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Birdy Socialist

Joined: 20 Sep 2004 Posts: 13502 Location: Here.
Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:03 pm Errors in Eps of Voyager |
I wanted this to be a general forum, where everyone can post things that they see that are wrong in episodes. Just put the ep from where you've seen it, and tell us what you saw, and what you think of it
I've seen quite a bit now, for example in 'Year of Hell', part 1. Janeway goes to her readyroom, it's all messy, she gets stuff off her desk, looks at her computer, it's broken, and Chakotay comes in. They have a talk about abandoning the ship, and she puts her favortie cup on her desk. Then they get called to the bridge, and as you see another shot of the desk, it's suddenly very clean, and her computer isn't broken anymore. The ship is shaking and the cup falls on the floor.
So funny!
I wonder, is it just a glitch, or do the producers want to let us see that?
Nosce te ipsum
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:12 pm |
I dont know about the computer, as for the desk, she cleaned it off
Sam Kenobi Not a Duke

Joined: 13 Jun 2003 Posts: 10373 Location: The 'Verse
Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:31 pm |
I think there's already a tpoic like this... but that's ok.
One that I remember... this one is so nerdy to have noticed, but in the episode "Drive" when B'Elanna takes Harry's place on the Delta Flyer, she tells Tom that she "assigned Harry to a level five diagnostic" and Tom winces like a level five diagnostic is bad... but in real life, a level five dignostic only takes a few seconds.. and a level one diagnostic takes hours.
Birdy Socialist

Joined: 20 Sep 2004 Posts: 13502 Location: Here.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:48 am |
Sam Kenobi wrote: | I think there's already a tpoic like this... but that's ok. |
Well, I thought so too, but didn't know what to look for and pm'd Thomas, but he didn't see a similar topic so... I created this one
Quote: | One that I remember... this one is so nerdy to have noticed, but in the episode "Drive" when B'Elanna takes Harry's place on the Delta Flyer, she tells Tom that she "assigned Harry to a level five diagnostic" and Tom winces like a level five diagnostic is bad... but in real life, a level five dignostic only takes a few seconds.. and a level one diagnostic takes hours. |
Really?? That's so cool. I didn't know that!
Nosce te ipsum
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:49 am |
Sam Kenobi wrote: | I think there's already a tpoic like this... but that's ok.
One that I remember... this one is so nerdy to have noticed, but in the episode "Drive" when B'Elanna takes Harry's place on the Delta Flyer, she tells Tom that she "assigned Harry to a level five diagnostic" and Tom winces like a level five diagnostic is bad... but in real life, a level five dignostic only takes a few seconds.. and a level one diagnostic takes hours. |
Rember that Diagnostics are done ship wide, and on ecery single system, and computer station etc.... I'd imagine on a 24th century 15 deck ship, it would take some time.
Sam Kenobi Not a Duke

Joined: 13 Jun 2003 Posts: 10373 Location: The 'Verse
Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:06 pm |
Quote: | From "Star Trek Voyager- Technical Guide Version 1.0" (A Voyager technical manual for writers from Roddenberry industries)
Diagnostic- Pre-programmed troubleshooting procedures used to troubleshoot most ship's systems. When you want a through (but time-consuming) analysis, you ask for a "level one diagnostic." When faster (but less through) analyses are called for, "level two" through "level five diagnostics" are usually ordered. (Five being the fastest). |
Drive 7:3 wrote: | Tom: What about Harry?
B'Elanna: I assigned him to a level five diagnostic in engineering.
Tom: Oh, that's terrible... |
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:55 pm |
I was just about to put that Sam Kenobi. LOL.
Lord Borg wrote: | Rember that Diagnostics are done ship wide, and on ecery single system, and computer station etc.... I'd imagine on a 24th century 15 deck ship, it would take some time. |
I was going to put, (before Kenobi wrote what he wrote) It would depend whether or not she gave him a specific thing to run a diagnostic on. Since Engineering is the place of choice, it wouldn't take that long. An hour or two at most. (my best guess, anyway.)
luit14 Commodore

Joined: 19 Mar 2005 Posts: 2232 Location: Come on in HEEERE! :P
Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:31 pm |
I always thought she said a level 4 diagnostic. But I dunno. I always wondered which was harder, the higher or lower numbers. Now I know. 
Sam Kenobi Not a Duke

