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Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:22 am More Dominion Members? |
Does anyone else wish we had seen more Dominion members? I loved the three members they always showed, the Founders, Vorta, and the Jem'Hadar though. I just wish that they had run into a few others. Supposedly the Dominion controlled many worlds within the Gamma Quadrant.
Memory Alpha wrote: | The Dominion is a major galactic political power, whose influence is exerted over thousands of planets in the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion was founded somewhere between 10,000 and 2,000 years ago by a species of shapeshifters known as the Founders. |
Wikipedia wrote: | In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Dominion is a Gamma Quadrant state, consisting of many different races. They are commanded by The Founders, who are shape-shifters. The main fighting force of the Dominion are the Jem'Hadar, genetically engineered super-soldiers who require no sleep or food, but who are kept bound to their Dominion masters by an addiction to the drug ketracel white. The Vorta act as administrators and liasons to other races. The Hunters are the designated navigators and trackers of the Dominion; another race, the Tosk, are bred to be continually tracked and hunted all their lives as practice for the Hunters (the Tosk are apparently engineered from the same original species as are the Jem'Hadar). The Dominion waged war on the United Federation of Planets and its allies in the 24th century. |
These are the known members so far...
Breen (2375)
Cardassians (2373-2375)
Jem'Hadar (military servant race)
T-Rogorans (conquered 2370)
Vorta (servant race)
Yaderans (conquered 2340)
My overall point is, does anyone else wish we had seen some more species that were part of the Dominion?
Tuvok8917 Dutchie

Joined: 15 May 2004 Posts: 4205 Location: On my way back home
Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:06 pm |
Yeah, that should have been cool. Maybe in a movie of DS9, or something. I would love to see that.
Omet'Ikilan Jem'hadar First

Joined: 28 Jul 2004 Posts: 2045 Location: Bridge of Jem'Hadar Ship
Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:43 pm |
umm the breen were some of them Founder
Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:46 pm |
Omet'Ikilan wrote: | umm the breen were some of them Founder |
What? I put the Breen as a member.
Breen (2375)
Cardassians (2373-2375)
Jem'Hadar (military servant race)
T-Rogorans (conquered 2370)
Vorta (servant race)
Yaderans (conquered 2340)
Omet'Ikilan Jem'hadar First

Joined: 28 Jul 2004 Posts: 2045 Location: Bridge of Jem'Hadar Ship
Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:02 pm |
wha...oh...ha...he...I...uh...knew that....
starnova Commodore

Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 1544 Location: Commodore on the USS Farraget
Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:26 pm |
whats a T-Rogorans and a Karemma?
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:47 am |
It would have been interesting however I speculate that most of the members of the dominion were confined mostly to their star system and they were low military powered. For the higher powered military species in the gamma quadrant, the worlds that were conquered were probably either demilitarized or eliminated by the dominion.
It would have been interesting to see if there was a major enemy of the dominion in the gamma quadrant or another coalition like the federation-klingon-romulan alliance.
sabertooth1217 UPN Boycotter
Joined: 21 Jun 2003 Posts: 11484 Location: Texas
Sat Apr 30, 2005 4:13 pm |
I would have to agree. I really would have liked to see more of the members in Deep Space Nine, but if they did would the Federation even stand a chance against them? It took all of starfleet in a vast war to take them out, If they had increased there fleet with some of the other members, would the Federation even last in the war?
Then again if they did bring in the others, they would make it so that the Federation would withstand them even more.. they might have even thought of making the federation and some other alien race allies.
Sonic74205 Rear Admiral

