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Star Trek: Sentinel
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Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004
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Location: Gamma Quadrant

PostTue May 15, 2007 12:15 am    Star Trek: Sentinel

A ship that will serve as a sentry will embark on a dangerous journey into the unknown...a journey that will unveil a new threat to the Alpha quadrant...



A terrible conflict known as the Dominion War had engulfed the Alpha quadrant. A political and dreaded force known only as the Dominion had attempted to conquer the Alpha quadrant and rebuild it in their image. In an unprecedented move, the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire united to defeat these foreign invaders. Through a thirst for freedom and the strength of heroes from all across the Alpha and Beta quadrants, the allied forces prevailed and managed to defeat the Dominion in a costly battle over Cardassia. The victory was just as bitter as defeat because of the many lives lost. Millions of people from each world, Dominion and allies alike, had perished. However, the nightmare of this conflict was finally over as the Dominion leader signed the Treaty of Bajor onboard Deep Space Nine.

The Treaty of Bajor, as it was known, had stipulated several things. First, the Dominion was to relinquish its holds on the Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, and the Breen. Next, it demanded the surrender of the Female Changeling, the leader of the Dominion from the Alpha quadrant, to the custody of the United Federation of Planets. Finally, all Dominion ships and personnel were to return to the Gamma quadrant. With the treaty in place, a period of reconstruction had begun across the Alpha quadrant. All of those involved in the war now return or retreat to their space in an effort to rebuild all that has been lost. After the signing of the treaty, an eerie silence has spread across the quadrant with the reconstruction in full swing. With the invading forces gone, the allies suddenly remember they were all once enemies. However, no power is yet strong enough to attack the other. All of the governments reluctantly accept the other and a silent build up occurs.

Five months after the end of the Dominion War, some strange activity has occured beyond the borders of Federation space. A listening post that had been constructed years ago has mysteriously gone silent. To make matters worse, the USS Scientia was dispatched to investigate but it too went missing. Fearing the worst, Starfleet decided that a ship would be needed to go on a deep-space assignment to investigate this matter and to serve as a sentry for the Federation. Weary and battle-torn from the Dominion war and the Borg attack on Earth, the United Federation of Planets can not take another enemy or another war. The USS Sentinel, Steamrunner class, had been tasked with scouting this unexplored area of space and to sound the alarm should war find itself at the doorstep of the Alpha quadrant. Now this ship, alone due to Starfleet being stretched so thin, will begin a journey into the unknown in an effort to protect the scarred Federation and prevent another war from that may tear the quadrant apart...

The quest to protect the United Federation of Planets!

USS Sentinel (NCC-52140)

Type: Light Cruiser
Commissioned: 2340(s)-Present
Decommissioned: N/A
Production: Over 200
Design and Production Facility: Nesrun Shipyards, Andor; Utopia Planitia, Mars; Antares Fleet Yards, Antares IV
Unit Run: USS Steamrunner (NCC-Unknown), USS Appalachia (NCC-52136), USS Sentinel (NCC-52140), plus many more built and lost during the Dominion War and Borg attack.
Mass: 375,000 metric tons
Crew: 185
Propulsion: One cochrane warp core feeding two warp nacelles; two subatomic unified energy impulse engines
Armament: 6 x Type VIII phaser arrays; 2 x Pulse fire photon torpedo tubes + 75 torpedoes; 2 x Standard photon torpedo tubes + 80 torpedoes
Defense Systems: Standard Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus 4.8 cm high density armor. Standard level structural integrity field.
Normal Warp Cruise: 6
Maximum Warp Cruise: 8.8
Maximum Warp Rated: 9.5
Hull Life: 48
Minor Refit: 1 year
Standard Refit: 1 year
Major Refit: 10 years
Length: 244 meters
Beam: 160 meters
Height: 40 meters
Decks: 10
Shuttlebays: 1
Shuttles: 2 type-8 personal shuttles, 2 type-9 personal shuttles, 1 Danube-class shuttle
Fighters: 0

Deck Layout
Deck 1: Captain's Ready Room, Main Bridge
Deck 2: Briefing/Conference Room, XO's Office
Deck 3: Officers Quarters, VIP/Guest Quarters, Diplomatic Facilities, Transporter Room 1, Shuttlebay Observation deck
Deck 4: Sickbay, CMO's Office, CNS' Office, Science Labs 1-12, CSO's Office, Arboretum, Shuttlebay (floor), FCO's Office, Computer Core Entrance/Control
Deck 5: Lounge, Holodeck/suites, Recreation facilities, NCO Quarters, Cargo Bay 1, Cargo Transporters 1, Computer Core, Docking Ports
Deck 6: Warp Core, Engineering (upper), Crew Quarters, Transporter Room 2, Torpedo Launchers and controls, Cargo Bay 2, Cargo Transporters 2, Computer Core
Deck 7: Warp Core, Engineering (floor), CEO's Office, Brig/Security, CTO's office, Phaser Range, Ship's Armory, Torpedo/Probe Magazine, Aux. Weapon Controls, Navigation Deflector Control room, LARS Control room
Deck 8: Deuterium Storage, Anti-Matter Storage Pods, Life Support Systems, Navigation Deflector , LARS Array
Deck 9: Navigation Deflector
Deck 10: Waste Processing/Recycling Center


The main bridge is where the officers come together to run the vessel. Many operations can be performed on the bridge, ranging from tactical to science to helm control. The bridge of a Steamrunner-class starship is not as large as other vessels, but it has more then enough space to allow the officers some freedoms. Unlike some other starship designs, the captain sits alone in the center of the room, while his or her officers are spread out around them. Operations and CONN are directly ahead of the captain. The first officer, science officer, tactical officer, and communications officer are all located behind the captain's chair. The ship's plaque is located directly behind the captain's chair, as well. There is also an open spot for engineering, but it is only occupied when the chief engineer is not in main engineering. The Master Systems Display is located at the engineering console and the engineer can view the status of the vessel from the cutaway image. At the very front of the bridge chamber is a large viewscreen. The viewscreen is not always activated like most other starships. It is a full Holographic display, that can be activated upon request. When the screen is not active, a standard bulkhead is present. This addition was made, so that Star-Field syndrome among Bridge officers would be stopped. Too many officers became hypnotized during warp.

Ready Room

The ready room is the private officer of the commanding officer of the starship. He or she can come here to reflect on a long day of work, relax and eat, or simply work in peace and quiet. There is a small computer on a lavish desk that has several functions, but if often used for communications. A replicator is in the corner of the room in case the captain wishes to eat or have a drink. The actual d�cor of the room depends on the individual itself. Often, captains will set up the room to make it familiar of their homes, as even starship captains get homesick. Often there is a couch in the corner of the room and it is not always surprising to see a captain taking a well deserved nap there. The ready room of a Steamrunner-class, like the bridge, is not very massive in comparison to some other ships. However, it serves its functions well enough.

First Officer's Office

The office largely serve the same function as the captain's ready room. However, it is much smaller then it. There is space for guests should the need arise. A first officer, his or her duties always filled, is not often seen in their office, but rather somewhere else on the ship doing their assigned tasks. That does not necessarily mean the office is never used though. Even a first officer must get away at times.

Briefing Room

The briefing room, known also as the observation lounge on Galaxy and Soveriegn-class starship, serves as a meeting area for the senior staff. There is nothing really extravagent about this room, especially in a Steamrunner-class starship. It is rather small and slightly cramped, but that does not matter as the room was made for sitting and listening. There is a computer, LCARS of course, on the side of the wall that often aides with the briefing. There is room for the entire senior staff at the large table, in addition to a few additional guests. Traditionally, the captain sits at the head of the table.

Transporter Room

On a Steamrunner-class, there are two transporter rooms. They serve the function of beaming crew on and/or off the starship. The transporter rooms aren't very massive, but that is not necessarily a problem. Mass transports aren't usually needed and could be done without the transporter room, but is not often. There are also cargo transporters located in the cargobay. Those transporters can typically handle more to beam on or off. A transporter chief is usually always on site and ready to beam a crewmen back up or off the ship at his or her command. The transporters themselves can filter out most things, including germs from a planet below or even weapons on a hostile. The transporter pad on a Steamrunner-class can fit 6 people at one time.


The quarters of a starship serve as a resting area for the crew. The layout is always the same, but what is inside is completely up to the owner of the specific quarters. Sensior staff officers get their own, individual quarters while the junior officers must share. Federation quarters tend to be luxurious as Starfleet often cares about comfort. The captain's quarters are a bit larger then the others, but not by much in the case of a Steamrunner. There are also VIP/Guest quarters onboard in case a situation calls for diplomacy. Each quarters have the standard replicators for personal use.


The medical center of any starship is sickbay. It is equipped with the latest medical equipment and has everything a Starfleet doctor needs. The Steamrunner-class is absolutely no acception to this. Several biobeds adorn one side of the room. There is also a small office for the chief medical officer inside of the room itself. There is a station for the nurse as well. Due to the specific nature of the starship, there is no Emergency Medical Hologram aboard. Instead, the Long-term Medical Hologram has been installed. It has holoemitters installed for the holograms.

Science Lab

The Steamrunner-class does not have stellar cartography, cybernetics lab, or astrometrics, so the science lab serves as the closest thing. Officers in the science department can come here and use the equipment in the room to study any unknowns they may encounter. This room is especially important when a vessel is in deep space due to the fact that it will run into many strange phenomena.