Joined: 13 Jun 2003 Posts: 10373 Location: The 'Verse
Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:05 pm |
Nah, she said five. I watched that scene before I wrote that... just to make sure.
Lord Borg Fleet Admiral

Joined: 27 May 2003 Posts: 11214 Location: Vulcan Capital City, Vulcan
Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:35 pm |
Yeah, but its a 15 deck ship, with it being done system/ship wide, I'd imagine that it would take a bit.
Sam Kenobi Not a Duke

Joined: 13 Jun 2003 Posts: 10373 Location: The 'Verse
Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:14 am |
Not all diagnostics are done ship wide... is basically what we're saying. You can assign a diagnostic to a certain system. I watched a bit of TNG today and they were talking about doing a "shipwide dignostic" and how they'd have to shut all their systems down to do that. So... I think when someone says "we need to run a level 2 diagnostic on the astrometrich sensors" or the like, they basically mean just run a scan for an hour or so on only the astrometrich sensors.
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:18 pm |
^^^Ya. There's a big difference from "Shipwide" to a specific piece of equipment, or place or anything. Example: "Let's run a diagnostic on the entire warp system..." compared to: "Let's run a diagnostic on the warp core..."
(The above examples aren't in episodes...) 
Sam Kenobi Not a Duke

Joined: 13 Jun 2003 Posts: 10373 Location: The 'Verse
Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:35 pm |
Ok... I just found another so-that-makes-me-a-nerd error.
I'm watching "Relativity" from season 5. It's near the beginning when the pre-Caretaker Janeway is in Engineering with an admiral and detects some chrontoton particles in the Jefferies Tube that Seven is in and has locked from the inside. The dialogue goes like this...
Relativity 5:24 wrote: | Janeway: I'm reading some kind of chronoton flux...
Admiral: Chronotons?
Janeway: It's coming from inside this Jefferies Tube
Admiral: Patterson to security, seal off deck 4 |
I don't know why they would need to seal off deck 4... engineering is on deck 11.
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:51 pm |
That I agree with. I forgot about that one. But everytime I see it, it drives me nuts. But, I think the writers were intending for Seven to go into the Jeffries Tube on Deck 11, and then crawled her way up to Deck 4.
Now, I know that sounds stupid, but it's the only logical answer other than a mistake, but that's the way I try to look at it so it's not...a mistake. LOL. 
rabbit Lieutenant

Joined: 19 Mar 2005 Posts: 208
Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:09 pm |
In Macrocosms, is there a special reason that Janeway goes from the mess hall to sickbay without switching decks... 
Thomas Pool Princess

Joined: 08 Jul 2001 Posts: 19730 Location: Manchester
Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:09 am |
Sam Kenobi wrote: | Ok... I just found another so-that-makes-me-a-nerd error.
I'm watching "Relativity" from season 5. It's near the beginning when the pre-Caretaker Janeway is in Engineering with an admiral and detects some chrontoton particles in the Jefferies Tube that Seven is in and has locked from the inside. The dialogue goes like this...
Relativity 5:24 wrote: | Janeway: I'm reading some kind of chronoton flux...
Admiral: Chronotons?
Janeway: It's coming from inside this Jefferies Tube
Admiral: Patterson to security, seal off deck 4 |
I don't know why they would need to seal off deck 4... engineering is on deck 11. |
Phew, I managed to find the old issue of Star Trek Monthly when someone wrote to Larry Nemecek asking him to explain that.
Star Trek Monthly wrote: |
Q: I've noticed a few inconsistencies in Star Trek: Voyager. In the episode Relativity, when Captain Braxton recruits Seven of Nine for a temporal mission, she, on several occasions, accesses a Jefferies tube on Deck 4 from Main Engineering. But surely Engineering is on Deck 11, a full seven decks lower. That is a big hike!
A: Your other query for Relativity is more problematic, but not hopeless. Yes, it is seven decks from Engineering to the point of the temporal sabotage as repeatedly stated on Deck 4 - but our Seven is a healthy girl, as you've noticed. We just have to say that taking the long way around was part of her precaution for sneaking through these time periods, using an access junction via Engineering.
Our case for that theory is bolstered by the fact that, as the episode wears on, other incidents occur out in corridors on Deck 4 as well - perhaps closer to the actual bomb point.
The reality, of course, is that the standing sets didn't really have ready-built access points to Jefferies tubes except on the Engineering set. |
Obviously I didn't bother typing the other question they asked or the answer they were given... that's why the wording may seem a little weird.
Gloss rhymes with hair!
Sam Kenobi Not a Duke

