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Worst Case Scenario
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Freshman Cadet

Joined: 11 Sep 2007
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Location: Cleveland OH

PostWed Sep 12, 2007 12:02 pm    Worst Case Scenario

1) Sorry for the profanity ( I didn't know the rules- yet ) quite surprised to see that this isn't a community of adults (actually it kind of freaks me out)

2) the "drug references" in the "STAR TREK IS..." post was simply a joke. Let me clairfy: Star trek is neither ***** nor ******, but rather the most addictive substance known to man (or woman) kind.

((it kind of bothers me a little that "KIDZ" with their access to vulgar and drug-infused MTV would really be bothered by a harmless reference to a drug, but whatever, admin pm'd me and rulez are rulez, however absurd I think they may be, this ISN'T my forum, so I will follow said rules accordingly. ONE FINAL NOTE ON THE SUBJECT: it's always been my belief that if the "KIDZ" shouldn't be viewing "objectionable material" then their PARENTS should intervene, but that's also NOT my call <parents: PARENT your children!!>)) Ok on to the topic at hand....

3) In the episode "Worst Case Scenario" it makes me laugh- wholeheartedly- when Janeway comments "good... I can't wait to see if Janeway manages to outwit the conspirators.." aka-

I DIRECTLY translate this to mean:

"GOOD- RE-WRITE the hollo-novel- but I DAMRRRN WELL better be the WINNER at the end, or there will be some warp plasma SCRUBBING for whoever "supports" the "hollo-mutiny!" LOL!!!! Funniest comment in the whole darn episode.

I laughed till' I pee'd. I still do.




"Tell me all that you know, I'll show you snow and rain" -Jerry Garcia

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Freshman Cadet

Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 7
Location: Cleveland OH

PostWed Sep 12, 2007 12:32 pm    and for that matter...

Not a double post I swear it!!!!

I was just watching till' the end of the episode and....



at the VERY END Harry Kim says "I can give you transporters now.."

the question is this:

Would he have been able to transport Tuvok and Paris REGARDLESS of the program, or was the transporter POSSIBLE ONLY *AFTER* the program "ended"??!~? I guess it's one of those questions we'll never know the answer to.

I'd like to think that Seska was smart enough to "RIG" the "transporters" to not work, and thus, ONLY when the "program" ""ended"" could he accomplish such a feet.

(you know you love it- Star Trek conjecture at it's finest...)

Won't I make a GREAT addition to this forum?!?


That's what I thought.

you know you love it.

(megalomania?) maybe just a lil'...





"Tell me all that you know, I'll show you snow and rain" -Jerry Garcia

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Captain Digness

Joined: 04 Dec 2003
Posts: 418

PostSat Sep 15, 2007 1:38 am    

obvviously transporters were only operational after the program was terminated. lets reason on this. the transporter being taken ofline was only due to the program being run. when the programs was switched off the transporters would resume effectiveness due to the fact that seska would have nothing else to disable the tranporters through. and besides, would it really have made a good show if voyager lost transporters????


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