Main Engineering

There are two levels of engineering, like on most starships. A warp core sits in the center of the room. There is a console where the engineers could stand over and control the functions of the vessel. The warp core can be ejected should the situation call for it. There is also a small office for the chief of engineering.


The brig is located on the same deck as the main security and it is where the prisoners of the vessel are kept. Once more, due to the deep space mission of the vessel, the brig was expanded to fit more prisoners. While this expansion has caused the holding cells to become very cramped, it allows for more prisoners to be kept. After all, they have no starbases to unload them at.

Savur's Sanctuary

A very unique looking lounge/mess hall area aboard the vessel. It is run by a very old Vulcan named Savur. He came from a different era and cited that it was illogical to change the look of his lounge when this was the one he knew best. He brought the design to vessel, with the approval of it's captain, and opened for bussiness. When one stepped inside, it almost felt like walking into a mess hall aboard the original Enterprise. Despite its look, it does have modern features such as a replicator. Typically, only adults are allowed to enter, but that rule can be bent. Officers often come there to have a drink and unwind after a long day.


There is only one holodeck aboard the starship, which could cause problems on a deep space assignment. It is filled with many programs and serves as a place where one could either relax or simply have fun. Due to the large amount of crewmen and the fact there is only one holodeck, turns must be taken to use it. Since the starship does not regularly visit space dock, updates in the programs do not occur. Thus, some of the latest programs would not be in its databanks. The LMH can be transfered to the holodeck. Sickbay and the holodeck are the only two locations that have that.

Racquet Ball

A sport still played well into the 24th century, the room was built for players. Not all Starfleet officers will use it and in some starships, the room is unused. However, it serves as a great excercise for others and when the holodeck is packed, some will flock to the room for a quick game.


This serves as a mode of transportation between decks and is completely standard on all Federation starships. It can fit about 5 people, but anymore then that and it becomes very cramped. There is an emergency ladder that one could access from within the turbolift should it fail for whatever reason. The ladder would lead straight into the Jefferies Tube, allowing further mobility within the vessel.

Phaser Range

Another recreational area aboard the starship. This room is only for officers and is usually used by security for training. However, it could simply be a place for non-security to hone their phaser skills. There is also a competition mode that could be set for two players. Dancing lights float around the room and phaser set on a non-lethal setting are used to hit the lights for points. Typically, only used to perfect one's accuracy with a phaser.


Auxiliary craft are located here for use on certain missions. The vessel has 2 type-8 personal shuttles, 2 type-9 personal shuttles, and 1 Danube-class shuttle. There are no fighters aboard, nor is there space for them. There is only one shuttlebay aboard the ship, which does not allow for additional vessels to board the ship. Some engineers are often found here, running maintanence on the shuttles and preparing them in case they are needed. A flight control deck is located on a higher level, putting it in a higher deck, even though it is in the same room. From the flight control, the officer can open the shuttlebay doors or close them.


Due to the ship's deep-space mission, it will not have any back up from another vessel, nor have a space dock to resupply. As a result, the cargobay is filled to the max with supplies the ship might need. There is also a transporter there which allows for transport of many, larger objects. There are a lot of additional items here and it is constantly checked and organized by an officer plagued with the monotonous task.

Master System's Display


USS Sentinel Crew

Senior Staff

Commanding Officer-Captain Andrew T. McGowan (Founder)

First Officer-Commander Valentina Zaitsev (La Forge)

Second Officer/Intelligence Officer-Lieutenant Commander Elora Rayne (Lord Borg)

Chief Tactical/Security-Lieutenant Commander Vincent Pominville (Valathous)

Chief Science Officer-Lieutenant Kiyra Michelle McGowan (Ziona)

Chief Medical Officer-Lieutenant Junior Grade Sytok (squiggy)

Chief Engineer-Lieutenant Haley Taydan (Spellbinder Marik)

Counselor-Lieutenant Commander (Provisional) Mace Zjarot (Republican_Man)

Chief of Operation-Ensign Jessica Wakefield (Josi Rockholt)

Chief Helmsman-Lieutenant Shawn Cordell (Shawn Cordell)

Junior Officers

Assistant Chief of Security-Ensign Kyleigh Andrea McGowan (ILoveHarry)

Relief Helmsman-Ensign Tarvos Strell (NPC)

Relief Operations Officer-Cadet Fourth Class Thomas "Tommy" Brooks (NPC)

Relief Tactical Officer-Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane "Dark Wolf" Smith (NPC)

Head Nurse-Ensign Chomal Lroht (NPC)

Assistant Chief of Engineering-Ensign Jota Kisanan (NPC)

Shuttlebay Controller-Petty Officer First Class Tulak (NPC)

Transporter Chief-Senior Chief Petty M'Tress (NPC)

Long-term Medical Hologram-Long-term Medical Hologram (NPC)


Lounge Owner-Savur (NPC)

Exobiologist-Jeffrey Sheridan (NPC)

Season I

Episode One-The Hunt Begins

Episode Two-Deus Ex Nebula

Episode Three

Episode Four

Episode Five

Episode Six

Episode Seven

Episode Eight

Episode Nine

Episode Ten

General Rules
1) Do not spam. Which includes multiple posts back to back. No OOC only posts. If you make an OOC comment, you must include a post IC. Even if it is a small one.
2) Please be active. I understand if you get busy or have personal problems. Just tell me you can't post for the moment. You don't even have to tell me what the reason is.
3) Be nice to each other. If you have a problem with another poster for some reason, tell me and I'll try and handle it.
4) Try and read the posts. I can understand if you don't want to sift through an essay of a post. If you don't want to, don't guess. PM me and I will give you a detailed summary of what has happened. I would rather avoid someone posting a post that makes no sense and contradicts other posts and then me having to tell them to edit. I honestly do not mind giving summaries.
5) If you want to post a picture of a certain action taking place, for example a Federation fleet is dropping out of warp, then please no animation pictures or a HUGE picture. If you use photobucket, which we are supposed to be doing, resize it to be smaller please. Not everyone can handle the animations and huge pictures.
6) Please do not use asteriks to define action. For example *Runs to the turbolift*. Just put "(Insert character name) runs to the turbolift."
7) Please use quotation marks when someone is speaking. It is a lot easier to differentiate thought from speaking if you use quotation marks. It doesn't need to be perfect English or anything, just something easy for everyone to read. When you post, try and consider if the other posters can make sense of it.
8) Please use italics for telepathy and non-face-to-face communications. Including combadge use. Please no more of the =/\= stuff. Thoughts should be depicted by the underline symbol.
9) Do not use emoticons please. Not that anyone should need it...
10) Please refrain from making one liner posts such as "Aye sir." and thats it. I'm not asking for a huge paragraph, but try and write "Aye sir". (Insert character name here) goes to the station and carries out the order.
11) We won't know where everyone is, so when you post, please post this before posting anything else -Location, specific spot-. For example, -Sentinel, Bridge-
12 Do not introduce new elements to the story without consulting the GM first. Don't add in your own ships, species, creatures, etc. until the GM is consulted. If you want to have a side story for your character or have some type of idea, that is fine but check with the GM.
13) IMPORTANT RULE: Stick to canon. Please don't make a post that contradicts what has been shown on Trek. We're part of the universe, not trying to control it.
14) IMPORTANT RULE: No God-modding. Do not control other characters unless the said character has given permission to do so. Do not make your character extremely powerful. Everyone, including mine, must have a weakness.

Join the new journey!

(A special thanks to La Forge for assisting me in putting this together.)

GM Notes:
This RPG takes place right after the Dominion War. Which means that the USS Voyager has not returned from the Delta Quadrant and the events in Star Trek: Nemesis has not occurred.

Also, please take into consideration that our mission is a deep-space assignment that will take us away from Federation space for over a year. We won't be meeting any Federation, Romulan, Klingon ships, stations, colonies unless an episode calls for it.

Last edited by Founder on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:16 pm; edited 15 times in total

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Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004
Posts: 12755
Location: Gamma Quadrant

PostTue May 15, 2007 12:16 am    

USS Sentinel Characters

Joining Rules
1) If you wish to join, please PM me, do not post anywhere in here.
2) Must be willing to keep up. This will be a very fast paced RPG.
3) Fill out this format and PM it to me.

Played by:
Home World:
Year of Birth:
BIO: (Try to keep it brief, as it's more interesting to learn about the character within the story itself.)

Character Rules
1: Can not be a charecter from the shows. Ex. Janeway, Sisko, Picard, etc.
2: Can not be an alien species that isn't in the Federation. Ex. Vorta, Q, A Borg Drone, Klingon, Romulan, etc. etc. etc. UNLESS YOU CAN MAKE A CREATIVE REASON WHY THEY ARE THERE.
3: Can not be related to a main charecter unless distant. None of this Picard's illegitamate son stuff.
4: Please take into consideration that you do not have to be a Starfleet officer. While non-Starfleet roles are limited, I could try and find a way to fit you in. If you want a special position in Starfleet, ex. Hazard Team commander, PM the GM and we'll figure something out.