Joined: 13 Jun 2003 Posts: 10373 Location: The 'Verse
Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:30 pm |
OK, ok... that makes sense and all. But... Janeway said "behind this door". I know it's not going to happen, but they should have added something like "up this Jefferies Tube to Deck 4" so it's not so random that the Admiral knows that "behind this door (in Engineering)" really means "Deck 4"... or something. Oh well.
natane Senior Cadet
Joined: 26 Aug 2005 Posts: 29
Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:29 am |
Episode Year of Hell
After the 1st hit by spacetime shockwave,an unidentified vessel
continue to fire voyager.Than the captain's vessel tell Janeway that voyager's
opposing the Krenim Imperium. By that time, Janeway and all senior
officers in bridge should remember Kes warning (from Eps Before and After).
Kes has already gave Tuvok a full report about everything she know
about Krenim's attack. That's including the nature of Krenim weapon. So
when they got attack from Krenim, Voyager should be able to defend itself before heavily damaged.
But, when it's really happen, they still don't understand why Krenim
waepon able to rip their shield, until Tuvok (finally) finds out the
weapon is chroniton based and in a state of temporal flux (HAH).
And than,there's a scene when 7/9 insisted to determine Krenim
torpedo's temporal variance from a undetonate torpedo logged in one of
voyager's jefferies tube. This action cost the lost of Tuvok sight. The odd
thing is Kes also already know the exact variance, which is 1.47
microseconds, and she must have put it on her report.
So, is that an error or they just simply forgotten?
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:43 pm |
natane wrote: | Episode Year of Hell
After the 1st hit by spacetime shockwave,an unidentified vessel
continue to fire voyager.Than the captain's vessel tell Janeway that voyager's
opposing the Krenim Imperium. By that time, Janeway and all senior
officers in bridge should remember Kes warning (from Eps Before and After).
Kes has already gave Tuvok a full report about everything she know
about Krenim's attack. That's including the nature of Krenim weapon. So
when they got attack from Krenim, Voyager should be able to defend itself before heavily damaged.
But, when it's really happen, they still don't understand why Krenim
waepon able to rip their shield, until Tuvok (finally) finds out the
weapon is chroniton based and in a state of temporal flux (HAH).
And than,there's a scene when 7/9 insisted to determine Krenim
torpedo's temporal variance from a undetonate torpedo logged in one of
voyager's jefferies tube. This action cost the lost of Tuvok sight. The odd
thing is Kes also already know the exact variance, which is 1.47
microseconds, and she must have put it on her report.
So, is that an error or they just simply forgotten? |
Ok. I know exactly how you feel about this episode. I saw this episode b4 seeing the one with Kes, (Before and After, I think it was). The episode "Year of Hell" was actually supposed to be the season three ender, and season four opener. But then First Contact came out and the producers said, I want the Borg for this season gap.
B/C if you listen to the Stardate given in "Before and After" for when the Year of Hell first started, it was 50973, (The stardate was somewhere around the one that I gave. I can't remember right off the top of my head.) This stardate given is actually about the time that "Scorpion Pt. I" first started.
So, in the orginal scripted idea for Year of Hell (I'm guessing), Kes was supposed to be in it. Obviously they just decided to make it seem that there was an alteration in the timeline or something, b/c Tuvok did say, something like, "There may be a significant affect on the timeline" b/c she had told them this information.
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Sat Aug 27, 2005 1:13 pm |
Thomas wrote: | The reality, of course, is that the standing sets didn't really have ready-built access points to Jefferies tubes except on the Engineering set. |
Actually they did. The one major set they used for the most of their walking around in did have a Jeffries tube access. But they had a wall they could move to cover it up when they wanted to display another "deck" of the ship.
You can email me if you would like the weblink to the picture of the exact set they used. I don't know if I can put the link on here b/c it goes straight to a picture. There's another link that goes to an actual webpage, that has the link to the picture is in the middle of it. If somebody could let me know if it's ok to post it, I will. Otherwise just email me.
[email protected]
Just tell me who you are that you'd like the link to the "Voyager Sound Stage Picture" and I'll send it back to you.
Rabbit wrote: | In Macrocosms, is there a special reason that Janeway goes from the mess hall to sickbay without switching decks... |
Ya. LOL. I like that episode alot! It's a good episode. But that part drives me nuts. They must imply that she goes down from the mess hall. Because the soundstage that sickbay is on, is not on the same soundstage as the mess hall. email me for the picture that I talk about above. It has the picture of sick bay on it.
Thomas Pool Princess

