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Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Mon May 08, 2006 9:35 pm |
Is anyone forgeting the fact the star destroyer has FIGHTERS?
Sorry, but... Voyager the words of a friend.. "Deal" 
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Mon May 08, 2006 10:29 pm |
Slash_Gordon wrote: | Besides that, Voyager has Capt. Proton! |
Actually, they only have "Tom Paris..." LOL...
And as someone above said, Quote: | By luck and a close call, Voyager would win. |
Yes, that's true...but a VERY CLOSE call...So close, it probably wouldn't happen...
I love Voyager. I love the ship and the crew...But they don't stand a chance!
"We all make our own Hell, Mr. Lessing. I hope you enjoy yours."
Kathryn Janeway - Equinox Pt 2
Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Tue May 09, 2006 12:15 am |
If you go to this picture, you'll see a comparison.
For those who can't find VOY, its the tiny little blip, poo poo stain. It is a measly and utterly pathetic 344 meters.
Now if we're going by the normal star destroyer and not the behemoth super star destroyer, it is 1,605 meters
Star Destroyer wins...
VOY has a weak warp drive. It takes them 75 years to make it from one end to the galaxy to the other...
Star Destroyer has a hyperdrive. It takes them 75 minutes to make it from one end of the galaxy to the other.
Star Destroyer wins...
Star destroyer:
KDY ISD-72x deflector shield generators.
LeGrange targetting computers.
Dual heavy turbolaser turrets (6)
Dual heavy ion cannon turrets (2)
Quad heavy turbolasers (2)
Triple medium turbolasers (3)
Medium turbolasers (2)
Turbolasers (60)
Ion cannons (60)
Numerous light turbolasers and ion cannons
Phylon Q7 tractor beam projector
13 Type-10 phaser arrays
5 Photon torpedo tubes
Tricobalt devices
Deflector shields
I'll even pull a VOY and cheat...
Transphasic torpedoes
Ablative Hull armor
You still lose...but I was being nice...
Star Destroyer wins....
Star Destroyer:
TIE starfighter wing (1)
Lambda-class shuttles (8)
Delta-class stormtrooper transports (15)
Assault gunboats (5)
A variable number of Skipray Blastboats
Gamma-class assault shuttle (1+)
Repair and recovery vehicles
AT-AT barges
Various landing craft
AT-AT walkers (20)
AT-ST walkers (30)
Infantry (9,700)
Prefabricated garrison base (1)
Probes of various classes (9)
Type 18 Shuttlepod
Type 6 Personnel Shuttlecraft
Type 9 Personnel Shuttlecraft
Type 9A Cargo Shuttlecraft
Work bee
Aerowing Shuttle
Star Destroyer Wins....
Crew compliment...
Star Destroyer:
Crew (37,085)
Officers (4,520)
Enlisted (32,565)
Minimum crew 5,000
Passengers 1,800
Star Destroyer wins...
The victor!? Star Destroyer by a massive raping!
Voyager does have one unique thing. It can land on planets! Yipee! That will help it in a fight! Actually, it will help it flee and hide after the Star Destroyer tears it up in a fight....
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Tue May 09, 2006 12:21 am |
Thanks for the information, andy I say again, "Deal"
Waverider9.9 Lieutenant, Junior Grade