USS Sentinel Senior Staff

Name: Andrew T. McGowan
Played by: Founder
Position: Commanding Officer
Rank: Captain
Home World: Luna (Earth's Moon)
Year of Birth: 2309
Age: 66
Species: Human
Gender: Male
BIO: Andrew was born on Earth's moon, Luna, in 2309. His parents were both Starfleet officers that served on the moon. He grew up with a father that was a strict commander who demanded perfection. As a result, Andrew grew up very rebellious towards authority figures. His parents pushed him to join Starfleet, but Andrew resisted and decided to pursue a civilian role in the sciences. For several years, he worked at the Daystrom Institute and it was there that he met his future wife-Sana McGowan. Andrew later joined Starfleet and served aboard only two starships in his entire career. He met his close friend, Sean Damon, at the academy and the two would serve on the first ship he served on, the USS Scout. His second ship was the USS Sentinel. By the time he transfered to the Sentinel, he was already a captain. During the mid-stages of the Dominion War, his wife was killed on her home world of Betazed when the Dominion invaded it. It turned him into a very uncaring and reckless officer, in addition to his already rebellious and easy to anger ways. Starfleet attempted to force him into early retirement or promotion to admiral, not wanting a captain like him on the battlefield. Andrew did not budge and held on to his captaincy. His friend, Sean Damon, now an admiral, pulled some strings and allowed him to remain as captain, but the Sentinel was pulled from the fighting and relegated to patrol duty near the Sol sector for the entirety of the war. When this new possible mission came up, Andrew begged to be allowed to lead this deep-space assignment. He needed to find a new purpose and hoped that this mission would give him just that. Starfleet approved him for the task and he now leads the mission.

Name: Valentina Zaitsev
Played by: La Forge
Position: First Officer
Rank: Commander
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2335
Age: 40
Species: Human
Gender: Female
BIO: Valentina Zaitsev was born in Moscow, Russia in the year of 2335 to Yuri and Elena Zaitsev. Valentina was the oldest of five children and, being the eldest, was often forced to help care for her younger siblings. Her parents believed in the concept of 'tough love', raising their oldest daughter to be the fit, well-educated, and disciplined young woman that she grew up to be. Her father, a retired drill instructor at Starfleet Academy, home-schooled Valentina. His teaching methods weren't always gentle, but, it got the job done. Despite the tough love that Valentina's parents showed to their eldest daughter, they loved Valentina and only wished for her to have the best life she could when she was an adult. It took Valentina awhile to realize that, but, in the end, she came to thank her parents for raising her so well. After Valentina came of age, she enrolled at the Academy, at her father's urging. At the Academy, she studied both security and command. Thanks to her parent's lessons, she was able to pass her classes at the Academy with flying colors, coming out at the top of her class. Upon graduating from the Academy, with honors, she was recruited into a special branch of Starfleet, the Marines, an elite group of soldiers. Valentina served in the Marines for over fifteen years, eventually rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, being given command of a squadron of troops. She and her squad fought in the Second Federation-Klingon War and went on to fight in the Dominion War soon afterwards. During the Dominion War, she was assigned to Betazed, before it was conquered by the Dominion. When the Dominion came, she and her squad fought valiantly, but, in the end, they were defeated. Valentina lost over half of her squad in the ten-hour long struggle. After the Dominion took control, Valentina and the surviving members of her squad, trapped on the Dominion-occupied planet, were forced to go into hiding and ride out the rest of the war in the shadows. When the war was finally declared over, in 2375, the Dominion finally pulled out of Betazed and Valentina and the rest of her squad was free. After returning to Earth, Valentina was awarded the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor for her actions in the war. The medal was no solace for the living hell she had been forced to live through during the Betazed occupation. She resigned from the Marines and went back home, to try and find some help for the horrors she had subjected to during the war. As Valentina didn't believe in the ability of counselors and refused to resort to drugs (at least at first), she was forced to simply try and live with the pain. Soon, Valentina decided that she couldn't live out the rest of her life moping about. That wasn't the way her parents would have wanted her to live her life. So, she signed back up in Starfleet and was given a new commission in the regular force, with the rank of commander. While awaiting assignment, Valentina, like everyone else, began to hear rumors of a mysterious new alien race massing for an invasion in the far corners of the Alpha Quadrant. Intrigued, Valentina immediately signed up for the mission, seeing a chance to find the purpose in life that had been lost in the war. Valentina was assigned aboard the Steamrunner-class U.S.S. Sentinel, which was given the task to investigate this new menace, as first officer.

Name: Elora Rayne
Played by: Lord Borg
Position: Second Officer/ Intelligence Officer
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Home World: Terra Nova
Year of Birth: 2350
Age: 26
Species: Novan
Gender: Female
BIO: Elora Rayne was born on the planet Terra Nova to Andrew and Melissa Rayne on January 01, 2350. Being born into a family that owned and operated a cargo service, Elora spent a great deal of her childhood on Cargo ships, where she "learned the tools of the trade". Many people, including her parernts thought Elora would continue the family tradition and serve within the family business, her natural talant that she had begun to show at her keen memory and fast reflexes showed a promising future at eventual command. Elora however, had other plans in mind for her future, Science was a way of life for her and when she learned about Starfleet she had decided to join the Academy to become an Officer. Elora's natural abilities and fast way of thinking earned the attention of many, many people including Starfleet Intelligence. Elora began training with SI, in addition to her classes at Starfleet Academy. The time had come for Elora's graduation, by now at leaast 15 pounds of her body weight was pure muscle, her mind allowed her to quickly store information and recall it almost photographically much, much later. Her training in weapons and hand to hand combat was also supperior to many 'known' forms due to her mind and physique. Elora served in several differnt assignments, quickly rising in rank during the Dominion War to Lieutenant Commander, and status as Second Officer now on the U.S.S. Sentinel NCC-52140.

Name: Vincent Pominville
Played by: Valathous
Position: Chief Tactical/Security
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2342
Age: 34
Species: Human
Gender: Male
BIO: Vincent was born in the city of Montreal and joined the academy as soon as he was able. His parents always supported him following his dreams and his were the stars in some way, shape, or form. Vincent excelled in tactical and security field and learned his way around a computer system quite well. Though when the time came to choose a major, he found he enjoyed the adrenaline rush that came with tactical and security. Vincent possesses unheard of accuracy with a hand phaser and is accurate with tactical controls, as well, though he prefers hand-held weapons. His leadership qualities are those of a natural born leader when the situation arises, though his demeanour outside of a combat situation would have one think that wasn�t possible, being that he often tries to keep morale up with jokes and typically tries to stay in a decent mood. While he served on several ships without his career, including one where he partook in the battle of Cardassia as a tactical officer, his most distinguished posting was as an officer protecting the communications array on AR-558. He replaced the soldiers that had been there an unusually long time after the events of Captain Sisko. That is where he claims he truly grew up. He served with distinction and despite the bloody combat and death he witnessed all the time, he volunteered to stay behind during several rotations as to act as a mentor to the young new recruits. Vincent is mentally and physically fit at 6�2�, 208 lbs.

Name: Haley Taydan
Played by: Spellbinder Marik
Position: Chief Engineer
Rank: Lieutenant
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2343
Age: 33
Species: Human
Gender: Female
BIO: Haley Taydans life is a story she hasn�t told many. She�s quick to lose her temper and has spent more than a few days in the brig. She enjoys thumbing her nose at authority if she thinks she can get away with it. She was always distant from her family and at first chance she joined Starfleet in order to get away from Earth. She found more scrapes in the wide universe but ultimately more to do. She was recently promoted to Lieutenant and chief engineer of the U.S.S. Sentinel much to her surprise. Her engineering expertise was something hard learned due to her unwillingness to admit she too needed help on occasion.

Name: Sytok
Played by: Squiggy
Position: Chief Medical Officer
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Home World: Vulcan
Year of Birth: Classified
Age: Classified
Species: Vulcan
Gender: Male
BIO: Considered a rogue, even among Vulcans, Sytok is proficient in both medicinal and weaponry studies, however, as it is not very common to have a vulcan weapon expert, Sytok took after medicine. Unlike most vulcans, Sytok will gladly eat a big juicy steak, but will not touch a salad. The only green vegetable-like thing anyone has seen him eat is mint leaves. During the dominion war, he served aboard a small hospital ship,which had been captured, and he was in one of the dominion slave camps for several years before being freed. Starfleet promoted him upon his return to lt. jr. grade upon his return, however, it was noted that his emotions took a much more prominent role in his personality, after the tortures and horrors he had been put through. Most vulcans now look down upon him, considering him "incomplete", although Sytok would not wish to be anything other then what he is.

Name: Kiyra Michelle McGowan
Played by: Ziona
Position: Chief Science
Rank: Lieutenant
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2343
Age: 34
Species: Human/Betazoid
Gender: Female
BIO: Kiyra Michelle McGowan was the first daughter born to Andrew T. McGowan and his Betazoid wife. After the death of her mother, Kiyra really started taking an interest in science, as well as astronomy. As such, she excelled quickly in her courses at the academy and soon began to make a name for herself. Recently, she has begun to show her skill and ability in navigating and charting undiscovered areas of space. Having been raised in a mostly human atmosphere, Kiyra does not have very strong ties to the heritage of her Betazoid mother. She has, however, begun to research the species and its customs on her own as she has grown older. Kiyra has a firm will to please her father and excel under his guiding. After serving aboard two other vessels, once as a science officer and once as an astrometrics chief, Kiyra has been stationed on the Sentinel and hopes to continue pleasing her father's perfectionist tendencies. Her quiet demeanor and attention to detail will hopefully lead her to a place of regard in her father's mind as she serves under him.

Name: Mace Zjarot
Played by: Republican_Man
Position: Counselor/Diplomat
Rank: Lieutenant Commander (Provisional)
Home World: Betazed
Year of Birth: 2321
Age: 54
Species: Betazoid
Gender: Male

Name: Jessica Wakefield
Played by: Josi Rockholt
Position: Chief Operations Officer
Rank: Ensign
Homeworld: Earth
Year Of Birth: 2355
Age: 21
Species: human
Gender: Female
BIO: Jessica has always been interested in space. Her mother was a first officer on a ship, but her father never liked the Federation. This is Jessica's first assignment, but with good reccomendations from the acedemy. She was top of her class in command and Operations. Operations always intrigued Jessica, though she never knew why.