Joined: 08 Jul 2001 Posts: 19730 Location: Manchester
Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:55 am |
Voyager2004 wrote: | Thomas wrote: | The reality, of course, is that the standing sets didn't really have ready-built access points to Jefferies tubes except on the Engineering set. |
Actually they did. The one major set they used for the most of their walking around in did have a Jeffries tube access. But they had a wall they could move to cover it up when they wanted to display another "deck" of the ship.
You can email me if you would like the weblink to the picture of the exact set they used. I don't know if I can put the link on here b/c it goes straight to a picture. There's another link that goes to an actual webpage, that has the link to the picture is in the middle of it. If somebody could let me know if it's ok to post it, I will. Otherwise just email me.
[email protected]
Just tell me who you are that you'd like the link to the "Voyager Sound Stage Picture" and I'll send it back to you. |
Posting links to pictures is fine. And none of what I posted is my own information... it came from a guy in the British Star Trek magazine who ran (maybe he still runs it... I haven't bought an issue for a couple of years) a column where people could write in with any questions about the show. They were mostly to do with errors. I assume he knew what he was talking about, 
Gloss rhymes with hair!
Birdy Socialist

Joined: 20 Sep 2004 Posts: 13502 Location: Here.
Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:09 am |
I saw some more mistakes, don't know if they're really wrong, let's see!
Demon wrote: | At a certain point Tuvok sais that all but decks 1 and 5 are offline, or without energy. |
Well, deck 11 is engineering, is the warp-core offline too? Would that be possible?
Nosce te ipsum
Voyager2004 Commodore

Joined: 13 Apr 2004 Posts: 2070 Location: Silverdale, WA
Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:38 pm |
^^^ Very true Birdy.
B'Elanna Torres 7 of 9 Ballet Babe

Joined: 20 Aug 2001 Posts: 3642 Location: DISNEY WORLD
Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:02 pm |
I can't remember which season it is in, but there's one where Roxanne Dawson is pregnant in real life, so in all the scenes they are trying to hide her stomach. Unless you actually look for her pregnant stomach, you don't notice it. If you do know she's pregnant though, it's easy to see. Not exactly any mistake, but just a little fun thing to look for.
"...I want so much more than they've got planned."*Belle Reprise* Beauty and the Beast
natane Senior Cadet
Joined: 26 Aug 2005 Posts: 29
Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:50 am |
Voyager2004 wrote: | Ok. I know exactly how you feel about this episode. I saw this episode b4 seeing the one with Kes, (Before and After, I think it was). The episode "Year of Hell" was actually supposed to be the season three ender, and season four opener. But then First Contact came out and the producers said, I want the Borg for this season gap.
B/C if you listen to the Stardate given in "Before and After" for when the Year of Hell first started, it was 50973, (The stardate was somewhere around the one that I gave. I can't remember right off the top of my head.) This stardate given is actually about the time that "Scorpion Pt. I" first started. |
Well, u're right. Year Of Hell started on stardate 50793 and Scorpion began on stardate 50984.
So, they decided to change the season three ender from YOH to Scorpion. By the time they reach the decision, they've already recorded Before and After, right? That's why I can understand that they couldn't change the fact in BnA, especially about the stardate of YOH. But,at least they could change the script of YOH, since they can put seven of nine there.
Voyager2004 wrote: | So, in the orginal scripted idea for Year of Hell (I'm guessing), Kes was supposed to be in it. Obviously they just decided to make it seem that there was an alteration in the timeline or something, b/c Tuvok did say, something like, "There may be a significant affect on the timeline" b/c she had told them this information. |
The effect on the timeline should be for the future. I mean there's nothing change in the past after Kes got purified from chroniton radiation. The purified action could effect the future, such as Kes ability develop quicker,which is explain why she leave voyager and not be there in YOH.
And then the report that Kes gave about Krenim's attack, how it could alter the future. Maybe the story can change a little bit. Like, with Kes warning, voyager could neuteralize Krenim's attack...but only for a moment. After the second time shockwave, the Krenim's weapon get upagraded and more powerful which finally gave voyager a hard time and heavily damaged...etc Anything could happen, they just too lazy to make a little adjustment in the script.
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