Joined: 22 Aug 2002 Posts: 72
Tue May 09, 2006 2:30 pm |
Millenium Falcon: 27.5 Metres Long. Evades half the command fleet of the empire for hours, then vanishes from sensors. How? By clamping on to the back of the command tower. A ship that large and that powerful has a sensor blind spot?
Quote: | Tuvok:"Captain, 3 alien craft are attempting to disengage from the hull cause we can detect things on our hull yo!" |
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Tue May 09, 2006 2:36 pm |
Yeah, but VOY wouldn't be able to do that 
Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Tue May 09, 2006 3:28 pm |
Waverider9.9 wrote: | Millenium Falcon: 27.5 Metres Long. Evades half the command fleet of the empire for hours, then vanishes from sensors. How? By clamping on to the back of the command tower. A ship that large and that powerful has a sensor blind spot?
Quote: | Tuvok:"Captain, 3 alien craft are attempting to disengage from the hull cause we can detect things on our hull yo!" |
How would latching onto the hull of a star destroyer make it win a fight? Again, the onyl thing VOY has an advantage of is hiding.... Not a good fight.
Also, I wish to recant my comment. An A-Wing brought down a super star destoyer by ramming into it. So VOY could do the same, killing itself in the process. Either way, win or lose, VOY is destroyed. So either way, I win. 
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Tue May 09, 2006 3:30 pm |
Founder wrote: | Waverider9.9 wrote: | Millenium Falcon: 27.5 Metres Long. Evades half the command fleet of the empire for hours, then vanishes from sensors. How? By clamping on to the back of the command tower. A ship that large and that powerful has a sensor blind spot?
Quote: | Tuvok:"Captain, 3 alien craft are attempting to disengage from the hull cause we can detect things on our hull yo!" |
How would latching onto the hull of a star destroyer make it win a fight? Again, the onyl thing VOY has an advantage of is hiding.... Not a good fight.
Also, I wish to recant my comment. An A-Wing brought down a super star destoyer by ramming into it. So VOY could do the same, killing itself in the process. Either way, win or lose, VOY is destroyed. So either way, I win.  |
Didn't the A-Wing hit an unshielded part though? or something critical?
Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Tue May 09, 2006 3:34 pm |
Lord Borg wrote: | Founder wrote: | Waverider9.9 wrote: | Millenium Falcon: 27.5 Metres Long. Evades half the command fleet of the empire for hours, then vanishes from sensors. How? By clamping on to the back of the command tower. A ship that large and that powerful has a sensor blind spot?
Quote: | Tuvok:"Captain, 3 alien craft are attempting to disengage from the hull cause we can detect things on our hull yo!" |
How would latching onto the hull of a star destroyer make it win a fight? Again, the onyl thing VOY has an advantage of is hiding.... Not a good fight.
Also, I wish to recant my comment. An A-Wing brought down a super star destoyer by ramming into it. So VOY could do the same, killing itself in the process. Either way, win or lose, VOY is destroyed. So either way, I win.  |
Didn't the A-Wing hit an unshielded part though? or something critical? |
Thats true too Chris. He rammed the bridge. 
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Tue May 09, 2006 3:38 pm |
*hehehe* GO GO GO GO! ram the Bridge Voy! 
~Voyager Fan~ Captain's Assistant

Joined: 14 Jan 2005 Posts: 83 Location: On board voyager assisting the captain
Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:06 pm VOYAGER! |
Lets see which is more powerful lasers or PHASERS? Voyager will desttroy it in a flash......... 
Starfleet Command-
"You're not alone...."
Message in a Bottle
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:29 pm |
Why'd you revive a topic that has the last post in over a month....
Anyways, that argument is still flawed, Voyager is to the Stardestroyer as to what a Shuttle is to Voyager. major idffernces in size/power. Sorry, but Voyager looses badly. Also the argument "Voyager would win because its Voyager!" sucks...
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:08 am |
haha...even with as much as I love Voyager, even I know that argument sucks!
And your analogy still doesn't even describe it...
Voyager is to the Stardestroyer, what today's submarine is to Voyager....that's a little better...LOL
"We all make our own Hell, Mr. Lessing. I hope you enjoy yours."
Kathryn Janeway - Equinox Pt 2
kokori Ensign
Joined: 12 Mar 2002 Posts: 60
Sun Jun 18, 2006 6:37 am |
Star destroyer would blow away voyager in a fight. Of course the star destroyers in return of the jedi were blown up in a rebel assault, but thats with alot of ships, star destroyers have strong shielding and alot of defense postures and powerful fire-power, so in a one-on-one battle voyager would be doomed.
StarfleetCommand74656 Captain

Joined: 22 May 2006 Posts: 653 Location: On STV
Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:03 pm Poll |
Voyaget would win, but be heavily damaged. I dont think the Destroyer's ion cannons would work, but its turbolasers would be outmatched by the phasers. Also, janeway is cleverer than most Imperial captains- but if vader or Thrawn was on board. Forget it. How did Voyager end up in the Star Wars galxy anyway? Wormhole? Anyway- what about the TIE fighters?!!.....
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:14 pm |
| Voyager wouldn't stand a chance. It's not a matter of how limited the Destroyers weapons are compared to Voyager's, it's about the firepower. Voyager's weapons may be more advanced, but they are limited. Voyager would run out of torpedoes LONG before the destroyer would run out of whatever. Not to mention the fact that they have many more laser guns than Voyager does phasers, and such...Voyager would be mush...and trust me, I'm a huge Voyager fan... 
"We all make our own Hell, Mr. Lessing. I hope you enjoy yours."
Kathryn Janeway - Equinox Pt 2