Name: Shawn Cordell
Played by: Shawn Cordell
Position: Chief Helmsman
Rank: Lieutenant
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2351
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: Male, black
BIO: Grew up on Earth, always looking up at the stars and wondering what was up there. Soon, his only interest lied with Starfleet, he wanted to do something he could be proud of and Starfleet seemed like the perfect match for him, so, as soon as he came of age, he joined Starfleet Academy in 2367 and graduated in 2371. During that period of time, he gained a mirage of friends both among his fellow students and a few teachers as well. He always was a cheerful guy who knew how to carry himself and still is to this day. Nowadays, he enjoys spending a bit of time on the Holodeck as well as studying Ancient human literature, the works of old Romans and Greek philosophers especially. He has yet to find some friends he truly can connect with, even though he has made some great friends over the years. After being assigned to a few different ships over the years, since his Starfleet graduation, he's gained a great deal of experience and has since then become a skilled pilot and an invaluable asset in some sticky situations in the past. He takes great pride in what he does, but isn't the type to be mad if someone takes a stab at him in the manner of a rude joke or otherwise.

USS Sentinel Non-Senior Staff

Name: Kyleigh Andrea McGowan
Played by: ILoveHarry
Position: Assistant Chief of Security Officer
Rank: Ensign
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2353
Age: 24
Species: Human/Betazoid
Gender: Female

Name: Tarvos Strell
Played by: NPC
Position: Relief Helmsman
Rank: Ensign
Home World: Andoria
Year of Birth: 2350
Age: 25
Species: Andorian
Gender: Male
BIO: Tarvos Strell was born on Andoria in the year of 2350. Tarvos was born into a prideful family, both of his parents Starfleet officers. His parents encouraged the young Andorian to join Starfleet. When Tarvos came of age, he did so, signing up at the Academy. At the Academy, Tarvos trained for command and specialized in command skills. Four years after enrolling, Tarvos graduated and was assigned to the Steamrunner-class vessel, the U.S.S. Sentinel. Tarvos was assigned to the Sentinel near the end of the Dominion War and didn't see much action. After all, the Sentinel was on border patrol during the duration of the war. Now, with the war over, the Sentinel has been assigned to investigate a mysterious new threat on the borders of the Alpha Quadrant. Tarvos has an ego and, while being a spectacular pilot, sometimes lets that ego get to his head, known to be arrogant and cocky at times.

Name: Thomas "Tommy" Brooks
Played by: NPC
Position: Relief Operations Officer
Rank: Cadet, First Class
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2357
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Male
BIO: A young cadet at the end of his tenure at Starfleet Academy. He entered a gifted program that would allow him to join this several year mission of the Sentinel. If he succeeds with good marks, he'll be allowed to be promoted to lieutenant Junior Grade once the ship returns to Federation space. Tommy is brilliant, but as a result he is very arrogant and not well liked.

Name: Jane "Dark Wolf" Smith
Played by: NPC
Position: Relief Tactical Officer
Rank: Ensign
Home World: Dorvan V
Year of Birth: 2353
Age: 22
Species: Human
Gender: Female
BIO: Born on the Native American-controlled world of Dorvan V. She was born just a few years after its founding. The planet now belongs to the Cardassian Union because of the treaty with the Federation. However, she would later leave to enter service in Starfleet, feeling that traditional life on Dorvan V was simply not enough for her. She cares deeply for her Native roots and hopes to one day see more of her people in the stars.

Name: Chomal Lroht
Played by: NPC
Position: Head Nurse
Rank: Ensign
Home World: Bolarus IX
Year of Birth: 2352
Age: 23
Species: Bolian
Gender: Male
BIO: A young and eager Starfleet officer if there ever was one. He is always in a cheery mood, which sometimes irritates others. Chomal hopes to one day become the chief medical officer aboard a Sovereign-class starship, but knows that is a long way off. He took on this assignment mostly for the experiance and hopes that there is no conflict.

Name: Jota Kisanan
Played by: NPC
Position: Assistant Chief of Engineering
Rank: Ensign
Home World: Trill
Year of Birth: 2350
Age: 25
Species: Trill (un-joined)
Gender: Male
BIO: Jota is a talented engineer and is obsessive in recieving a Trill symbiont. However, he has never really passed the tests and always washed out. Burnt out on his pursuits, he joined the deep-space assignment of the Sentinel and hopes to temporarily run away from Trill. On his eventual return, he plans on attempting the tests once more.

Name: Tulak
Played by: NPC
Position: Flight Control
Rank: Petty Officer 1st Class
Home World: Vulcan
Year of Birth: 2331
Age: 44
Species: Vulcan
Gender: Male
BIO: Tulak did not attend Starfleet Academy and has the task of operating the shuttlebay doors and ensuring that the shuttles are kept in good shape for any missions. He is quiet and reserved as most Vulcans are and is rarely seen outside of his work. As a result, he is not often seen with other officers.

Name: M'Tress
Played by: NPC
Position: Transporter Chief
Rank: Senior Chief Petty
Home World: Cait
Year of Birth: Unknown
Age: Uknown
Species: Catian
Gender: Male
BIO: M'Tress left his home world in disgrace due to something he refuses to reveal. He serves Starfleet, but never went to the Academy. Other then that, virtually nothing is really known about him and because of his massive size, others are too fearful to say anything to him.

Name: Long-term Medical Hologram (LMH)
Played by: NPC
Position: Medical Officer (only wheen needed)
Rank: N/A
Home World: N/A
Year of Birth: N/A
Age: N/A
Species: Hologram
Gender: Male (masculine programming)
BIO: The LMH was created by Dr. Zimmerman on DS9, two years ago. The program was to replace the EMH for deep-space mission and outlying posts/ships/stations. However, the program was temporarily set aside when issues with the template for the LMH, Julian Bashir, arose. The Sentinel was docked at DS9 before leaving and was in need of a long term medical program as the EMH could only function for a limited amount of time. Starfleet was fearful that the Sentinel could run into problems and needed a medical back up, as their mission prevented them from going to any starbase. They refused to let the Sentinel continue without addressing this problem. Starfleet, not wanting to waste time on investigating this new threat and realizing that Zimmerman could not create a new LMH on the spot, had approved of using the LMH from DS9. Dr. Bashir gladly gave the program away, citing that it only brought him "hell". Due to the fact that the LMH program was never completed, it still retains the mannerisms and attitude of the EMH Mark I. The LMH program was so large and complex that the EMH program that had been on the ship was overwritten and is now gone. The program is restricted to sickbay and the holodeck only, as the entire ship does not have holo-emitters.

USS Sentinel Civilians

Name: Savur
Played by: NPC
Position: Owner of Savur's Sanctuary/Tal Shiar Agent
Rank: N/A
Home World: Unkown
Year of Birth: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Species: Romulan (Disguised as a Vulcan)
Gender: Male
BIO: Savur is a very old Vulcan that has been in the restaurant bussiness for nearly an entire century. He is famous for keeping his design for his restaurant, Savur's Sanctuary which has a very old style look to it. He had a small restaurant on a Federation outpost near Earth. However, all of that was simply a cover. He is really a Romulan Tal Shiar agent that has been living with Humans for some time. Savur frequently listens in on drunk Starfleet officers and often passes any information he can back to Romulus. With this possible new threat, the Romulans have an apathetic curiosity. It isn't a threat to them yet, but they like to stay ahead of the game. Because Savur blends in with Starfleet so well, they ordered him to set up shop on the vessel and go with them on the mission. His Romulan information is unknown, including his real name.

Name: Jeffrey Sheriden
Played by: NPC
Position: Exobiologist
Rank: N/A
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2324
Age: 51
Species: Human
Gender: Male
BIO: Jeff, as he is usually known, is a renowned scientist from the Federation and was allowed on this mission to document the many new life forms the Sentinel would encounter. However, there is more to this meek individual then meets the eye. He has ties to Section 31, but is not an active member. Like Dr. Bashir and Admiral Ross, he was tapped by them to do certain tasks and is often used that way. Jeff is resistant to joining Section 31, but is too afraid of them to say no when they ask something of him. He is not an active member, but Section 31 does not fear him as they know he is too scared to say anything about them. They ordered him to "observe" what is going on and when possible, to report back to them on the matter. He reluctantly agreed to do their bidding...once more.

USS Sentinel Enemies

Name: Asha Belor
Played by: NPC
Position: Commanding Officer
Rank: Gul
Home World: Cardassia
Year of Birth: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Species: Cardassian
Gender: Female
BIO: She was a Gul aboard her starship during the Dominion War. She supported Dominion membership, but only because they were going to lift Cardassia to be the most powerful Alpha quadrant power. She's a hardcore loyalist to Cardassia and is very xenophobic. She's a mix of Garak and Dukat in many ways. She's like Dukat because she's decietful, but also has the charisma of Garak. This flaire that makes you want to trust her at times. When the allies attacked Cardassia at the final battle, she realized that they would lose the fight and that when the allies won they'd steal the resources from Cardassia and leave it as a dead, slave world. Fearful of that future, she fled with her crew, which are very loyal to her. She looks for an oppurtunity to go back to Cardassia, but realizes that if the allies had won, she'd be imprisoned and if the Dominion had won they would execute her for her cowardice. So she can't go back unless she has something to return to them. Her and her crew are oblivious to the war occuring in the nearby sector but will soon be dragged into it like our vessel. Her motives are completely unknown...

