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Execute bin Laden? A division amongst nations
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PostThu Apr 26, 2007 3:21 pm    Execute bin Laden? A division amongst nations

The bulk of Americans and a slim majority in Mexico want Osama bin Laden executed if caught, but most people in seven other countries would rather he spend life or many years in prison, an AP-Ipsos poll says.

In all nine nations surveyed, markedly more people would choose the death penalty for the al-Qaida leader than for run-of-the-mill murderers, even in nations with little taste for capital punishment.


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Lord Borg
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PostThu Apr 26, 2007 4:47 pm    

Interesting read, but, I think about the 2,7odd people and in prison would be a slap in the face, not to mention have his followers try and break him out? A few years in prison? That's an insult so bad I couldn't even explain it.


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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostThu Apr 26, 2007 5:50 pm    

I think death is the right type of punishment for someone holding as much potential for harm, even after being captured, as bin Laden.


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Rear Admiral

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PostThu Apr 26, 2007 9:16 pm    

I think we should worrying about, oh, I don't know, actually capturing him first. Then we can decide what to do with him.

Although personally I'm in favour of torture-for-life involving water balloons, Celine Dion, and Sanjaya.

(I'm serious.)

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Link, the Hero of Time
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PostThu Apr 26, 2007 10:18 pm    

Republican_Man wrote:
I think death is the right type of punishment for someone holding as much potential for harm, even after being captured, as bin Laden.

so we make him a martyr? Things are bad enough without rallying more to his cause.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostThu Apr 26, 2007 10:23 pm    

What's better: making him a martyr yet preventing him from continuing his reign of terror, or leaving open the possibility that he might escape and continue it?


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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The Texan

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PostThu Apr 26, 2007 10:23 pm    

As HH said, not that we have to worry about this any time soon...but if we somehow do catch him, I would be for capital punishment only because of the danger it would pose to many people by keeping him alive. If there was no security threat in keeping him alive though, I would be for that.

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Link, the Hero of Time
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PostFri Apr 27, 2007 4:21 pm    

Republican_Man wrote:
What's better: making him a martyr yet preventing him from continuing his reign of terror, or leaving open the possibility that he might escape and continue it?

I'll answer that with a question

What's worse: Things they way they are now, or the multitude of suicide bombers, activists and terrorist copycats that will rally for their martyr when we kill him?

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Stooge Two

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PostFri Apr 27, 2007 7:08 pm    

I personally would want this fate bestowed upon the little((Edited for content)):
He would spend as many hours as necessary watching tapes about EVERY SINGLE PERSON who fell victim to his attacks, and then they should castrate him with barbed wire, and then they should slowly pump uranium isotopes into his bloodstream, and wait for radioactive poisoning to slowly and painfully burn and melt every cell, blood vein, and nerve in his sick body.
That's me though.

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostFri Apr 27, 2007 10:21 pm    

How about we pull out small handfuls of hair, just to start. Or use duct tape, 'cause you know, there's over a million uses for it.
Anyway, I identify with the "bulk of Americans" who have no issue with him being executed. Hopefully it's us who captures him. Preferably dead, at this point.


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PostFri Apr 27, 2007 11:14 pm    

Theresa wrote:
Hopefully it's us who captures him. Preferably dead, at this point.

That's a good point.

If I were going to kill bin Laden, I would certainly make it look like he was killed during capture as opposed to a staged execution at a later date. It may not hold the same "revenge factor", but it'd certainly be more convenient all around.

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Lord Borg
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PostFri Apr 27, 2007 11:17 pm    

Like some other's said, let's capture him first.....then kill him.


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Kyle Reese
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PostFri Apr 27, 2007 11:31 pm    

If we can get a good bombing video like with Zarqawi, I'm all for bombing him without capturing him first. Or we can probably get a good cell phone video if we do capture him.

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PostSat Apr 28, 2007 10:29 am    

Kill from a distance: No one will believe it.

Execute on international TV: He'll be a martyr.

Detain/imprison after a public trial: risk of death from guards/inmates and escape.

IMHO the best option is to kill him in secret and never let on that it happened. Or to inprison him in secret and never let on that he's been captured.

Either of these may very well already be the case.

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PostSat Apr 28, 2007 3:05 pm    

If he's locked in an American prison in America or some base OUTSIDE of the Middle East, do people here honestly believe that he'd escape or be broken out?

Do you know how much security bin Laden would be under? He wouldn't escape...

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The Texan

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PostSat Apr 28, 2007 6:49 pm    

Founder wrote:
If he's locked in an American prison in America or some base OUTSIDE of the Middle East, do people here honestly believe that he'd escape or be broken out?

Do you know how much security bin Laden would be under? He wouldn't escape...

