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Garak: Why do people think he's gay?
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Ensign, Junior Grade

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PostMon Jul 13, 2009 12:12 am    

WOW I read this whole thread, and it seemed to be interesting at first, then it turned to a flame war, then a silliess phase, and now I'm going to just type my oppinion.

So, is Garak gay? I can't say for sure. I've read up on this question, and I've come up with a lot of stuff.

In my oppinion, when I first saw Garak, I thought he would never be the type that would rub off After a while, I thought he might be gay, but didn't think much more about it. I read a couple of fan fics, and that really opened my eyes. I never knew people thought such things of Garak! I must say, some of the fan fics were great, and some were just too graphic for my innocent eyes to see.

In my oppinion, I like to think of him as not gay. I mean, he's my favorite character, and it's not the coolest things ever to walk around saying "Hey, my favorite DS9 character is possibley the only gay Cardassian ever. How awesome is that?". It just doesn't go like that.

Unfortunately, the more I watch Garak, the more I start to believe that he is indeed attracted to men. I mean, I don't know. HIs relationship with Bashir was confusing- as it was meant to be, I suppose. I still don't know if he's gay, or if he's just acting that way to make people be confused by him. You never know with Garak.

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Dominion Leader

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PostTue Jul 21, 2009 5:11 pm    

I don't see how anyone would think he's "gay". Yes, he acted prim and proper, but that does not denote gay. Not to mention, he clearly had romantic feelings for Ziyal (a woman...).

I think it's rather dumb that anyone thinks Garak is gay because he acted more reserved. Having lunch with a guy does not make one gay.

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Pimp Handed

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PostTue Jul 21, 2009 6:52 pm    

Maybe he was bi?


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Lux Mihi Deus

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PostTue Jul 21, 2009 6:56 pm    

IntrepidIsMe wrote:
Maybe he was bi?

Could be. Better yet, though, do we really care? If we're really all about equality, it really shouldn't be on our radar.


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Pimp Handed

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PostTue Jul 21, 2009 7:01 pm    

Apparently it has some people quite distressed.


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Ensign, Junior Grade

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PostFri Jul 24, 2009 4:55 am    

IntrepidIsMe wrote:
Maybe he was bi?

You know, I do believe at one point or another, in either book or interview, Andrew Robinson stated that he played Garak as though he was bi.

Ican understand more that Garak is bi rather than gay. Of course, there's always suspision in my mind, but it's easier to believe he's bi rather than gay.


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