Name: Kror
Played by: NPC
Position: Commanding Officer
Rank: Thot
Home World: Breen
Year of Birth: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Species: Breen
Gender: Unknown
BIO: Virtually nothing is known of this individual other then he commands the Breen vessel assigned to the system and has been given the task to investigate this possible threat to the Breen Confederacy. He has the rank of Thot, which is roughly the equivalent of a Starfleet admiral, thus denoting his importance.


Name: Sean Reeves
Played by: Admiral
Position: Unknown
Rank: Admiral
Home World: Earth
Year of Birth: 2305
Age: 70
Species: Human
Gender: Male
BIO: Sean is a close friend of Andrew McGowan and the two once served together. He chose promotion, while his friend latched onto the captain's seat. Sean is the only reason that Andrew did not lose his command and is the reason the Sentinel is going on this deep-space assignment. When the Sentinel sends reports to Starfleet, he recieves them and proccesses them, in addition to giving the captain new orders for the ship.

GM Notes: I know I filled up a lot of the positions with NPCs, but I did that because I didn't want to have to create a throwaway character every episode for minor positions and for quick posts. This also gives a sense of continuity when we use the same people. Remember, this is a smaller ship and we won't be visiting space stations, nor will we see other Federation ships for a while. So we can't make it seem like there are a million faces on the ship. I also only filled the spots that most people do not want. When membership increases, I'll have the NPC characters either step aside, part of a different shift, or killed off. So if you do want the role, please tell me.

Last edited by Founder on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:21 pm; edited 19 times in total

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Dominion Leader

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PostTue May 15, 2007 12:40 am    

Additional Information

USS Sentinel Auxiliary Crafts

Name: Lincoln; Washington
Class: Type-8
Quantity: 2

Name: Solar; Cosmic
Class: Type-9
Quantity: 2

Name: Neva
Class: Danube
Quantity: 1




Crew Count: 184

Shuttle Count: 5

Torpedo Count:

Other Starships

Name: Rekal
Class: Galor

Name: Unknown
Class: Unknown

Last edited by Founder on Thu May 17, 2007 3:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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Dominion Leader

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PostTue May 15, 2007 9:42 pm    

-USS Sentinel, Ready Room-

Captain's Log, Stardate 53202.18 (March 15th, 2376)

This will be my first log on my first deep-space assignment. The Sentinel has been at maximum warp for the past fourteen hours after being docked at Deep Space Nine. We're headed towards the border of Talarian space and that will be the official beginning of our mission in unexplored space of the Alpha quadrant. A listening post has gone dead and the Nebula-class starship, the Scientia, was dispatched to investigate it. The Scientia has gone missing and Starfleet is alarmed. With the end of the Dominion War, the reconstruction has begun and paranoia is at an all time high. Starfleet is fearful of some new contacts after the terrible first contact with the Dominion. In addition, they're scared that the Romulans might take advantage of the Federation and the Klingons in their weakened state. The USS Sentinel was tasked with investigating this possible threat to the Federation by Starfleet. I've been on this ship for some time now and know it like the back of my hand. She's tough and can get the job done. Starfleet forced a new crew on me, but I don't mind really. Apparently, a lot of the old staff willingly left. I'm only glad that Sean, I mean Admiral Reeves, gave me the oppurtunity. Otherwise, Starfleet would have had me patrolling the Sol sector until I dropped dead of old age. I'm not sure what we'll find on this mission or if we're only chasing phantoms. The fact of the matter is, ever since Sana died on Betazed, I haven't been the same. I've been...floating, lifeless... This mission is my new beginning. End log.

Captain Andrew T. McGowan looked around his small ready room and gave a sigh. He was sitting on the couch in the corner of the room and staring at the stars as they rushed by at maximum warp. Since they left DS9, McGowan had not left his ready room to meet his crew. It was terrible behavior on his part, but he always retreated into his ready room or his quarters. He always shelved off his duties to his first officers and that resulted in the original first officer of the Sentinel leaving. Andrew sat up from the couch with a loud groan. He had to meet with the senior staff at some point and it was ridiculous of him to think otherwise. They had to have a plan when they met with the Talarians. Going near their space was not the wisest course of action. The only reason they were doing it was because they claimed they had information on the Scientia. At first, Starfleet assumed the missing ship met with a terrible fate at the hands of the Tzenkethi, but apparently that isn't true. They claimed that the Scientia never even went near their space and the Talarians claim they have proof that what the Tzenkthi are saying is in fact true. Hopefully, all of this isn't a ruse. The Talarians are a fighting race and would no doubt have no qualms over attacking a Federation vessel. Just to be safe, Andrew had ordered the vessel to remain at yellow alert during their meeting with them. He sighed and wondered what crew he was stuck with. The captain had not met any of them and ordered the first officer, Valentina Zaitsev, to have the bridge over his combadge. It was time to meet them and see who Starfleet had sent him. Hopefully, this would be a short mission...

"Time to meet the bastards." He muttered.

He stood up from the couch and straightened his vest. Andrew was wearing the captain's varient, the vest, as he usually did. He prefered it a lot more then the normal uniform. It was much more comfertable to him. Andrew took a deep breath and headed towards the doors that would lead him to the bridge...

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Fleet Admiral

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PostTue May 15, 2007 9:54 pm    

USS Sentinel, Bridge

A sigh escaped her lips as she bent over a nearby console, going over and over again the star charts being brought up before her. She knew most of the systems and could probably recite names of planets and stars in at least three languages. Unfortunately, she had hardly any knowledge of the languages they might encounter on this mission. Most of her time in her younger adulthood had been spent on nearly dead languages on Earth. Another sigh escaped her lips before she continued to work diligently on the charts before her.

Kiyra stood back after a few more minutes and crossed her arms on her chest, peering around the bridge cautiously before turning her eyes downwards to the floor. She had yet to see the captain of the ship, who happened to be her very own father. In all actuality, Kiyra hadn't seen her father in a few years, mostly because of his distant missions and other situations. But then her mother died and everything was different. For her, personally, the death had been a distant reminder than humans, and all species, are very mortal. It wasn't as daunting a reminder as she had expected but it still had humbled her to the point of pouring her life into her studies. She wanted to do something, make a name for herself, so that when she blipped out of existence, her life wouldn't be meaningless.

With a quick hand, Kiyra brushed a strand of hair from her light eyes and continued looking over the charts, trying to cram as much information into her mind as possible. Eventually, the chart simply ran out of information and a vast expanse of nothing lay before her. That was her job, to fill in the blank information. For she was the science officer, chief at that, aboard an exploratory mission in her mind. She was to fill out all the missing data consisting of any planets and stars and other inhabitants that were filling up empty space. It was a challenging job but it excited a deepness in her mind that she couldn't quite comprehend yet.

The sound of doors opening made Kiyra glance towards the Captain's office and she waited in pause for a glimpse of her father after so many years...


]"...the truth is, I am scared to death just treading on your shadow..."

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Stooge Two

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PostTue May 15, 2007 9:58 pm    

USS Sentinel Sickbay
Sytok looked casually about the boxes, and boxes of starfleet medical supplies.
No one at the starbase had thought to put any of this away for him.
How polite of them.
He stared at his office, which was also full of boxes.
He cursed under his breath.
"Chief Medical Officer's note to the captain via Quartermaster reports, The sickbay is annoyingly over-stocked, and the next time we are at that starbase, I intend to rip out the cargo transport operator's tongue, and feed it back to him. End that notation." He said aloud.
"Logged and noted, Lt. Sytok." The computer replied.
He slowly went about putting stuff away, annoyed as heck about half the junk he was supplied with.
"What the heck... 'generic pain killers'... these boxes aren't even LABELLED correctly... there is vicodin in here! That's an opiate! This stuff should be in the hazardous goods box... I swear by Surak that I am going to... need some time to meditate." He said aloud to no one in particular.
Then a brilliant idea came to him.
"Computer activate LMH." He said aloud.
LMH: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
"I am hungry, tired, and border-line homicidal. I need to go eat something and meditate. YOU put this stuff away." Sytok told the LMH.
LMH: "I'm a doctor, not a cargo transporter. Do it yourself."
Sytok sighed rather loudly. It was going to be a long long long day.

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La Forge
Bajoran Colonel

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PostTue May 15, 2007 10:18 pm    

U.S.S. Sentinel, Bridge

The figure of a middle-aged woman with long raven-black hair, piercing green eyes, and a strong jaw was seated in the captain's chair aboard the bridge of the Steamrunner-class Starfleet vessel, her latest assignment, the U.S.S. Sentinel. Her name was Valentina Zaitsev, an ex-marine turned Starfleet officer. She held the rank of commander and the position of executive officer on the Sentinel, her command assignment in the 'regular force'.

Almost immediately boarding the Sentinel at Deep Space Nine and dropping off her few belongings (Valentina travels light) in her decent-sized officer's quarters on Deck 3, she was contacted by the vessel's captain, Captain Andrew T. McGowan.

