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Star Trek: Sentinel
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Stooge Two

Joined: 09 Mar 2004
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Location: Messing with the fabric of Video Game realities. I'll summon Shiva on you! I SWEAR!

PostFri Jun 08, 2007 4:55 pm    

Sytok slowly became concious. With the being's attention being put elsewhere, Sytok had managed to gain enough control of his own thoughts, to "Dial down" as far as possible.
He could no longer sense any being except this strange creature on the bridge.
As it was assaulting assorted personnel and solar systems, Sytok picked out that it had issues dealing with the memories of Dark Wolf, who he had apparently inherited memories from.
An idea came to sytok. He had enough sad memories in his mind to make HIMSELF barely stable to work.
Using all his mental focus, he set himself in a deep meditative state, and began broadcasting some of the sad memories he had deep within his mind.
As he was still locked in the brig, this was the best he could do.

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Shawn Cordell

Joined: 05 Jun 2007
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Location: Starfleet Headquarters

PostFri Jun 08, 2007 5:56 pm    

-USS Sentinel, Turbolift-
Shawn had just stepped into the Turbo lift and the doors had just closed. "Deck 1, Bridge" and the turbo lift obliged accordingly. The ship had just taken quite a beating and even though it wasn't his shift yet, Shawn couldn't think of anywhere else he'd rather be than the bridge right now. He had to find out what was happening, it was his duty to his fellow crewman as well as his Starfleet duty. The turbo lift seemed to go so slow with the ongoing confusion about what was happening. He checked that he had his phaser, took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally for what he would see when those two doors opened and he would have to step out onto the bridge. And this was it. The turbo lift came to a stop and he motioned as only to await the doors further opening for him to get through quickly as possible. He took a quick step and there he was on the bridge.

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La Forge
Bajoran Colonel

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PostSun Jun 10, 2007 7:10 pm    

U.S.S. Sentinel, Bridge

The events unfolding on the bridge of the Steamrunner-class starship, the Sentinel, were growing more bizarre by the second. The mysterious and extremely powerful alien being who had addressed itself as Dark Wolf continued to manipulate the Sentinel and her crew. Somehow, Dark Wolf was able to take control of the starship, pulling her out of warp and flinging her hundreds and hundreds of light-years away into the distant and unexplored reaches of the Beta Quadrant, nearly destroying the ship in the process.

With a hull breach and half of the bridge in flames, the Sentinel finally arrived to her destination, the Beta Quadrant, making the trip in a matter of minutes, rather than weeks as it would take at normal speed. Outside of the ship was the vast blackness of space, a familiar yet somehow different sight to Starfleet crew from the Alpha Quadrant. A bright star, the solar system's sun, stood out against the black spacescape, twinkling brightly and illuminating the planets that filled this particular solar system.

However, the sun, the planets, all of it, would soon disappear when Dark Wolf, with a mere flick of its fingers, caused the sun to go nova in a flash of light right before the bridge crew's eyes, sending a shockwave of flames throughout the system, erasing each and every planet, asteroid, or any other spatial object in its path, leaving charred remains in its wake. What happened next was even more bizarre and mystifying than anything to happen previously. It 'topped the cake' so to speak.

What had happened next was the sudden appearance of what appeared to be a gigantic floating tiki mask, with ominous light flooding out from its mouth and eyes. The being, which looked to be made up of pure energy, living on a higher plane of existence than that of mere 'mortals, noticed the Sentinel within seconds and it seemed to look vaguely angry. The energy being had begun to creep its way towards the starship.

"So it begins..." Dark Wolf had spoken, simply, after referring to the massive tiki mask as his 'old nemesis'. At those words, Valentina had the strongest urge to grab Dark Wolf by the throat and throttle it to death, but, she knew better. After all, she wouldn't want to wind up like the security officer who, having only merely brushed Dark Wolf, was thrown against the bulkhead, resulting in being knocked into a state of unconsciousness.

"So what begins? What are you talking about? What is that...that thing?" Valentina asked, gesturing to the figure of the glowing energy being in the distance. Agitation evident in her tone of voice, then again, there was just cause for it. Dark Wolf was beginning to grow on her nerves by ignoring her and messing around with the crew. Frankly, Valentina was getting sick of it. She wanted answers for her questions and she wanted them now.


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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Shawn Cordell

Joined: 05 Jun 2007
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Location: Starfleet Headquarters

PostMon Jun 11, 2007 8:07 am    

-USS Sentinel, Turbolift-

Shawn stood with his back to the turbo lift, as he looked at the Bridge that half stood lit in flames. He quickly grabbed his phaser and then saw the alien being standing in front of the viewscreen. He then saw Commander Zaitsev and several of his fellow crewman, and asked so that the Commander could hear him "Commander? What's going on? I just came from Deck 6 and.."

As he watched his Commander and crewman all stare onto the viewscreen, he felt the eerie sense that something was dead wrong and that this, was no accident, malfunction or otherwise, something had taken over the ship by the looks of it.

He then directed his attention towards the viewscreen while he was speaking and didn't feel too safe anymore, at seeing nothing but a big ugly tiki mask with glowing eyes, but he didn't know what to say. He'd heard a lot of strange rumors in his life, but none of them had said anything about this sort of creature.


Silent enim leges inter arma - Laws are silent in times of war. - Cicero

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Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004
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PostFri Jan 11, 2008 8:25 pm    

This RPG is most certainly dead.

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