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Election 2008, The race for the White House
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CJ Cregg

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PostSat Nov 11, 2006 3:07 pm    Election 2008, The race for the White House

I think we should have one main thread to keep all 2008 election related topic in. That way we don't have hundreds of separate topics.

GOP: McCain to Launch 2008 Presidential Exploratory Committee

WASHINGTON � Sen. John McCain, considered the front-runner for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, intends to launch an exploratory committee next week, GOP officials said Friday.,2933,228756,00.html

Iowa Gov. Vilsack to run for president

Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa took the initial step in his bid for the White House Thursday, establishing a presidential campaign committee and seeking an early jump on 2008.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostSat Nov 11, 2006 4:48 pm    

Interesting reports here. We've also got GOP Representative Duncan Hunter in the race. Who else will put their heads in the ring in the next few weeks? Guiliani? Hillary? Pataki? Jeb? Gingrich? Obama?

Here's what I say: Guiliani for President!


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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CJ Cregg

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PostSat Nov 11, 2006 5:30 pm

That's a pretty good analysis. It has all the possible candidates and whats going well and bad for them.

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CJ Cregg

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 2:27 pm    

Feingold decides against 2008 presidential bid

Sen. Russell Feingold, a leading liberal in Congress and an outspoken foe of the Iraq war, announced on Sunday that he would not seek the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.

Sen. Biden: I Will Run For President In '08...

Senator Joseph R. Biden (D-DE) said this morning on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos that he planned to seek the Democratic nomination for President in 2008.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 2:57 pm    

Interesting news. Thanks for the updates, CJ.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 3:45 pm    

I don't know if I could vote for Guiliani unless he changed his positions on abortion.

If he's nominated, I may be voting third party in '08.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 4:07 pm    

I might consider that if McCain is nominated. There's only so much a president can do on abortion, and it's likely that the federal government won't do much to stop it.

Guiliani is on the record as stating that the Congress's vote to ban partial birth abortion is reasonable, even though he, himself, is fine with it. In other words, if he were president, and the Congress passed a ban like that, he wouldn't veto it.

So, yeah. I'd be fine with a Guiliani presidency, even with his position on abortion.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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CJ Cregg

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 4:30 pm    

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson Hints At Presidential Bid...

Now on the Web, Oval Office Hopes

He's the popular New Mexico governor who has done stints in Congress, the United Nations, and the Energy Department, so it's about time Bill Richardson had a website promoting him for president. Well, is up and running, and its webmaster, former Richardson aide Jeff Gulko, says the goal is to get 2008's lone Hispanic hopeful elected president. It might be working. Democrat Richardson tells us he's mulling over a January announcement and says, "I've got something to offer."

John Edwards' New Book Ignites Speculation Of '08 Presidential Run...

Childhood homes provided a first movie set for Steven Spielberg, a window to New York's theater district for Hank Azaria and a fighting chance for Sugar Ray Leonard. They are among the memories shared in "Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives," a coffee-table collection of mini-memoirs edited by 2004 Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards.

"The home, family and the environment in which you grew up never goes away," Edwards said in an interview with The Associated Press. "It has a profound impact on who you are as a human being."

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 5:18 pm    

Surprise, surprise for both of them. Not really.

This is where things start to get interesting, when the candidates line themselves up. I'm just looking for Guiliani to put his head into the race. I'd support either him or Allen for the presidency, but Allen's pretty much out. My opinion on some of the Republican presidents, using those listed in the analysis CJ Cregg posted:

Allen - Support
Brownback - Don't know him, so couldn't honestly say
Frist - I don't like him; no
Gingrich - Perhaps
Giuliani - Definitely
Hagel - No
Huckabee - Don't know him, so couldn't honestly say
Hunter - Don't know him, so couldn't honestly say
McCain - No way, Jose
Pataki - Doubt it
Rice - Sure
Romney - Perhaps
Tancredo - Most definitely. If he ran, I'd support him over Guiliani. You can't find a better politician than Tancredo. But he had no chance of winning, and if he did get in the race, it'd most likely be to shift the debate towards illegal immigration, and then he'd probably pull out.

Last edited by Republican_Man on Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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CJ Cregg

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 6:22 pm    

Bayh - Excellent Choice, Very moderate democrat
Biden - No Way, Give up now, you know its pointless
Clark - Possible VP
Clinton - I like her, but won't be supporting her in the primary
Daschle - No, lost his senate seat
Dodd - No chance
Edwards - Possible, but he did underperformed in 2004
Gore - No, you lost once, goodbye
Kerry - Not now, no way he can win now
Obama - Not enough experience, possible VP
Richardson - Possible
Vilsack - Possible

Favorite ones in bold

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 9:07 pm    

John McCain - My Favorite choice, not as liberal as he's made out, and a very honest and electable politician. He's got my support in the primaries.

Condoleezza Rice - Smartest lady in Washington, would most definately receive my vote, though i'd like to hear more about her positions on domestic issues.

Mitt Romney - I'd like to see more from him, but what I've seen, he looks like a good candidate, might even win us some New-England states.