Valentina made it a habit to read up on the crew, particularly the commanding officer, before every assignment. It helped her to get a feel for those whom she'd be serving with. She had done some research on McGowan. During the early stages of the Dominion War, McGowan had been one of the fleet's star captains. However, when his wife died during the Battle of Betazed (which Valentina had intimate knowledge of, as she had been there), everything feel apart. Command delegated him to patrol duty around Sol and kept him out of the major engagements of the war. And, now, with the war over, somehow McGowan had been given the task to investigate the disappearance of the U.S.S. Scientia around Talarian space. How the fallen captain had gotten such a role, Valentina knew not, nor did she care to know. That was not her place.

In any case, McGowan had ordered her to the bridge, to fill in as captain until he was ready to take over. While in the back of her mind, Valentina found it odd that the captain wasn't on the bridge at such an important time as this, she wasn't about to question his orders. After all, there were many possible explanations for that. The life of a captain is a busy one and the captain can't be everywhere at once, especially when there is a pile of paperwork sitting on the desk back in their ready room, calling out their name. Not to mention the fact that Valentina, as a former marine, learned that it is best not to question the orders of a superior officer, except in the event that those orders are unconstitutional. After all, Valentina herself had been a commander of a unit back during the Dominion War. Had one of her officers questioned an order, she would send his whiny ass off to scrub the latrines.

Now, the middle-aged Russian woman filled the captain's vacant seat, monitoring the situation on the bridge, watching the movements of her fellow officers with the precise eye of a hawk. She was silent and motionless, as she observed the rest of the crew work and toil, all the while the Sentinel darting off through space towards Talarian territory, where the Talarians claimed to have information on the missing Nebula-class starship, the Scientia.

Suddenly, the whooshing sound of doors opening filled the bridge. Valentina knew the sound well. It was the sound of the doors to the captain's ready room sliding open. She swiveled her chair around to face the ready room, where she saw the older human male standing in the doorway. The dutiful Russian woman immediately sprang out of her seat and stood at attention, standing tall with her hands clasped, firmly, behind her back.

"Captain on the bridge!" Valentina called out the customary call whenever the captain of a starship entered the bridge. Valentina was an honor-bound woman, allows one to follow protocols and standards. It comes naturually when living in a Russian house with strict, conservative parents, parents who would have been better suited to be born into the 20th Century rather than the 24th.


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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Lord Borg
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PostTue May 15, 2007 10:36 pm    

-U.S.S. Sentinel, Turbolift-

Lieutenant Commander Elora Rayne stood in the turbolift as she glanced her soft eyes over the PADD she was holding, she was studying up on several differnt subjects at once, her mind allowed her to use one PADD, and read more then one readout, and even remember it. The PADD had information on the Talarians, the Starfleet listining post that had been destroyed, and the missing Starfleet vessel, Scientia.

Elora sighed as she shifted her body weight, she craned her neck carefully as to streatch out the muscels within it, but not cause any sort of damage to any joints, or tendons, she knew that her health could change over the slightest damage. Fifteen pounds of her body weight was pure muscel, from her years of training and work out, it had proven to be a life saver many times.

The doors hissed opened and Elora stepped out onto the bridge the small control center was filled with activity, she glanced over to the doors of the Captain's ready room and noticed her Commanding Officer was standing there, she quickly stood at attention, waiting for him to speak, or allow people to continue with what they were doing.


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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Stooge Two

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PostTue May 15, 2007 10:36 pm    

USS Sentinel Sickbay ((*sigh*))
Sytok stood there, and argued with the stubborn hologram.
"Look. Either you put this stuff away, or I put it away, and we be constantly at eachother's throats for the next 12 hours, while I slowly strip every logic process out of your program." Sytok warned it.
LMH: "For the last time, I do not organize things. I am not a bloody nurse. I'm a doctor."
"You are going to be a replicator in two minutes if you do not start putting things away." Sytok replied.
LMH: "Now that would be a neat trick."
"Computer, De-activated the LMH." Sytok said aloud.
"Program offline." Came the chiper reply.
Sytok stared down at the box. Box number 3 of 127.
He sighed.
"Computer, as the LMH wants to be a doctor, I am going down to the messhall to eat something. If anyone comes in here, turn on that over-grown talking waffle iron, and let him deal with them." He said.
"Incorrect protocol. Unrecognized command. Illogical command. Please rephrase." Came the reply.
"WHAT IS IT WITH TECHNOLOGY TODAY?" He asked aloud, rather exasperated.
"Computer... PLEASE activate the LMH if anyone comes into sickbay needing medical assistance. I will be in the mess hall." He said, after counting down from 20.
Sytok shook his head, and left for the mess hall.

USS Sentinel - Savur's Sanctuary
Sytok walked up to the replicator, and scrolled through the mint tea selections... and smiled.
"Computer, one hamburger, medium rare, hold anything that resembles a vegetable, with a side of fried chicken strips, two nutritional supliments, and one cup of mint tea... wait. No. Mint flavored hot chocolate."
"One moment please." Came the reply.
He looked down at his plate, and smiled. Then he walked over to a corner chair, as customary for his anti-social tendencies, and slowly began to meditate while he ate.
Looking over at the owner/operator of the mess hall, he noticed with great interest that the tall Vulcan did not treat him as other Vulcans did, and actually acknowledged him.
Odd. He thought to himself, shrugged it off, and finished eating in silence.

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Dominion Leader

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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:10 pm    

-USS Sentinel, Bridge-

Captain McGowan stepped out onto the bridge with the loud sound of Valentina's voice announcing the captain's presence. He cringed and felt all eyes turn to him. No doubt the officers were curious about their captain and wondered who he was. At last, most officers were no doubt like that. The Andorian helmsman was part of the original crew and knew Andrew, but even he didn't know that well as the captain had always been reclusive.

"At east." Andrew ordered as he moved towards the seat in the middle of the bridge.

It seemed the Russian woman had been keeping it warm for him. He found her to be a very beautiful woman, not that he would ever make a move. Andrew was far too old for her, obviously.

"I am captain Andrew McGowan," He announced loudly, "And-"

He stopped his introduction when he noticed a young woman standing at the science console. It was a face he had seen on his desk everyday, but the face was older and different. Andrew squinted his eyes and couldn't believe it. His daughter, Kiyra, had been assigned to this vessel. Either that or she had volunteered for it. Whatever the reason was, he couldn't believe it. Kiyra took after her mother in many ways, including in her looks. Seeing her was painful for many reasons.

"Full Lieutenant?" He said, eyeing her pips, "You were...promoted?"

The last time they had spoken, she was a lieutenant junior grade. Then again, it had been several years. He suddenly remembered he was on the bridge and that others were looking at him.

"Excuse me," He said, turning his eyes away from his daughter, "All of you...carry on!"

He looked towards his first officer and spoke, "ETA to Talarian space?"

As he waited for an answer, he shot a look towards his daughter and couldn't help but feel a swell of pride over her promotion and seeing her brought back good feelings. Something he hadn't had in...a long time.

-USS Sentinel, Sickbay-

Chomal Lroht, head nurse aboard the Sentinel, entered sickbay for the first time. He had been off duty for most of the time and was finally ready to take up his spot. The cheerful Bolian entered sickbay with a smile and looked around for the chief medical officer, Sytok. To his surprise, the LMH suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Please stat-" He said, but stopped.

The hologram looked around and realized that there was no emergency and remembered his argument with Sytok.

"What bloody hell is going on?" He asked in an upper-class British accent, "I am not to be used like this!"

The Bolian tilted his head in curiosity, "I've never seen an EMH that looks like you. The only one I've seen is the one with a bald head, beady eyes, and a terrible bedside manner."

"I'm an LMH," The hologram said in a stiff tone, "If I am activated one more time for no good reason, then I will cause a medical emergency."

The hologram shimmered and dissapeared, leaving the Bolian in shock.

"Well," He muttered, "He certainly has the attitude of a Mark I."

Chomal noticed there was no other medical staff present in sickbay.

"Computer," He said, "Please locate Dr. Sytok."

The computer replied in it's feminine, monotonic voice.

"Dr. Sytok is located in Savur's Sanctuary." It said.

The Bolian nodded absent mindedly and decided to organize sickbay a bit until the Vulcan returned from whatever it was he was doing.

-USS Sentinel, Savur's Sanctuary-

Savur, the Vulcan owner of the lounge aboard the Sentinel, was wiping the bar down as he always did. The "Vulcan" in him caused him to be a neat freak and he was constantly ensuring his place of bussiness was in order. The lounge was rather empty, save for a few scattered officers due to the fact most people were on duty. Savur eyed Sytok, but said nothing to him. He knew the Vulcan was...unusual. Then again, he knew a lot about each crewmen aboard the ship and for many reasons...

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Fleet Admiral

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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:18 pm    

USS Sentinel, Bridge

Kiyra had felt a dread in the deepest part of her mind for a few moments as she stood at attention, waiting for her father to come into her full view. But when he had, she felt the dread disappear and melt away, leaving her mind slightly chilled but refreshed. A smile crept across her lips but she didn't allow too much emotion to show. She was still on bridge and in front of her commanding officer. But a sense of satisfaction took hold of her as she saw the look on her father's face.

It had been many years, yes, but it was still the face of a father she had always tried to impress. Throughout her training and through her two other appointments on vessels, she had always been thorough in her work, always consistent on her reports back to her father, no matter where he was in the universe. She always wanted him to know that she was doing well and that her commanding officers approved. Approval was her main goal in life. Over everyone else, approval of her father was the most important.

Kiyra caught the eye of her father once more as he looked back at her after asking the first officer a question. Another smile crossed her lips and she blushed a light rose, suddenly very obvious of the look her father was giving her. She hadn't been in full view of him for a very long time and she suddenly fussed with her uniform, hoping it was in correct order and that everything was up to his standards. She smoothed her hair quickly with her hands before turning her attention back to the charts before her.