Joined: 01 Feb 2004 Posts: 4081 Location: England
Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:01 pm |
Well the way i see it. The Federation/Klingons/Romulans won the the alpha quadrant. I mean they managed to get them to sign a treaty blah blah blah but the Dominion still exists in the Gamma Quadrant. They still have their ship yards in the Gamma Quadrant and we all know that the Dominion builds ships FAST. So all in all i don't really see the Federation as winning the war. More like, the Prophets preventing the Federations destruction 
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Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:09 pm |
starnova wrote: | whats a T-Rogorans and a Karemma? |
T-Rogoran:(Never seen)
The T-Rogorans were a species native to the Gamma Quadrant. During the 16th century they conquered a race of farmers known as the Skrreeans. The T-Rogorans killed most of the Skrreean leaders, and forced the rest of the population to work as laborers and servants. In 2370, the T-Rogoran's were invaded and conquered by the Dominion, allowing the Skrreeans to escape.
The Karemma are a humanoid civilization native to the Gamma Quadrant, and members of the Dominion. Relations between the Karemma and the Alpha Quadrant were first established by the Ferengi in 2370, for the purchase of tulaberry wine. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")
In 2371, Federation representatives aboard the USS Defiant came together with First Minister Ornithar of the Karemma in an attempt to contact the Founders. The meeting was arranged by Quark, who had previously negotiated the tulaberry wine trade. Ornithar admitted that the only contact the Karemma had with the Founders was through their representatives, the Vorta. He did direct the Defiant crew to Callinon VII, where they had been instructed to send all inquiries. (DS9: "The Search, Part I")
In the following year, the Karemma began conducting trade with the Federation, exporting goods such as Karemman fleece. The Ferengi acted as neutral intermediaries, although they unfairly gouged the Karemma with fabricated taxes and tariffs. In 2372, a Karemman vessel commanded by Hanok met with the Defiant to discuss their complaints about the trade duties. During the meeting, the ships were intercepted by two Jem'Hadar attack ships. All four ships entered the atmosphere of a gas giant, where the Defiant was able to destroy the Jem'Hadar ships and rescue the crew of the Karemman ship.
-Source Memory Alpha
PrankishSmart wrote: | It would have been interesting to see if there was a major enemy of the dominion in the gamma quadrant or another coalition like the federation-klingon-romulan alliance. |
Yeah definitly. It would have been cool to see more Gamma allies.
sabertooth1217 wrote: | I would have to agree. I really would have liked to see more of the members in Deep Space Nine, but if they did would the Federation even stand a chance against them? It took all of starfleet in a vast war to take them out, If they had increased there fleet with some of the other members, would the Federation even last in the war? |
I never said they had to be enemies of the Federation.
Chakotay1988 wrote: | Well the way i see it. The Federation/Klingons/Romulans won the the alpha quadrant. I mean they managed to get them to sign a treaty blah blah blah but the Dominion still exists in the Gamma Quadrant. They still have their ship yards in the Gamma Quadrant and we all know that the Dominion builds ships FAST. So all in all i don't really see the Federation as winning the war. More like, the Prophets preventing the Federations destruction:P |
Not exactly. Possible Spoiler of the last episode....
Quote: | Odo went back to the Gamma Quadrant and healed his people. There he will teach them a new way other than conquest. So I think the reign of the Dominion is at a true end. |
Last edited by Founder on Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sonic74205 Rear Admiral

Joined: 01 Feb 2004 Posts: 4081 Location: England
Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:13 pm |
Oh yeah i forgot about that. lol.
I try not to think too much about the final episode now because last time i watched it i cryed. lol. I was like NO! Don't end! 
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Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:18 pm |
Chakotay1988 wrote: | Oh yeah i forgot about that. lol.
I try not to think too much about the final episode now because last time i watched it i cryed. lol. I was like NO! Don't end!  |
You and me both. Trust me. It was sad to see that show end. DS9 was definitly bold and revolutionary when it came to Star Trek. It was so great. You'll be missed DS9. Make a MOVIE!!!!!! 
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Sun May 01, 2005 12:15 am |
Intresting. One thing got me thinking. If section 31's virus actually did wipe out the founders do you think all jemhardar would suicide for allowing the founders to die? (I recall this happening in an episode but I forget the name) Would the federation have then effectively defeated the dominion?
sabertooth1217 UPN Boycotter
Joined: 21 Jun 2003 Posts: 11484 Location: Texas
Sun May 01, 2005 12:39 am |
PrankishSmart wrote: | Intresting. One thing got me thinking. If section 31's virus actually did wipe out the founders do you think all jemhardar would suicide for allowing the founders to die? (I recall this happening in an episode but I forget the name) Would the federation have then effectively defeated the dominion? |
Hmm.. If because of section 31 they would have all died out.. I doubt that the Federation would have taken credit for it. Most of the actions made my section 31 were never credited by Starfleet so I would have to say that techincal they wouldn't have defeated the dominion... *If that made any since*
Founder Dominion Leader

Joined: 21 Jun 2004 Posts: 12755 Location: Gamma Quadrant
Sun May 01, 2005 12:56 am |
PrankishSmart wrote: | Intresting. One thing got me thinking. If section 31's virus actually did wipe out the founders do you think all jemhardar would suicide for allowing the founders to die? (I recall this happening in an episode but I forget the name) Would the federation have then effectively defeated the dominion? |
The Vorta would lead the Jem'Hadar to fight back. They would probably unite to do a suicide attack on the Federation/Klingon/ and Romulan homeworlds. Then after suffering heavy casulties and wiping out all enemies, they would then prolly commit suicide. While the Vorta would do everything to honor the Founder's memories. The Dominion doesn't just lay down and die. Like the Female Founder said: "You may win this war, Commander, but I promise you, when it's over, you will have lost so many ships, so many lives, that your victory will taste as bitter as defeat."
sabertooth1217 wrote: | Hmm.. If because of section 31 they would have all died out.. I doubt that the Federation would have taken credit for it. Most of the actions made my section 31 were never credited by Starfleet so I would have to say that techincal they wouldn't have defeated the dominion... *If that made any since* |
It made sense, but like I said I don't think it would be the disease that would wipe out the Dominion.
PrankishSmart Rear Admiral

Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 4779 Location: Hobart, Australia.
Mon May 02, 2005 4:16 am |
^assuming the Jemhardar did not suicide when they died and also assuming the Vorta were capable of such a leadership role. They seem more like intermediators than leaders to me but I guess they could lead such a strike given the motive. I also agree with the federation not taking credit for section 31.