And people surely would never fly commercial jets into two skyscrapers and the Pentagon . It's not purely him escaping you have to worry about if you keep him alive. Think about all the effects of keeping him alive.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostSat Apr 28, 2007 8:13 pm    

Yes, indeed. Puck's right. I mean, if Saddam were still alive that would give the Sunnis the belief that there would be a chance that he could come back to power. It've given them something more to work with. Yet Saddam was killed and, albeit for a short time, the Sunnis cooperated better after that death. If we allow Osama to continue to live after catching him then that gives his followers hope - hope that he might one day return and they might have total success in the end. That hope needs to be eliminated, and that's just one of the defects of keeping him alive.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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PostSat Apr 28, 2007 9:09 pm    

Puck wrote:
Founder wrote:
If he's locked in an American prison in America or some base OUTSIDE of the Middle East, do people here honestly believe that he'd escape or be broken out?

Do you know how much security bin Laden would be under? He wouldn't escape...

And people surely would never fly commercial jets into two skyscrapers and the Pentagon . It's not purely him escaping you have to worry about if you keep him alive. Think about all the effects of keeping him alive.

What the hell kind of comparison is that? Besides an overly dramatic one?

No one was watching the airports. What happened there was completely unexpected(well, according to conspiracy theorists, that isn't the case).

They'd have tons of guards and safety procautions to ensure he did not get out. How many terrorists have escaped Guantamo Bay? Exactly.

The effects of keeping him alive? What, like how much it would cost to keep him there? I'd imagine a bit more then the average terrorist?

This notion people have the bin Laden will break out of prison like some comic book super-villian is...a little much.

Republican_Man wrote:
Yes, indeed. Puck's right. I mean, if Saddam were still alive that would give the Sunnis the belief that there would be a chance that he could come back to power. It've given them something more to work with. Yet Saddam was killed and, albeit for a short time, the Sunnis cooperated better after that death. If we allow Osama to continue to live after catching him then that gives his followers hope - hope that he might one day return and they might have total success in the end. That hope needs to be eliminated, and that's just one of the defects of keeping him alive.

You're kidding right? The attacks have not dwindled in the least since Saddam's death. The Sunnis have "plenty to work with" without Saddam being alive, just like any terrorist would in Afghanistan.

And if we kill him, they'll practically consider him for God-hood and that he is watching them from above. That everything they do is under his "blessing". You don't get it do you? You need to understand the mind set of these people. Bush didn't and we saw how well that worked out. They work on the basis of Religion. To them, everything has a deeper meaning and that nothing can stop them because God is on their side. They don't care about death because to them, death is literally a good thing. If you kill him, they'll consider it a good thing and become even more determined to strike back.

Personally, I don't give a damn if he's killed or not. My only concern is that he's pulled out of his cave so Al-Queda becomes leader less and we'll become slightly safer. But this notion that killing him makes us safer is just ridiculous. Killing him and capturing him has an equal amount of good and bad.

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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostSun Apr 29, 2007 5:11 pm    

I'm sure there was no reason to be provocative. Each of them are entitled to their opinion, no matter how far out there you make think it is.


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PostSun Apr 29, 2007 6:06 pm    

Theresa wrote:
I'm sure there was no reason to be provocative. Each of them are entitled to their opinion, no matter how far out there you make think it is.

I know that, but it seems strange that they believe the American prison system is that inept or possibly inept. For a political enemy like Osama, it's doubtful that he'd break out or any amount of terrorists would have the strength or capability to attempt a rescue operation. He'd be locked down hard and would probably never see the light of day.

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Rear Admiral

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PostMon Apr 30, 2007 4:42 am    

I think he should have to work in a mcdonalds in new york 7 days a week all weeks in the year for the rest of his life thats worse punishment than all of the above

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Stooge Two

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PostMon Apr 30, 2007 8:20 am    

PrankishSmart wrote:
I think he should have to work in a mcdonalds in new york 7 days a week all weeks in the year for the rest of his life thats worse punishment than all of the above

Chain him to the drive-thru! bwuahahahahahahaha!
I can just see it...
"would you like some anthrax with that, infidel?"

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The Texan

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PostMon Apr 30, 2007 6:58 pm    


Anyways, I don't think its a stretch to say keeping him alive would be dangerous (not necessarily in the way it has been assumed I have been speaking of, but possibly including that). I'd really wish people would thoroughly read my posts before responding so critically to them. If so, it would be realized that I am not solely concerned about him breaking out of prison. This thought was not even mentioned in my first post, and my second post was directing readers away from solely looking at that idea.

It's not purely him escaping you have to worry about if you keep him alive. Think about all the effects of keeping him alive.

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PostMon Apr 30, 2007 7:39 pm    

Puck wrote:
It's not purely him escaping you have to worry about if you keep him alive. Think about all the effects of keeping him alive.

I had actually read that part and even commented on it in my post.

Founder wrote:
The effects of keeping him alive? What, like how much it would cost to keep him there? I'd imagine a bit more then the average terrorist?

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Rear Admiral

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PostTue May 01, 2007 4:34 am    

squiggy wrote:
PrankishSmart wrote:
I think he should have to work in a mcdonalds in new york 7 days a week all weeks in the year for the rest of his life thats worse punishment than all of the above

Chain him to the drive-thru! bwuahahahahahahaha!
I can just see it...
"would you like some anthrax with that, infidel?"


I should also mention now that he is only allowed 1 (ONE) SQUARE of toilet paper when he goes to the toilet... cheap toilet paper!

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