With a steadying breath, she continued her work, moving the chart about on the viewscreen, soaking in everything she could and making sure she didn't miss anything. Now that her father was watching, she couldn't afford to miss a single star or system.


]"...the truth is, I am scared to death just treading on your shadow..."

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La Forge
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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:25 pm    

U.S.S. Sentinel, Bridge

Valentina, having relaxed her body from a stance of attention, if only a little, watched the exchange between Captain McGowan and the young woman, who was supposed to be the Chief Science Officer aboard the Sentinel, with a raised eyebrow. For a split-second, she was a bit curious as to why the captain had reacted in such an odd fashion towards the woman sitting at the science console, who's name eluded the middle-aged Russian woman at the moment, however, she quickly pushed it to the back of her mind. The personal affairs of the captain and the rest of the crew were of no concern to Valentina, except if those personal matters were interfering with their duties. Valentina liked to pride herself on the fact that she managed to keep her work life and personal life seperate. Luckily for her, both of those lives were on in the same.

After the captain had finished his brief conversation with the young science officer, a hushed silence filled the room. Valentina could swear that she could hear the sound of her fellow officer's breathing, a most annoying rattling sound. The awkward silence was brought to a close when Captain McGowan barked off an order, calling for the others to return to their assigned duties. Then, the older man had returned his attention to his first officer, his first officer being Valentina, asking for the Sentinel's estimated time of arrival to Talarian space, their destination.

With a quick glance to a nearby computer console to verify the number currently floating around in her head, Valentina opened her mouth to answer her captain's question.

"Forty-five minutes until we reach Talarian space, sir." Valentina responded, curtly and simply, her monotonous voice devoid of any signs of emotion, aside from her usual relatively thick Russian accent. While she wasn't an emotionless person, Valentina managed to keep her emotions in check while on duty, another habit she had picked up during her lengthy time with the marines. And, serving in a war as horrible as the Dominion War can turn a once cheerful, ordinary woman into a cold-hearted bitch.

Last edited by La Forge on Tue May 15, 2007 11:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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Lord Borg
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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:29 pm    

-USS Sentinel, Bridge-

Elora Rayne had paid close attention to the exchange that occured between father and daughter, she couldn't help but stare actually, old memories came back to her from her days on the R.C.S. Tucker one of the several cargo carriers her family owned and opereated on a private shipping lanes though out the surrounding sectors of Terra Nova.

Rayne moved towards the two and gave a slight nod of her head, she had the upmost respect for her supperiors...usually, and even though the woman before her was lower ranked, she also respected the woman, it was protocal.

"Captain and Lieutenant McGowan" she greeted simply.


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:36 pm    

-USS Sentinel, Bridge-

McGowan nodded when his FO reported they were actually nearing Talarian space. He could feel a slight rush in adrenaline in the news. While he doubted the Talarians would attack them, there was something..exciting about going into potentially hostile space. He had seen almost no action during the Dominion War, so to be in a fight sounded It is probably reasons like that that the brass in Starfleet wanted him away from the fight: insanity. He turned his head to see a young, beautiful officer address him. She was a lieutenant commander judging by her rank pips. However, he had not looked over the crew manifest and did not know what her role was on the vessel. He simply gave her a dismissive nod, not realizing that she was his second officer and a member of Starfleet Intelligence. His gaze returned towards the first officer, Valentina.

"Have you had any dealings with the Talarians before, commander?" He asked, wondering if any in his crew had experiance with these people.

Andrew hoped that he'd get a chance to speak with his daughter soon...

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Stooge Two

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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:39 pm    

USS Sentinel - Savur's Sanctuary.

Sytok sat quietly, and ate. He watched the vulcan behind the counter do the same thing over and over again. He wondered if the vulcan could do a good plate of baby back ribs up, but he doubted it. Most vulcans weren't capable of cooking what they didn't eat, so he decided otherwise.
Sytok stared down at his plate, which was now almost gone. It had only been 10 minutes, and Sytok's forehead was still probably hot enough to fry an egg.
He got up, nodded to the barkeep, and went to the replicator.
"Full rack of baby back ribs... and a mint-hot chocolate refill." He said quietly.
He pulled a padd out of his pocket, and stared carefully at the message it contained. Confused, and annoyed, he almost threw it at a wall.
T'anja died. As if I haven't been through ENOUGH, now my wife is dead. He thought quietly to himself. And what of our daughter? Will T'lara make it into the academy on her own? Will her vulcan foster parents let her? I know full well they wouldn't let me take care of her. I'm too "distant" from "proper" society.
He ate alone quietly, still. Saying nothing.
And people wonder why I am so angry... it isn't surprising, if they were to learn some of the things I have seen, some of the things I have had to do, and some of the things inflicted upon me. The slave camp was the worst. Most Starfleet officers prefer to quietly pretend they never existed. It makes it easier to insult apparently angry "for no reason" junior officers. Still... after that incident in the bar at the starbase, I had better start curbing my temper before I break someone ELSE's arm. I'm a doctor, not a soldier. Hypocratic oath. First, do no harm. The thoughts ran through his mind a mile a minute, and still, alone, and quiet, he ate. This was his meditation. It restored his peace of mind. It required no other contact, no candles, just one sad lonely little mind, and a large quantity of louisiana baby back ribs. Most Vulcans would look down on this, however, the barkeep apparently didn't seem to notice or care. Perhaps Sytok had found the only vulcan in the universe that might actually accept him for him. Still... he was worried.
Going into the unknown... against unknown diseases. With unknown species to treat as patients, with unknown circumstances ahead. He hoped it would be alot more fun and games then the slave camps, or the subsequent boring patrol around Sol that he had first observed when assigned to this ship. He would have to find someone to play chess with, which was probably the ONLY vulcan thing he excelled at.
...My thoughts get so crowded within my head... how can I ever be lonely? He thought to himself. But he knew the answer. It wasn't a hard one. It started with T, and he used to be married to it.
Silently, alone in his corner, he ate. Quiet. Alone. And peaceful.

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Fleet Admiral

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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:43 pm    

USS Sentinel, Bridge

Kiyra nodded quickly to the second officer as she spoke to her and then returned to her duties, casting a glance more than once in her father's direction. She was anxious to have a moment's conversation with him but at the moment, the timing wasn't right.

For now, she appeared studious in her task but her mind was beginning to wander elsewhere and an anxious feeling was beginning to fall over her. She felt tension in the room, not a hostile tension, but a nervous one and her nerves were beginning to become undone. With a quick breath, she tightened her hold on her feelings and turned her attention to a particular system which had managed to keep its name hidden from her memory.


]"...the truth is, I am scared to death just treading on your shadow..."

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Lord Borg
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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:50 pm    

USS Sentinel, Bridge

Rayne had stood there, almost dumbfounded at what just happened, surely this...Captain would know who she is? She suppose he could have been kept busy for the laast fourteen or so hours, still though how is it he did not know her face?

"uh..." she cuaght herself and took a step back and looked the Captain over, just what the hell was that? How dare he not know who she is, or simply...dismiss her?

"Pardon, Captain?"


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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La Forge
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PostTue May 15, 2007 11:59 pm    

U.S.S. Sentinel, Bridge

Due to Captain McGowan's question, Valentina was forced to wrack her mind, searching for any experience she may have had with the Talarians in her forty year life. She was forced to think to her youth, a period of her life that she had tried to avoid. Then, everything came back to her. After thinking for a moment or two, she opened her mouth to speak.

"A little, sir." Valentina started off. "When I was only a private in the marines, my squad was sent to Gastal IV, during the Galen border wars. I missed out on the fight, as I had injured my leg beforehand, but, the stories that I heard later on were...dismaying." the middle-aged Russian woman paused, her brilliant green eyes looking off into space as her mind wandered back in time, to 2357 when she was a raw recruit, at the ripe age of twenty-one years old.

She was onboard a Miranda-class starship. It was taking her and the rest of her squad, all of them fresh meat like her, to Galen IV, a Federation colony world, on the Federation-Talarian border. Apparently, the Talarians believed that the Federation was encroaching on its boundaries and began to attack any Federation worlds along its boundaries. Galen IV was one of those colony worlds. When Valentina and her squad had arrived, the colony was utterly decimated. Roaring fires raged in the cities and bodies, human and Talarian alike, littered the streets. The buildings crumbled and the Talarians left no survivors, aside from a young four-year old boy, whom the Talarians claimed to raise as their own.

In any case, Valentina and her squad had been ordered to go after the Talarians who had destroyed the colony and, apparently, were still hiding out on the planet while waiting for transport to arrive. On route to the Talarians' hiding place in the mountains, Valentina broke her leg and was shipped back to the Miranda-class starship later. Several hours later, the rest of her squad, which consisted of forty troops at first, returned to the ship. Only nineteen remained, the Talarians having killed the rest and fled, their transport waiting for them. She had lost half of her squad that day and the events of that day haunted her to this day. It was a reminder that the universe isn't a happy place and it wasn't something that she was likely to forget, anytime soon.

"The Talarians..." Valentina spoke, again, snapping out of her trance and her mind returning to the year of 2376. "...are a strong people, captain. Xenophobic, as well. The Talarians don't forget things easily, especially a war like the one back in the '50s. I suggest extreme caution when in Talarian space. I wouldn't be suprised if there are a few Talarian ships out there, itching to break the peace." Valentina finished, at length, a hint of wariness in her voice. She still hadn't forgotten that fateful day in 2357...

