more about the cahracters, each episode effected the next, they were less standalone and really you had to watch more than one to get truly into them, whereas with TNG or Voy you could just watch one, leave, watch one three episodes all along and you would basically know what was going on, unless someone had died or something. ie Tasha's death in S1 of TNG

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PostMon Jul 07, 2008 10:35 pm    

Kilgore wrote:
A great show that showed us a different part of life in the Star Trek universe. Definately one of my 2 favourite shows. It had the best supporting cast and recurring characters of ANY Star Trek show.

Gul Dukat
Kai Winn
The Founder Leader

etc. etc.

In my oppinion TNG & D.S.9 are equally amazing.

...and O'Brien. He was one of the main reasons that my family and I got hooked on the series when it first came out. I really liked seeing him play a more major role.

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Ensign, Junior Grade

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PostMon Jul 13, 2009 2:43 am    

I really liked Deep Space Nine, but it had it's faults.


Garak. 'Nuff said, right? He was great. All of the episodes he was in were hilarious.

Also DS9 seemed more humourous than other ST series. I'm not sure why. It just was.

I loved the characters. All of them had so different personalities, it made it funny to see how they got along.

There also always seemed to be some kind of joke running through the whole series- Morn not talking, Bashir loving Jadzia, and Captain Sisko cooking.


Yeah, so it ended like crap. Sisko not saying goodbye to Jake, Sisko leaving in general, Odo leaving, Garak leaving, Miles O
Brian leaving... was there anyone left on that station???

I'm not sure I liked how the episodes were at the end. I mean, they were great episodes, but they all seemed to end at random moments. I'm sure it was to keep the watchers on their toes, but really. They could have done better than that.

There was also an episode in which Jadzia Dax kisses a Trill who was her old wife. That was disgusting, and it also showed like...gayness. And I'm not exactly for gay rights.

Other than that, it was amazing.


I say "Live Long and Prosper".
Then you say "Peace and Long Life".
It's the way of life.
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PostTue Jul 21, 2009 5:16 pm    

minituvok wrote:
I really liked Deep Space Nine, but it had it's faults.


Garak. 'Nuff said, right? He was great. All of the episodes he was in were hilarious.

Also DS9 seemed more humourous than other ST series. I'm not sure why. It just was.

I loved the characters. All of them had so different personalities, it made it funny to see how they got along.

There also always seemed to be some kind of joke running through the whole series- Morn not talking, Bashir loving Jadzia, and Captain Sisko cooking.


Yeah, so it ended like crap. Sisko not saying goodbye to Jake, Sisko leaving in general, Odo leaving, Garak leaving, Miles O
Brian leaving... was there anyone left on that station???

I'm not sure I liked how the episodes were at the end. I mean, they were great episodes, but they all seemed to end at random moments. I'm sure it was to keep the watchers on their toes, but really. They could have done better than that.

There was also an episode in which Jadzia Dax kisses a Trill who was her old wife. That was disgusting, and it also showed like...gayness. And I'm not exactly for gay rights.

Other than that, it was amazing.

Was it really necessary to add you think the act of two women or two men kissing is "disgusting"? I understand you don't agree with it, but some may find it offensive.

I agree with most of what you said on the bad. Although, the ending was bittersweet and perfect for DS9. I liked that everyone went their own way. It gave a nice sense of finality to the show.

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Ensign, Junior Grade

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PostFri Jul 24, 2009 5:05 am    

Founder wrote:

Was it really necessary to add you think the act of two women or two men kissing is "disgusting"? I understand you don't agree with it, but some may find it offensive.

I agree with most of what you said on the bad. Although, the ending was bittersweet and perfect for DS9. I liked that everyone went their own way. It gave a nice sense of finality to the show.

I was only stating that I disagreed with the idea. I meant no offense to those who agree with it, or have done it themselves. I have gay friends, and I have no problems with that. And it isn't all about the fact that it was just gay- I don't think the pairings where right and stuff like that.

I suppose the ending was indeed bittersweet- I'm actually glad that Odo left- he was great, but I think it was time for him to go. I wish Garak would have stayed, but I suppose everything can't be perfect. It was mainly Sisko leaving that I didn't agree with- being born a Prophet baby is one thing; giving up Starfleet to go live in a wormhole is another.


I say "Live Long and Prosper".
Then you say "Peace and Long Life".
It's the way of life.
Don't deny it.

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PostThu Jul 30, 2009 9:57 am    

the best star trek series there is.probably the reason i love star trek now.dont get me wrong i always liked star trek but DS9 just maded me fall in love with Star Trek

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