Jeb Bush - Jeb is a bit more savvy than W, and I think he's make a slightly better president than his brother; thus I would love to call him my president.

Bill Frist - I really like Bill Frist, unfortunately, he doesn't stand out much, he's too boring and uncharismatic.


Rudy Giuliani - Not my favorite politician by any means, but he could secure my vote with a change in position on a few key issues.

Newt Gingrich - I like Newt a lot on the issues, but he's a got a lot of skeletons in his closet, and would be way to easy to villify in the media.

Sam Brownback - A very likeable candidate, who can appeal to the common man, unfortunately, we know very little about him, with virtually no name recognition.

George Allen - I'd love to see him run, he's a favorite of mine, but the '06 elections may have killed his chances... at anything.

George Pataki - Way too liberal to get the nomination, Pataki is right along the mold of Lincoln Chaffee.

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 9:16 pm    

To be honest, there's really no candidate I want. I want someone who's left socially, but more right on government. I don't see anyone like that.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 9:24 pm    

WeAz wrote:
To be honest, there's really no candidate I want. I want someone who's left socially, but more right on government. I don't see anyone like that.

lol, one name: Rudy Guiliani


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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CJ Cregg

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 9:29 pm    

WeAz wrote:
To be honest, there's really no candidate I want. I want someone who's left socially, but more right on government. I don't see anyone like that.

Evan Bayh! Hes very moderate.
Rated 50% by NARAL, indicating a mixed voting record on abortion. - Supports abortion, just not crazy partial birth abortion
Balance debt reduction, tax relief, & policy investment.
Voted YES on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes.
Rated 60% by the ACLU, indicating a mixed civil rights voting record.
Rated 91% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes.
Rated 74% by the LCV, indicating pro-environment votes.
Rated 30% by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record.

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Office Junkie

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PostSun Nov 12, 2006 11:40 pm    

The only people who I'm 110% sure I'm not voting for are Jeb and Allen. They have not impressed me at all with their public attitude and track records.

Other than that I'm going to refrain from making any decisions now - I doubt I'll pay really close attention until the end or middle of next summer.

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The Quiet One

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 12:17 am    

I really hope Jeb doesn't get the nomination. Or worse... Bush vs. Clinton again. Anyone else worried by the elitism we're starting to see? Meeeee...

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 12:27 am    

I don't think Jeb has much of a chance, to be honest.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 1:03 am    

Any Candidate I support needs to be less than 20% rating by the Evangelical Community.

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Office Junkie

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 1:47 am    

Arellia wrote:
I really hope Jeb doesn't get the nomination. Or worse... Bush vs. Clinton again. Anyone else worried by the elitism we're starting to see? Meeeee...

Oh please no, I don't want to see Bush or Clinton on the ballot again...If that happens we will have had either a Bush or a Clinton in the White house for almost a quarter of a century.

That's terrifying.

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STV's Premier Conservative

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 2:17 am    

TrekkieMage wrote:
Arellia wrote:
I really hope Jeb doesn't get the nomination. Or worse... Bush vs. Clinton again. Anyone else worried by the elitism we're starting to see? Meeeee...

Oh please no, I don't want to see Bush or Clinton on the ballot again...If that happens we will have had either a Bush or a Clinton in the White house for almost a quarter of a century.

That's terrifying.

And perhaps more than that.

Bush = 4
Clinton = 8
Bush = 8
Those three = 20
Bush/Clinton = 4
Bush/Clinton 2nd term = 4
Total = 28

So, if Jeb or Hillary were to be elected, it would make it 24 years of Bush/Clinton rule. If that individual were to be re-elected, the total would be 28 years, more than a quarter century, of two-family rule. That is an astounding thought indeed.


"Rights are only as good as the willingness of some to exercise responsibility for those rights- Fmr. Colorado Senate Pres. John Andrews

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The Quiet One

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 11:09 am    

Not just astounding... I would consider that a very "bad" thing. I believe the founding fathers would've agreed. ...yeah, for sure. I could see Hilary getting the Dem nomination, though. I wish they could come up with someone new.

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Office Junkie

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 1:11 pm    

As I said, it's terrifying. We need some new blood in the mix. No one group (the Clinton's and Bush's are apparently friends now ) should ever EVER have that much power.

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CJ Cregg

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 7:00 pm    

Giuliani takes step toward '08 bid

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, a moderate Republican best known for his stewardship of the city after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, has taken the first step in a 2008 presidential bid, GOP officials said Monday.

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 7:03 pm    

^ Rudy's gonna have a tough time. Once the glow of his response after 9/11 wears off, and the press and opponents start getting into his management of NY while mayor, and especially the mess surrounding the end of his marriage, he hasn't a hope in hell...

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CJ Cregg

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PostMon Nov 13, 2006 7:22 pm    

I just can't see Giuliani winning the Republican nomination. The people who vote in the primaries are generally right wing or left wing. I just can't see the christian evangelicals and other right wingers voting for a liberal.

So he is tough on terror? So are a lot of other candidates, but they aren't socially liberal.

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