Last edited by La Forge on Wed May 16, 2007 10:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


You'll never hear me say this again in my life, but...

Go Red Sox!

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Stooge Two

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PostWed May 16, 2007 12:14 am    

USS Sentinel - Suvar's Sanctuary.

Sytok carefully rose, and deposited his tray in the recycler. He felt alot better now. He always did. Still, he was worried. But he felt better.
He checked his PADD's other notes, and noticed that, surprise surprise, the captain was now a full month late on his physical.
Time to go annoy him on the bridge. Sytok thought to himself with an evil little smirk.

USS Sentinel - Bridge
Sytok walked out of the turbolift, and casually looked over the amusing scene around him. It was obviously quite nervous and tense on the bridge, which made it, in his mind, the perfect time to harass the captain about physicals.
Casually, he walked over to the captain, and smiled.
"Captain, I do believe we have to have a little chat about your physicals..." He said quietly.

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PostWed May 16, 2007 12:19 am    

-USS Sentinel, Bridge-

As Valentina began her explanation on her experiance with the Talarians, Elora had attempted to get the captain's attention. He shot her a look of annoyance and then turned back to his FO and listened until she was done her explanation. It seemed that her experiance with the Talarians was an interesting one and verified what was in the reports about them. It made Andrew wonder why they were being so...charitable with this information on the Scientia. He could only nod when she finished her report on the Talarians.

"I see," He said, "Well in that case, keep us at yellow alert. It probably wouldn't be wise to let the bastards catch us off-guard."

His wording was bit...undiplomatic, but that didn't matter to him in the least. He wasn't an ambassador and was never really civil. It was why he was a scientist and not really a diplomat. Well, that was until he became promoted to captain of course. He turned to finally address Elora, slightly irritated that he couldn't speak to his daughter. However, duty came first on starships. He was about to speak when the turbolift doors opened and a Vulcan stepped out, claiming that they need to speak about physicals. He hoped to God that this Vulcan was a medical officer and not a sick pervert with an unusual fetish.

"Doctor?" He asked in curiosity.

He looked around and thought it might be best if everyone introduce themselves...

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Spellbinder Marik
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PostWed May 16, 2007 12:42 am    

-U.s.s. Sentinel, Main Engineering-

Hayley Taydan sat in the chair of the small chief engineer�s office. She hadn�t slept in nearly a day. They�d been at warp for 14 hours. The fatigue was getting to her. She�d already started snapping at the engineering staff. She had a feeling that they didn�t like her either. She hadn�t noticed that Ensign Kisanan had entered her office.
�Ma�am, you�ve been up a long time. Perhaps you should get some rest.� Haley started speaking before she engaged her brain.
�I�ll rest when I damn well feel like it!� She�d took a deep breath the moment after.
�I�m sorry. You�re right. I�ll get some rest.� Haley stood up and walked toward the door.

�You know what to do ensign.� Jota nodded.
�Yes ma�am.�

-U.s.s. Sentinel, Corridor-

Haley was walking to end of the corridor. She entered a lift.
�Deck 3.� The ship was small so the lift rides were short.

-U.s.s. Sentinel, Haley�s Quarters-

Haley entered her quarters and slumped down in a chair. Her eyes closed and she tried to find sleep. She never slept easily for the first few months in a new place. It didn�t help that they�d promoted her and given her the head of an entire department. It wasn�t that she didn�t appreciate it. It was just unexpected. All of the engineers in her class had said that being a chief engineer was what they looked forward to. She hadn�t looked forward to it. Especially with her track record. Across her career she�d spent more than 6 weeks in a brig or holding cell. At one time she�d considered becoming a security officer or hazard team member. Those positions had rules too so she stuck to her engineering classes.

Her eyes opened and peered around. Her quarters were dark. It was the way she liked them. Haley got up and walked over to her replicator.
�Mint tea, hot.� The replicator buzzed and produced a steaming drink. Haley sat back down in the chair and sipped the tea. She closed her eyes again. She wanted to go to the holodeck and meditate but didn�t have the energy. She�d secretly began using a Vulcan meditation program to curb her explosive temper. She didn�t think it was working. Then she always thought Vulcans were a little stuffy anyway.


"No changeling has ever harmed another."
- Female Changeling

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Lord Borg
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PostWed May 16, 2007 1:05 am    

USS Sentinel, Bridge

Elora had not yet recived an answer, the Vulcan medical officer, or rather the Chief Medical Officer had arrived to the bridge, and made a beeline for the Captain, and whispered something about physicals. She felt a shiver move though her spine at those words, the Phyiscals discomfortied her, it wasn't being looked over to make sure she was healthy, it was the feeling of being tramped, of feeling helpless. Then, there was the added discomfort of the medical staff and how they went about the exams.

Elora stepped forward and cleared her throat to get the Captain's attention, she didn't want to be rude.

"Sir, My name is Lieutenant Commander Elora Rayne, your Second Officer?"

For now, Elora had left out about being with Starfleet Intelligece, while it wasn't a major secret per se, it wasn't something every person on this ship needed to know.


When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

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PostWed May 16, 2007 3:06 am    

-USS Sentinel, Bridge-

The captain nodded towards Elora, realizing that she was not some random officer from one of the lower levels of the vessel. No, she was a high ranking officer and third in command of the entire starship. Andrew found it shocking how young she was, how young many of them were. It seemed like Starfleet fought to refill their ranks in the Dominion war and brought in a lot of new faces. The faces of children. With time running out fast with the Talarian situation, the captain needed to discuss with his senior staff what they should prepare for.

"Commander?" Andrew said to Valentina, "Have the senior staff convene in the briefing room."

He didn't explain himself on why he wanted it, nor did he give the poor Vulcan doctor a chance to introduce himself. The older man stepped away from the group of officers surrounding him and made his way towards the turbolift. The briefing room was in deck two. He shot a look towards his daughter and motioned for her to get in with him.

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The Canadian, eh

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PostWed May 16, 2007 3:49 am    

~ Security Office, USS Sentinal ~

"What I expect from you all is nothing short of complete obedience, a sense of trust, and the knowledge that I know you're going to give it your all, no matter what the situation calls for," the man said in a loud voice, a trace of a French accent present, though not utterly obvious, "As officers under my command, I expect a sense of comradery among your fellow officers as well as a sense of honour. I expect you to look after one and other while still preforming your duties to the best of your ability. These things are essential to the coordinated efforts of security should something arise, will help you defend each other better, and most importantly, will help solidify this group into our own family-like structure, which could be essential to your survival. When I was fighting the Jem'Hadar on AR-558, if we didn't form that bond we'd have undoubtedly died. Knowing that you're fighting to keep the man next to you alive is a stronger instict than your own survival."

This was the third time that Lieutenant Commander Vincent Pominville had recited such a speech to his men. There were 60 security officers on the ship with a compliment of 184 officers. He split them into three groups of 20 to introduce them to himself.

"Permission to speak freely, Sir?"

"Go ahead, ensign."

"We're on a deep space assignment, not battling Jem'Hadar in the caves of AR-558. I don't see how all this quite applies."

"Ensign? Shut up or I'll shoot you in the knee. It'll apply if this ship ever gets boarded. Then you'll be hoping you have one of your brothers or sisters of security standing with you."

The ensign was taken aback slightly and Pominville just smirked before returning his attention to the whole group.

"The new duty roster has been posted. You're all dismissed."

Vincent sighed as he turned around and grabbed his coffee off the desk of the office behind him and finished it. He had been off-duty but felt it necessary to discuss several things with his officers before heading to bridge. He had introduced himself to them all and let them know a bit about himself, what he expected, so on and so forth. He supposed now was as good a time as any to meet the Captain and the rest of the bridge crew as he was the chief tactical and security officer of the station. He left the office and made his way to the turbolift.

~ Turbolift, Sentinal ~

The largish French man stepped onto the turbolift and called for the bridge. His hair was greying fairly early due to the stress he endured during the Dominion war, though, he found it just distinguished him and left it as he rather liked it. Vincent Pominville was a 34 year old officer while an odd temperment. He could go from joking to mad to joking in the blink of an eye, likely as a result of his experiences on planet AR-558. He had astounding leadership qualities and had been well liked in the group guarding the communications array. That posting had been the highlight of his career to this point, having volunteered to remain for several rotations and acting as a veteran to the fresh faces. Now he had all new fresh faces to mold to his liking.

The turbolift arrived at the bridge and Vincent stepped off only to be face to face with the apparent Captain, judging by the rank pips.

"Ahh, Captain, nice to meet you," Pominville said as he reached out his hand, "I had been hoping to meet you face to face but didn't expect you to be waiting for me like this," he said with a smirk.

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PostWed May 16, 2007 3:58 am    

-USS Sentinel, Bridge-

Before either he or his daughter Kiyra could get into the turbolift, a man stepped out and was standing literally inches away from the captain. McGowan stepped back and eyed this new officer that spoke to him. Like the others, he had no clue as to who this man was. However, judging by the fact that only senior staff has approached him, McGowan made the safe assumption that was what he was. His undershirt was gold which revealed he was either in security or engineering. Either way, Andrew was glad to see someone a bit older. While Vincent was by no means an old man, his demeanor revealed he wasn't some fresh face out of the academy. No, McGowan could see that he definitly had some experiance behind him and it wasn't a perfect report PADD from the Academy. He took the hand's man and shook it, while responding.

"Nice to meet you," Andrew replied, "You my...chief engineer or security officer?"

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